After his bankruptcy announcement, ¿thaté happens with Insel Air flights?
Updateón 06/03/2018:
The Aviation Councilón Civilian of Ecuador – CNAC revocó definitively el permiso de operationón that Insel Air had to operate from Aruba/Curaçao to Quito with 2 weekly flights secún is detailed:
Updateón 12/10/2017:
Island Air recuperó el permiso de operationón of its MD-83 aircraft, with whom you caná fly again to Sint Maarten instead of the Fokkers 50 with those who seeíto operate in your úonly route. This measure, It is positive for the airlineínea, since it allows you to generate greater income and gradually return to other destinations with medium-distance aircraft:

Continúa el post:
in June 2017 the airíNetherland Antilles declared itselfó officially bankrupt, after reducing its international flights to all its destinations from the beginning of this toñO. The problems of the airlineínea were known and reached operational high points when their fleet of MD aircraft had a series of safety problems, where did he get involvedó a flight to Miami that sufferedó decompression problemsón, la FAA entró in actionón and the problems deepened and más problems came to light.

In the first semester of 2017, international flights stopped operating and the airlineínea contracted, leaving úonly one operationón judgementéisland hopping to Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao with operationón of Insel Air Aruba and Insel Air Curacao. Although it was announcedó the closure of international flights, currently the airlineínea operates until 12 weekly flights to Saint Maarten from Curacao, are úonly international destination.
The bankruptcy of Insel Air International
The bankruptcy process in each countryís is different as is obvious, That is why the process was recently approved by the Curaçao authorities.:
This process ensures the airlineíensures the continuity of its operations within the legal framework of legislationón from Curaçao. With this approvalón, the airínea podrá renegotiate your debts with creditors, suppliers and others, just like a Chapter 11 in United States, to which Aerol has taken advantageíairlines such as American Airlines and recently Dynamic International Airways.
Let's meet Insel Air
This relatively new Aerolíwhat a startó operations in August 2006 with an Embraer 110 Bandeirante under the name Insel Air International B.V. (Island Air), Its headquarters and main base of operations are located in La Paradisiaca., but commercial island of Curaçao and arrivedó To cover 25 national and international destinations.
Its first flights were to neighboring Aruba (now secondary HUB), Bonaire and its first internationalizationón leggó with flights to nearby Las Piedras in Venezuela. less than one toñor undressés of the start of operations, the airínea foundó great potential in the market, so I incorporatedó the first of its MD-82, counting tooén in your fleet with the versionón -83. With the incorporate usón of the clásicos McDonalds Douglas the aerolínew ampó their horizons arriving for the first time in the United States, specíphysically in Miami.
With the incorporate usón of an MD-80 and an MD-82 in the 2009 the company wideó its operations to Medellín, Barquisimeto, Caracas and Charlotte. Continuing with its consolidationón and growth, at 2011 his fleet was strengthenedó with the incorporate usón of new aircraft, which has allowed it until that moment to fly to the following destinations from its main HUB in Curacao and its secondary one in Aruba:
Barquisimeto – Barranquilla – Bucaramanga – Cali – Caracas – Charlotte – Georgetown – Havana – Kingston Kralendijk – Manaus – maracaibo – Medellin – Miami – Oranjestad – Paramaribo – St Martin – Port au Prince – Port of Spain – Punta Cana – Fixed Point – Quito – Santo Domingo – San Juan – Valencia Willemstad.
further, The company has an alliance of cóI say shared with KLM, for the benefit of its clients, since it offers the possibility of reaching the entire network of airline destinationsíDutch line from its HUB in Amsterdam connecting in 5 Insel Air destinations where both are or were.
Insel Air fleet
Your fleet is currentlyá composed of two Embraers 110 with capacity for 15 passengers (stored and beían used for ch flightsárter), six Fokker 50 with capacity for 50 passengers in 2 lessons, sixty Fokkers 70 with a capacity to 80 passengers in 2 classes and eight MD-80 (82 and 83) with capacity for 152 passengers in 2 lessons; summing up theí a grand total of 19 planes.
For now, The current status of the fleet or whether aircraft have been returned to their owners or sold to cover debts is unknown..
Your route to Quito from Aruba
The 19 October 2015 the airínea landed for the first time in Quito with a Fokker 70 foodícula P4-FKA MSN 11528 with capacity for 80 passengers in 2 lessons (15 Comfort Class y 65 en Economy Class). The occupationón of this first flight was 79 passengers between guests and clients of various nationalities from Venezuela, Aruba, China and others, who were welcomed by airline authoritiesíline and airport, receiving the traditional certificate of “Pioneer Passenger”. the grandfatherón landedó punctually, even before itinerary, and was received by the traditional water arch by the aero firefightersáuticos of the country's main airportís on an unusual platform, the aviation platformón general.
The route to Quito was soldíexclusively in travel agencies from Ecuador and directly on the airline websiteínea if the flight originated in Aruba. After completing añor and 2 months of operations, the airíNea beganó to fly from Curacao to Quito, instead of Aruba, but this route had the same purpose as the rest of the international routes and the úlast flight to Quito was completedó the 18 from December to 2016:
For 6 months @InselAir suspends his 2 weekly flights between #Aruba and #Quito for 2 weekly flights between #Curacao and Quito ✈️
— Nicolás Larenas ✈️ (@n_larenas) January 20, 2017
the airíI do not requestó at 2016 It's suspensionón temporary of its route between Quito and Aruba from the 21 from December to 21 of June, but as we know and given the situationón of the aerolínea, this was not resumedó.
Afterés this came:
Until 15 of September, #InselAir Eastá authorized to suspend route to #Quito. Restructuring is expectedón of aerolíuntil then ✈️
— Nicolás Larenas ✈️ (@n_larenas) April 24, 2017
the airíjust as there is alreadyíhas started flying from Curacao to Quito, had toó also the suspensionón of your flight, which was authorized until this 15 September 2017, but it doesn't restartá for all we know, then the aerosolícompany risks losing its operating permitón to Ecuador and in the event that they intend to fly to Ecuador again, dutyán request a new extensionón of suspensionósome úlast case, start a new route request process.
The future of Insel Air
With the acceptanceóbankruptcy, the airínea has a new opportunity to adjust its debts and clean up its economy.íin order to little by little recover the normality of its operation.ón and fly again to all their destinations or at least those that left the airline with the best profitability.ínea.
In the prówe cry months, Insel Air iríresuming some nearby destinations such as Colombia and Punta Cana and other important ones due to demand and profitability such as Miami.
Finally, rumors of a strong intentionón of purchase by Avianca – Synergy Group suggests a promising future, but what to finishíto disappear the name of the company, Despite the legal complications thatúThere is nothing involved in the legislationón local.
Al díToday there is talk of Avior in plans to purchase Insel Air, but everything made difficult by the legislationón de Aruba.
The negotiations between Insel and Avianca ended because the regulations establish that the owner must be a resident (domiciled) on the island and Avianca is not. So that's where the conversations ended..
So they don't have much of a future if these regulations are maintained.. They say Avior is behind them.