flag carrier

What is a flag carrier?

Insurance más at once Oíthis the famous téterm aerosolíflag line, but ¿thaté What does this expression mean?ón, exists, are a técurrent term or is it an old phrase dating back to the éfew romáaviation ethicsón?

Aerolíby Bandera

This expressionón comes from the añthe 50s onwards, when the great majoríaerosolíairlines in the world were State-owned and airlines were usedíneas as a global advertising medium, locating logos or brands forís on airplanes, a kind of ambassadors. You have to remember that back then, there were few aerosolsíand it beganó to place the flag of the countryís what I belong toíto the grandfatherónext to the motheríbutt. Subsequently, the téterm evolved and becameó to the airínea más representative, be it for history, was the first or had meás international presence in «aerolíflag line», máI know nothing, the airínea más acquaintance of a país and make his compatriots feel proud.

With the passing of theños, much of these famous aerolíflag lines have been privatized due to the high operating costs that governments mustían assume and within this change, for commercial reasons or for being a téterm that is used less and less, They stopped using or calling themselves Aerolínea de bandera de X país.

Con la globalizationón and the arrival of large groups toéprivate prisoners, some of these traditional aerosolíflag lines were disappearing, breaking the fusionáhanging out with others, so the famous téterm has been disappearing and currently, mainly in Latinérica, There are very few thatúThey do not use it as an advertising medium or to call for patriotism to win passengers over large private companies..

Although many have stopped using teaéterm, in the society of each countryís, everyone knows asál is the main aeroínea, the más representative of your aerolíne flag, without it being necessarily State or having this denominative officially.

Aerolíflag lines of the world

These were or are the ones that can be considered aerosolíflag line of the different countriesíses (Source www.xixerone.com):

País Aerolínea
From Afghanistanán Ariana Afghan Airlines
Germany Lufthansa
Angola TAAG Angola Airlines
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian Airlines
Algeria Water Algérie
Argentina Aerolíneas Argentinas
Armenia Armavia
Australia Qantas
Austria Austrian Airlines
Azerbaiyán Azerbaijan Airlines
Bahrain Gulf Air
Bangladesh Biman Bangladesh Airlines
grassús Belavia
Bélogic Brussels Airlines
Bolivia Boliviana from Aviacón
Bosnia y Herzegovina B&H Airlines
Botswana Air Botswana
Brazil Tam now LATAM Brazil
Brunei Royal Brunei Airlines
Bulgaria Bulgaria Air
Burkina Faso Air Burkina
Burundi Air Burundi
Bután Press Air
Cape Verde TACV
Cambodia Cambodia Angkor Air
roomún Camair-Co
Canadaá Air Canada
Chad Toumaï Air Tchad
Chile LAN Airlines now LATAM Chile
China Air China
Cyprus Cyprus Airways
Vatican City Alitalia
Colombia Avianca
North Korea Air Koryo
South Korea Korean Air
Ivory Coast Air Ivoire
Costa Rica Lacsa
Croatia Croatia Airlines
Cuba Cuban from Aviacón
Denmark Scandinavian Airlines
Ecuador TAME
Egypt EgyptAir
Emirates ÁUnited Arabs Etihad Airways
Eritrea Eritrean Airlines
Slovenia Adria Airways
España Iberia
Estonia Estonian Air
Ethiopiaía Ethiopian Airlines
Philippines Philippine Airlines
Finland Finnair
Fiji Air Pacific
France Air France
Georgia Georgian Airways
Greece Olympic Airlines
Greenland Air Greenland
Equatorial Guinea Ceiba Intercontinental
sharpí Tortug’ Air
Hong Kong Cathay Pacific
India Air India
Indonesia Garuda Indonesia
Andán Iran Air
Ireland Aer Lingus
Iceland Icelandair
Israel El Al
Italy Alitalia
Jamaica Air Jamaica
Japón Japan Airlines
Jordan Royal Jordanian
Kazajstán Air Astana
Kenya Kenya Airways
Kiribati Air Kiribati
Kuwait Kuwait Airways
the RepublicúCzech war Czech Airlines
Laos Lao Airlines
the Bahamas Bahamasair
Latvia Air Baltic
Líbano Middle East Airlines
Libya Libyan Airlines
Luxembourg Luxair
Macau Air Macau
Madagascar Air Madagascar
Malaysia Malaysia Airlines
Malawi Air Malawi
Maldives Maldivian
Malta Air Malta
Morocco Royal Air Morocco
Mauricio Air Mauritius
Mauritania Mauritania Airlines International
México Aeroméxico
Moldova Air Moldova
Mongolia MIAT Mongolian Airlines
Mozambique LAM Mozambique Airlines
Myanmar Myanma Airways
Namibia Air Namibia
Nepal Nepal Airlines
Nigeria Air Nigeria
Norway Scandinavian Airlines
New Zealand Air New Zealand
Aboután Oman Air
Paílow ses KLM
From the packán Pakistan International Airlines
Panamá Copa Airlines
Papua New Guinea Air Niugini
Poland LOT Polish Airlines
Portugal TAP Portugal
Qatar Qatar Airways
United Kingdom British Airways
RepúDominican War PAWA Dominican
Rwanda RwandAir
Romania TAROM
Russia Aeroflot
Samoa Virgin Samoa
St. Vincent and the Grenadines SVG Air
Santo Tomé yPríncipe STP Airways
Serbia Jat Airways
Seychelles Air Seychelles
Sierra Leone Arik Air
Singapore Singapore Airlines
Sri Lanka SriLankan Airlines
Swaziland Swaziland Airlink
Sudáfear South African Airways
Sudán Sudan Airways
Sudán of the South Southern Star Airlines
Sweden Scandinavian Airlines
Switzerland Swiss International Airlines
Thailand Thai Airways International
Taiwan China Airlines
Tanzania Air Tanzania
Tayikistán Tajik Air
Trinidad and Tobago Caribbean Airlines
Túnez Tunisair
Turkmenistán Turkmenistan Airlines
Turquía Turkish Airlines
Ukraine Ukraine International Airlines
Uganda Air Uganda
Uruguay PLUNA
Uzbekistán Uzbekistan Airways
Venezuela Conviasa
Vietnam Vietnam Airlines
Yemen Yemenia
Djibouti Djibouti Air
Zimbabwe Air Zimbabwe

¿Alguien officially determines cuál is the airíthe flag of a país?

It depends on each país, in some for example, has been named víby presidential decree the aerolínea considered official flag, while in others, it's only the más popular or well-known, without there being an official entity that has determined it to have this categoryía.

an aerosolíflag line will not necessarily beá the más grande (couldíto be a private), the one that más planes have, the one that más destinations fly or the one with the best service, but yesí to beá which all a país identifies with. In this point, some governments toún insist that you have an aerolíflag line helpá to tourism and economyíto the país or even this concept has been used as a way to protect airlinesíneas doméstatic before the big airlinesídenies, either way, this concept is disappearing.

The case of Ecuador

In our particular case, when Tame passedó to be aerosolíline administered by the FAE to Company Pública, had the objective of connecting Ecuador with the world, carrying the flag of Ecuador to the places where Ecuadorians are and from thereí, It is known as the Aerolíflag of Ecuador. Although currently it has closed some international destinations, your brand has someún degree of recognition in the regionón and is identified as the aerolínea of ​​the Ecuadorians.

Previously, I had this pedestalíto busy Ecuadorian de Aviación, única aerolíEcuadorian line that arrivedó to impose a strong brand positioning in the regionón with all the international routes that it had in its best daysías.

On concludedón, the téterm aerosolíflag line is a téterm something romáAttic and continues its process of disappearing and giving way to an aviationón globalized, where all compete equally for each passenger transported and the concept of «aerolínea más representative of a país» without being an official appointment, máthe choice is rightón of his countrymen.


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13 comments on “What is a flag airline?”

  1. The concept of the flag carrier dates back to the bilateral agreements for the Second World War when the flag carrier was the airline designated by each country to enforce those rights.. It fell into disuse with multi-designation. That is why the United States never had a single one because in its golden age Pan Am flew abroad but so did TWA and Eastern.

  2. Buenas tardes, I do not share the conclusion, given that, flag airlines is not just a romantic concept, flag airlines serve to have a sovereign rank and status of a nation-state, I think much more needs to be developed, this is a good weapon to go against imperialism, not globalization.

  3. Alejo Marcigliano

    The flagged airlines will see those designated by each State in the framework of the negotiations of the bilateral agreements that set the routes and frequencies to operate on each side.. With multi-designation (that several airlines can fly from each country) the concept fell into disuse.

  4. His publications are interesting, especially his conclusion that mentions that flag airlines are something romantic and are in the process of disappearing to make way for globalized aviation, where all compete equally for each passenger transported; This last part does not occur with state lines in the case of Ecuador because globalized lines, like all businesses, only operate what generates profitability., If our State airline were to disappear, not only hundreds if not thousands of indirect workers would be affected. (ground transportation, airports, restaurants, Hotels) It is only to see that the airlines in our country only fly around six destinations of more than thirteen national destinations that the State airline flies for only generating social profitability to these destinations, sometimes I wonder if it's a peer-to-peer competition; if in the very basic economies of a town the butcher does not sell him the soft meat if he buys the bone.

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