Last week, Air Europa presentó operational results of route to Guayaquil from Madrid, which operates with 5 weekly flights in Airbus A330-200 equipment. The press conference promoted by the Globalia group, comes trueó on Quito (volará to the capital of Ecuador from 1 of January of 2018).
After 8 months of operations with your divisionón aéAir Europa area in the país, the spy groupñol Globalia seeks new investments in Ecuador.
- Globalia is the tourist groupístic número 1 In spaña and the third in Europe. Account
with an invoiceón annual 4.000 million euros and a staff of 25.000
workers. - East á present in Ecuador since December 2016 with your aerosolínea Air Europa con
the Guayaquil route – Madrid – Guayaquil, the same one that maintains an occupationón of the
80%. - Senior executives of the Group arrived at the país to look for new opportunities
business in the tourism industryíethics and support the potential that Ecuador has in this
Globalia, one of the tour groupsísticos más of Europe with extensive experience and worldwide recognition, arrivedó to Ecuador as part of a nine-day touríses of Latinamérich in order to evaluate new investment opportunitiesón to develop the tourism market from Europe to Latin Americaérich and vice versa. Globalia has several companies within the tourism industry, including Aerolínea Air Europa, the Be Live hotel chain, the tour operatorístico Travelplan, the
Halc travel agencyón Travel, among other.

Germania Salme commercial manager
Javier Hidalgo Executive CEO
Karin Balarezo, general manager of Ecuador
Bernardo Botella sales director Air Europa
The Group isá present in Ecuador with its divisionón aérea Air Europa, the same as the beginningó operations in the país in December 2016 with your Madrid route – Guayaquil – Madrid. Since then, the airínea has transported around 44.000 passengers on this route and has an occupancyón of the 80% with 5 weekly frequencies in high season and 3 in low season. Javier Hidalgo, Executive CEO of Grupo Globalia, I knowñaló that with these results they have met the expectations they haveístill and hope to maintain the same occupationón for the next añO.
At the moment, the 90% of the billingón of the Spanish Groupñold and Latinoamérich depends on Air Europe. Your goal now is to provide value toñtransport attachééprisoner with other types of proposals, aware of the enormous potentialístic that exists from Europe to Latin Americaérich for the differentiating attractions of its países. At a press conference held in the city of Quito, Hidalgo highlightedó the qualities and potential turíaesthetic that Ecuador has due to its great diversity andñaló who have held conversations with representatives of the private sector and the Government to seek new
opportunities that allow us to enhance all the development that the country hasís in the áscope
Within the framework of this press conference, it was possible to know about the alliance that Air Europa has with the Ecuadorian State Tame, with which they work in cóI say shared for the transportation of passengers from Quito to Guayaquil and vice versa. At this point it was indicatedó that Tame has presented some complications in meeting Air Europa's expectations, due to operational limitations that the airline has hadíne in the úlast time. The representatives of the airlineíne españwave they were hopeful that the situationón improve for Tame and ruled out a possible purchase of Company Pública.
Spaghettién Air Europa has a connectionóbetween Quito and Guayaquil with Avianca, so Tame caníto lose this alliance in the long run, either due to the change of operator or a potential start of operations in Quito, to which they referred to being ableíto give from 2019, once the route to Guayaquil is consolidated and improved toún más their núgroupers and alsoén involveíto the change of equipment to Boeing 787 Dreamliner of which for the 2020 tenderán 24 of these planes (will not haveían restricción to operate direct to Madrid from Quito), although it became clearó that potentially Quito and Guayaquil workíeven as independent routes and not with the traditional triangulationón, since this will make it more expensiveíand la operationón.
The projections for Guayaquil are favorable. With an occupationón average of 80% and after an investmentóWhat do you surpass?ó los USD 20 millions, it is expected that until 2019 can be achieved 7 weekly frequencies in high season, despite these good núheritage, the route toún no isá consolidated and hasúno need to mature.

Air Europa and Grupo Globalia hope to continue investing in Ecuador in different aspects, so they plan to implement a promotion strategyón turnística in conjunction with the Government of Ecuador, to theí increase the now más de 40 thousand passengers transported.
With the collaborationónumber of special envoys Ral Lopez and Mauricio García.