On this occasion we will learn about the operationón of LATAM Cargo and its flights to Ecuador, país where it operates mainly in Quito and on certain occasions, spaghettién in Guayaquil.
The Quito airport remains the main destination for aerolícargo lines that operate regularly and non-regularly in Ecuador to bring and carry cargo from the countryís towards the whole world.
flower exports, seagullón and banana are the main protagonists, but other products such as chocolate, café and pitahaya are growing alongside the treaties that Ecuador has signed, for example, with Europe.
The 28 of January of 2019, the airíI do not requestó before the Ecuadorian authority the renewalón of your operating permitón, maintaining all the cláusulas de operationón with until 6 weekly frequencies.
The cargo business isá in his historical bestórico, and from Quito they moved más de 215.919 tons of cargo during theñO 2017, what a means 14.7% máI know that heñO 2016.
About LATAM Cargo
The main airíLatin American cargo lineérich startó its operations in 1929 as part of LAN Chile and Ladeco with the aim of connecting Chilean products with the world.
For 1998, the airínea se fusionó with LAN Chile and pasó to be called Fast Air Carrier S.A., but only for a short period of time and its final name before the current one was LAN Cargo.
With the passing of theñIts growth allowedó to the airínea position rádemanded in the market as not only the main airlineícargo line from Chile, but alsoén generating a great presence in all countriesíses of the regionón, an icon in South Américh and recognized in all paíyou know where it operates.
LATAM Cargo counts in your operationón con aerolípartners in Colombia, Brazil and México. with these aerosolíbusiness partners or of which it is the ownerña, has managed to increase its position in the market and expand its operations. with LANCO (LATAM Cargo Colombia), ABSA (LATAM Cargo Brazil) y MasAir (LATAM Cargo México) It is the main airlineíregion cargo lineón.
Despite the initial growth of the aerolínea, in the úlast 3 a 5 años and due to increased competition from Aerolílines of the regionón and others from the United States or the Middle East, The cargo business for LATAM Cargo has been affected and has led to the airlineíto reduce its offer and even, shorten its aircraft fleet.
Fleet and destinations
Among all the aerosolsíLATAM Cargo partners, but they have operating permitsón independent, add up to a total of 8 aircraft in its fleet comprised exclusively of Boeing 767-300F aircraft with an average age of 8 añyou old. the airínea has the projectionón to reach 12 planes to theñO 2020 while it is receiving in its fleet the Boeing 767-300BCF, which are passenger planes converted into freighters.
Until the beginning of 2018, the airínea se despidió of Boeing 777F aircraft, which were returned or sold after the reductionón in the cargo business for the LATAM Airlines group, that alsoén carries out cargo transfers on its passenger planes.
With these 8 planes, the 4 aerolílines fly to meás de 30 destinations in Américh and Europe from all countriesíses of the regionón, Mainly feeding the main HUB of the Aerolínea in Miami, from where do they fly to Europe.
OperationóNo. of LATAM Cargo in Ecuador
With the operación of all its cargo subsidiaries, LATAM Cargo is the main cargo carrier in capacity offered andúnumber of monthly flights in Ecuador, flying on average 64 monthly flights and with its peak in flower season between January and February of allños. The 4 operate in Ecuador.
Being an operationón freighter, the Días de operationón and weekly frequencies may vary depending onún needs of your customers.
After the sale of the large Boeing 777F, LATAM Cargo reduced its offer and to counteract this situationón, especially in high flower season in Ecuador and Colombia as examples, the airínea has signed a cooperation agreementón with the airíAmerican cargo line Westnern Global Airline until incorporating new aircraft.

With the planes of this airlineínea and in ACMI mode (Avi rentalón, crewón, maintenance and insurance) the airínea supplies its capacity to destinations where the load is high, as is the case of Ecuador and within this, for example LATAM Cargo Colombia – LANCE, solicitó the next:
as detailed, LATAM Cargo Colombia requests to operate alsoén to Ecuador with Boeing planes 747 (these possibly from Atlas Air Cargo or Western Global) and with MD-11 aircraft (de Western Global). with these changes, we will see some flights on these planes, operated for LATAM Cargo Colombia, the same thing that already happens with the flights operated by the Chilean cargo subsidiary.
LATAM Cargo flights are carried out mainly in Quito, pero dentro de la operationón of the aerosolsínot too oldén is found Guayaquil where toí They operate every certain time, Manta it is included Latacunga, which gives them flexibility in their operationón an Ecuador itselfún dówhere the load is. Posterior a Ecuador, the main destination of the cargo is Miami, from where it is distributed to the whole world.
and the second airline as good 🙂