In this new flight report, I tell you cómo flies from San CristobalóBal Galápayments to Guayaquil with LATAM Ecuador and additionally, we tried the paid service on board LATAM Market in an Airbus A319.
Thanks to the support of LATAM Airlines Ecuador, yoursé a Galápaid, specíphysically the Island of San Cristobalóbal para realizar la installationón of a new receiver Flight Radar 24 what is thereá operational. Within this opportunity, couldé tell them cówhat is this experience and cómo works already in flight, the LATAM Market.
ticket purchase
Shopping at is easy, not for nothing does the aerosolínea has received several recognitions and awards for its e-commerce platform.
The steps básicos are the following:
- selectónumber of destinations, date and núpassenger grouper.
- selectón de tarifa.
- selectón of additional.
- Personal data of the passengers.
- Payment.
Payment in Ecuador can be under two modalities. The first under reserve that lasts 24 hours to be able to pay the same in 2 national banks and with cr cardéhere, where all cards are accepted and even, Diners Club.
Additional services
With the implementationón of LATAM's new way of flying on domestic flightséstics of all its branches, that resembles a low cost or low cost modality, the airínea now offers b ratesásicas más cheap, but instead you sacrifice food service and the free suitcase of 23 kilos to which it isáwe were used to.
With the new model the additional services are:
- Suitcase in hold.
- I nod with más space (first row and emergency exit).
- Seats más ahead (second and third row).
- preferred row (It is accessed by purchasing seats with más space or ahead).
- LATAM Pass category customersía Black Signature, Black and Platinum access the above points free of charge.
- Special needs.
With the new way of flying, the tarifa más baja y báair forceínea, called Promo Rate and the Light Rate do not include any luggage, but yesí, hand luggage up to 8 kilos of weight.
The first extra baggage costs $10, the second $20 and the third (máximo 3 suitcases) $70.
Details about baggage handling on Sunday flightséLATAM Airlines logos can be found hereí:
LATAM allows web check-in from 48 a 2 hours before your flight. This can be done from your páwebsite and print the boarding pass or send the electronic passóunique to your email.
Spaghettién, from there applicationón móvile of the airínea, which you can perform the check-in and obtain the boarding pass directly.
If you use the applicationóyou did not ask for it to be sent to youíand the electric passóunique to your email, you don't need to print anything, just show boarding pass, which is a cóI say QR at the boarding gate or security checks and that's it.
Airport and Boarding
If you don't have suitcases, with check-in and electronic boarding passónico o fíphysical, you can go directly to the boarding gate.

But if you need to send a suitcase to the hold, dutyás go to the check-in counter at the airport. Being a flight to Galápaid, you must be at the airport at least 2 hours before flight departure, since the luggage goes through inspection controlsón sanitary and nature to prevent visitors from bringing animals, plants or other illegally.
And San Cristoóbal, Galápaid, the checkup is quite ráI request from the airline staffínea, who serve 3 passenger checkpoints, so there are no queues, más aún when taking into account that with the new way of flying, passengers prefer to carry their carry-on baggage 8 kilos and not pay for extra luggage.

A characterística in the boarding process in San Cristóbal and that does not occur in other airports, is that the boarding pass is reviewed by airline personnelímoments before passengers enter the immigration and security filters at the airport. from that point, Passengers go to the waiting room and then to the plane.ón, since the control before going to the boarding gate of the airports, it was already done.
On board
as you read, on sun flightséstatic, LATAM Airlines in all its subsidiaries úonly offers, free water to its passengers, but has a range of various local Ecuadorian products along with sándwiches, drinks and snacks. These products change depending onún each país.

As in the podíwe love to pass up the opportunity, since on short flights within Ecuador like a Quito – Guayaquil the LATAM Market is limited to snacks and coffeeé for the promptness that the service requires, is that the flight to Galápayments of 1 hour and 30 minutes is the perfect route to test this service.

In flight
During flight, passengers can connect to the LATAM Entertainment WiFi network to be able to use the onboard entertainment system.
This system must be installed on each device móvile as laptops, tablets or cell phones. LATAM Entertainment has a wide variety of filmsínaughty, series, música, documentaries, others and a map to follow the flight in real time.

noteworthy, that if they use this service that has no cost, dutyán have your device in Avi Modeón, Activate úWiFi only, but above all, carry audíheadphones, since no one wants to be disturbed by the noise of a movieírear during the entire flight.

an interesting detail, on all flights from Quito to Galápayments and return, Safety announcements were made with audio and demonstration.ón performed by the crewón and not by the upper screens.
LATAM Airlines Ecuador service on Sunday flightséstatic, personally, I consider that it maintains theápre-implementation standardsón of the LATAM Market.
The warmth of the crewón is maintained, the cleanliness and condition of the aircraftón también, in punctuality there are no doubts, since during the 2017 It was the más punctual in Ecuador, but úThe only change is that there is no longer the free candy that they gave before, instead there is free water and a wide range of products at prices that are acceptable and close to what they cost in any airport.

I have received some comments indicating that the general service of the airlineínea has saidído and has been affected since its change from LAN to LATAM, but I couldn'té find that turning pointówhere it can be said that yesí, the service has changed.
At least in Ecuador, for such short flights 30 minutes on the continent and 1 hour and 30 minutes to Galápaid, the service is más that enough and within the estástandard to which we are accustomed in the countryís.
The LATAM Market changedó the way to see the airínea, but some people have seen it as a sophisticationóservice no., what should be indicated, The products have a very good quality and the price is not high when compared to what it costs.íeven those same products inside an airport.
Additional data
- To return to Galápaid, dutyán always buy the immigration card ENGLISH TCC, which has a cost of $20 dólares for Ecuadorians, $50 for moreíses of the Andean Community and Mercosur, and $100 for the rest of the tourists. Never lose this document, otherwise, dutyán pay the full value again.
- at the airport of departure (only Quito and Guayaquil) luggage will always beá reviewed for inspectionón of mercaderíprohibited from entering Galápaid, same for output.
- Entry and immigration control to the Islands must beá carry out with a passport for foreigners and cédula for Ecuadorians.