- Talma implementá the Más violas isáquality standards in the ramp services offered by Andes Airport Services in seven airports in Ecuador.
- The compañía is líder in airport services and its operations have been recognized by various international certifications and awards.
As part of its strategy to expand its services to Ecuador, Talma, company líder in the airport sector, acquiredó the 100% of the companyñía ecuatoriana Andes Airport Services.
since más de 15 añYou are in Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca, Manta, Baltra, San Cristóbal and coke.
Talma brings with her the más violas isáquality standards that have been recognized by various international certifications and awards. Initially operateá as Andes Airport Services, but in the future it will changeá brand to Talma Ecuador.
“The strategy of expanding our operationón to others países continúwith this opening in Ecuador. Our commitment, not only is maintaining the excellent level of service, but to improve it and thereby make the operationón grow in Ecuador”, says Vladimir Muñoz, General Manager of Talma in Ecuador.
With this acquisitionón, Talma isá present in three paíLatin American ses, operating in 20 airports in Peruú, 3 cities in México, and now in 7 airports in Ecuador.
This process of growth and expansionón de Talma is possible thanks to the support of its clients, which drives it to improve and expand the level of its services and, with that, ensure the growth of its operations in the paíyou know where it operates.
Last Thursday, 09 November 2017, Talma presentó officially su operationón in Ecuador in the presence of representatives of the national airport sector. Vladimir Muñoz, General Manager of Talma Ecuador, was in charge of carrying out the exhibitionón. “We are very satisfied with the work in Ecuador. An integration has been achievedón successful of the Ecuadorian and Peruvian experience, which has allowed us to achieve improvements in timeécord. Talma's value proposition, is based on security, speed and efficiency, three fundamental concepts for our operations and we seek to fully comply with them”, expresó during the event.

Talma Ecuador's operations focus on ramp services for the main líneas aéareas that work in national territory. These include aircraft parking and towing, auxiliary services, aircraft loading and unloading, cabin cleaning, among others.
Talma Ecuador startó its activity in May of theñor in progress. During this periodíodo, has generated approximately 80 new jobs, investing in equipment and incorporating the SAP system, which has allowed the improvement in the level of service, punctuality and reliability in the operationón. The services that Talma offers to the sector are backed by high standards.áinternational standards for managementón quality like ISAGO, that accredits excellence in ground operations processes, and ISO 9001.
Talma Ecuador has a participationón of 39% From the market, incrementáleaning on 5% regarding the beginning of its operations in the month of May. The company isá committed to growing and strengthening its service, in order to meet the needs of current and potential customers, and seeks to offer new services such as aircraft maintenance, attentionónumber of passengers, among others.
Talma isá present in three paíLatin American ses, operating in 20 airports in Peruú, 3 cities in México, and now in Ecuador with the commitment to offer the best service and high standardsáquality standards.
About Talma
Talma Airport Services S.A. It's a company, with headquarters in Peruú, that provides secure airport services, ráordered and efficient for más de 25 años. Its main líbusiness lines include: services to the load, ramp services (Passenger Services and Aero Flight Operationsíregular and non-regular lines, including attentionónumber of aviation aircraftón executive up to B747-8 type aircraft), aviationón executive, attentionónumber of passengers, aircraft maintenance and training servicesón for the airline sector, this úlast a través the Talma Training School.
Talma's leadership is supported by investmentón in infrastructure, security processes, technologyícutting edge and obtaining international authorizations and certifications of the más high level.
in addition, It has the facilitiesámodern s of Américh Latina and theáseparate más high in processes and services, internationally certified: ISO 9001 (quality), ISO 14001 (environment), OHSAS 18000 (occupational health and safety), and the certificationón de IATA ISAGO (auditoría in safety for ground processes). In the same way, is a member of the Ground Handling Council of IATA (IATA international forum for ground handling companies) and the Associationón International Airport Services (ASA).
Currently, Talma mobilizes más de 225 thousand tons mécharging pointsérea to añor and attends to meás de 120 thousand flights annually, this throughés of a modern fleet of más de 1,700 specialized and constantly renewed equipmentón. Con más de 5,100 collaborators, operates in 20 airports in Peruú, 3 cities in México and 7 terminals toéareas in Ecuador.

Good evening, Mr. Nicolas. I am proud to greet you. I ask you if it is not too much trouble. Give me a job opportunity. I worked a few years ago in the Andes for travel reasons.
good afternoon I need to work
Please could you give me the email to apply for job offers, Thank you
Hello Katty, there is no email, but when there are job offers I post them here: http://www.nlarenas.com/2017/10/ofertas-de-empleo-en-aviacion-ecuador/