Visit of Pope Francis to Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay

Visit of Pope Francis to Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay

are fulfilled 2 años of Pope Francis' Visit to Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay. in this then, We carry out special coverage of the arrival of the Pontífice Francisco a Sur Américh from Aeron point of viewáutico and all logíStica around your mediumáTica Visit.

Something m passedás de 30 añyou from the úlast time a Pope visitó Ecuador, that time it was John Paul II arriving in 1985 spaghettién a Venezuela, Perú and Trinity of the Tobago. In this recent opportunity Ecuador Repeió Visit and Sumó Bolivia and Paraguay like other paíhonest with receiving the “First South American Pope”.

Let's remember the story

JUAN PABLO II INITISó his visit of 1985 and the judgeérich in Venezuela the 26 January from Rome. Upon arrival immediately transportó In a DC-10-30 of the extinct Viasa YV-138C capitaneado by Rogelio Cortez. This DC-10 moves itó Between MaiquetíA and Maracaibo. Subsequently Airoposal La TransportíA in a DC-9 matíCula YV-24c between Maracaibo-MéRida-Maiquetíto/MaiquetíA-Ciudad Guayana-Maiquetía.

John Paul II boarding the Boeing 727-100 of saint 1985. Photo cutsía CapitáN Enrique Burgos.
John Paul II boarding the Boeing 727-100 of saint 1985. Photo cutsía CapitáN Enrique Burgos.

Was the díto tuesday 29 of January of 1985 at 17:56PM when John Paul II landed at the now old Mariscal Sucre International Airport in Quito in a DC-10 MatíCula I-Dync and baptized as “Luigi Pirandello” from Alitalia, aerolíofficial nea and has always been in charge of transporting the Pope from Italy to the rest of the world. Coming from Venezuelaó on the Miloriscal Sucre military platform to make welcome speeches and in additionás Perform the protocol visits of the case. Subsequently moveó To the cities of Latacunga, Cuenca and Guayaquil, always in charge of the official local conveyor of that occasionón, the extinct SAN – Services AéNational inmates, which in a Boeing 727-100 HC-BIB “city ​​of basin” transportó From Quito to Pontífice towards these cities. the grandfatherón had an interior referred to especially for the Pope's visit, with special VIP seats and a “First class” accommodated the measure secún Requirements téVatican cynics.

Special seat used by John Paul II in 1985 aún in conservationón and perfect condition.
Special seat used by John Paul II in 1985 aún in conservationón and perfect condition.
Avión Boeing 727 of San Que Transportó To John Paul II in Ecuador. Photo author unknown.
Avión Boeing 727 of San Que Transportó To John Paul II in Ecuador. Photo author unknown.

The visit to Ecuador to finishíhim 1 February of the sameñor in Guayaquil, when at 12 from the middle díTo John Paul II continuesó His trip to Brother País of byú, where in Lima followíA with your visit, this time again aboard Alitalia's DC-10. During your visit in Per Perú visitó 8 cities to which it was transported in a Boeing 727 of the world famous and now missing Aeroperú, between cities like Arequipa, Piura, Cuzco and others.

DC-10 of Alitalia in Quito during the visit of 1985. Foto Cortesía CapitáN Enrique Burgos.
DC-10 of Alitalia in Quito during the visit of 1985. Foto Cortesía CapitáN Enrique Burgos.

From Rome to Quito

Francisco's journey to Southérica, Your first visit to this región of the planet, startó at 9 from meñAna Local Time from Rome – FINAL ON BOARD OF THE AIROLíVatican official nea, Alitalia. On this occasionón, unlike other trips of the Pope, it was done on an Airbus A330 instead of the regular Boeing 777 that has transported to the Pontífice on other occasions. Possibly due to the operational complexity at high-altitude airports, as is Quito or even for the trip to be Más econóMico and smaller delegation. the grandfatherón chosen for this occasionón was the Airbus A330-202 EI-EJL, with solo 3 añOperations for the airlineíItalian flag line.

Wheel stop in Quito, First stop of the first tour of Sudamérica.
Wheel stop in Quito, First stop of the first tour of Sudamérica.

After 12 hours and 30 Minutes of direct flight from Rome landó In the Marshal Sucre de Quito, leaving behindás the 30 añI had to wait for the town catóEcuadorian Lico to have a Pope on their lands again. After a brief patówaiting for the northern vor to reach the recommended altitude for the start of the approximation procedureón the flight with número az4000 downó Towards the capital of Ecuadorians and minutes afterés was seen aligned to the track and ready to land. From the control tower it is grantedó la authorizationóN and Pope Francis was already in Ecuadorian lands, in the middle of the world.

the grandfatherón occupyó the 4 100 meters of runway to leave it, time in which the pilots took the opportunity to look out the cabin windows, in a very pleasant protocol gesture, the flags of Ecuador and the Vatican, Francisco was minutes away from stepping on Ecuadorian land for the first time, Like dad. Following a “Follow Me car” the grandfatherón if to sayó Towards the Aviaci platformóGeneral n and protocols, which había previously adapted and tested with the A330 of Tame, To ensure that Tamaño And services on land will work for perfectionón, It was the first time that an avión so great occupied this platform. Take me during the visit, it was the airíOfficial Nea to transport the delegation, guests and international press between Quito and Guayaquil, and alsoén offers transportation to religious personalities from paíneighbors to which the airline fliesínea.

Several Tame planes wore this commemorative sticker to the Pope's visit.
Several Tame planes wore this commemorative sticker to the Pope's visit.

The controls and security prior to their arrival hadíIt has been extreme, and access to the airport, which Ceró its operations by 2 hours, was restricted, Only passengers were allowed to arrive by the única víto enabled, Even as a means of communicationón is complicatedó Top to the Terminal toérea. Given these restrictions, the number of people waiting for the Pope was not greater., But Interés by airport staff was high and taking advantage of the 2 Free hours for the closure of the airport were excuse to approach what más possible to the avión and take picturesías.

Exact moment in which Pope Francis descends in Quito
Exact moment in which Pope Francis descends in Quito

Raudamente el avión is stationó South North of the Track, passenger descent stairs were installed, And a few minutes afterés The Pope was already in Ecuadorian lands.

Alitalia stamps, its partner Etihad and the Vatican on the A330.
Alitalia stamps, its partner Etihad and the Vatican on the A330.

Al díto next, Monday 6 from July to 9 AM, Pope Francis movesó to Guayaquil, Unlike the previous visit you makeó local flights in San, He did it aboard the Airbus A330 of Alitalia with NúAz4002 flight mere. After 25 flight minutes, Base aéevil Simón He wasíwas RecibíA for the second time in its history to such an important eminence. The same díat at 17 Hours the returnó To Quito, from where the 8 July movesía a Bolivia.

From Quito to La Paz

The 8 July the trip from Quito to La Paz was scheduled. Given the complexity of the operationón at El Alto International Airport, which requires certificationón especial por operation surgeryón on the 13 thousand feet (airport height: 13.314 pies) e included surgeryóland and take off with máOx scaleíGeno at all times. With that, it was necessary to have a local operator to safely transfer the Pontífice between these airports. Are youí good – Boliviana from Aviacón, becameó in the airíOfficer of the Pope's transfer between Quito, La Paz and Santa Cruz, In other visits from a Pope to Bolivia was the extinct Loyd toéBolivian prisoner the airlineíNEA in charge of this operationón and privilege.

pastoral flights 900 being escorted on arrival in La Paz. Photo cutsíto Dusan Mercado, David Cari y Spotting And Aviation.
pastoral flights 900 being escorted on arrival in La Paz. Photo cutsíto Dusan Mercado, David Search
y Spotting And Aviation.

Good landingó For the first time in Quito the same 8 of July, bringing its aircraft más new, The Boeing 737-700ng CP-2923 that voló as pastoral Bolivian 900. The departure was scheduled for 12 of noonía, But the flight is delayedó 1 hour. While the BoA flight transported the Pope to La Paz, the airbus 330 by Alitalia youró direct to Santa Cruz, landing at Viru Viru International Airport, Where to waitíTo the Pope to continue to Paraguay.

After 3 hours, The papal flight incomeó to space aéBolivia inmate and was escorted by 2 Force aircraft toérea T-33. The escorts followed the flight until the avión landedó safe and without novelty in Bolivian lands. After following the protocols established in La Paz, the flight continuedó Towards Santa Cruz at 20 local hours, where your visit endíhim 10 from July to 12:45 of noonía. The continuous journeyó again aboard the avión from Alitalia to Asunción.

From Santa Cruz to Asunción

With a durationón of 2 hours with 15 minutes arrivedó To Paraguay Pope Francis aboard “are avión” el A330. In time landó In Asunción en el Aeropuerto Internacional Silvio Pettirosi donde seríto its última parada dentro de su primera visita a la región. Su visita en este úlast breadís Latinoamericano duró until Sunday 12 of July, keepéndose siempre en la capital paraguaya. Durante la visita de Juan Pablo II a tierras paraguayas este lo realizó en un histórico Boeing 707 of the disappeared and remembered LAP

At 19 local hours, the airbus 330 emprendió are último tramo, esta vez con número de vuelo AZ4001 directo hacia Roma, this time to Ciampino International Airport–G. B. Pastine o más conocido como Aeropuerto Roma Ciampino. After something más de 13 hours of flight, the Pope was once again on Italian soil, putting an end to 9 días de viaje que implicaron una importante logística aérea y altos parámetros de seguridad en toda su operación involucrada, que con el respaldo de las autoridades de cada país fue cumplido a cabalidad, dejando muy en alto a toda la región.

the Alitalia A330 at the Silvio Pettirosi Platform. Photo cutsía Juan Carlos Andrada
the Alitalia A330 at the Silvio Pettirosi Platform. Photo cutsía Juan Carlos Andrada

Todo el viaje Papal requirió más de 3 500 personas aeronáuticas involucradas directa e indirectamente entre los 4 paíits participants, including Italy. between controllers, pilots, ground crew and others, sumaron más de 82 000 man hours to carry out all the protocols and activities entrusted for the visit of Pope Francis, el cual voló approximately más de 15 000 Miles between Europe and Southérich going through 6 different airports and flying both Airbus and Boeing.

We end with a special thanks to Quiport S.A for allowing us to access platform to take picturesíAs close to the avión of Alitalia, To the Capitán Enrique Burgos by the Hist photosórich of 1985, to Dusan Mercado, David Cari and Spotting and Aviation of Bolivia for the photos in his paíS and Juan Carlos Andrada for the collaborationón from Paraguay.

t dataécnnicos Alitalia

Alitalia (SO-SO)
HUB PrincipalRome Fiumicino International Airport
destinations (National and international)102
papal flight
AviónAirbus A330-202
Núserial grouper1283
Año Fabricsón2011
SeatingC28 W21 Y175
engines2 x GE CF6-80E1A4

t dataégood cnica

HUB PrincipalJorge Wilstermann International Airport
destinations (National and international)12
papal flight
AviónBoeing 737-700 of
Núserial grouper30642
Año Fabricsón2002
SeatingY186 (Modified for the occasionón 4 VIP seats)
engines2 x CFMI CFM56-7B20


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