FAE - Ecuadorian Air Force is anniversary

FAE – Ecuadorian Air Force

The 27 October, the FAE – Force AéEcuadorian area Eastá anniversary and are celebrated 98 añthose of Creación of the Aviationón Ecuadorian Military and Día of Force AéEcuador area, defending the interests of the country.

have already passed 99 añsince the FAE – Force Aérea Ecuadorian startó su operationón with the aim of protecting Ecuadorian interests from the air. With a úno missióinitial n to defend sovereigntyífrom Ecuador, the FAE was founded a 27 October 1920 with the creationón of the first aviation schoolón military in Quito and Guayaquil, thanks to the newly elected President Dr. Ifé Luis Tamayo. As part of the Ecuadorian Armed Forces, this institutionón has had ups and downs during its history, but he has always left the name of the country very highís, being one of the few forces toéevil from the kingsón that has developed combatséprisoners, in both cases with Perú (1981 and 1995). Currently, in an atmosphere of peace with the paíyour neighbors, Force Aérea has the missionón to connect, communicate and help the país with humanitarian flights, evacuations sétips, cargo transport to remote areas and many other social aid.

A-Force HistoryéEcuadorian area

The A Forceérea in its beginnings in 1920, was subordinate to the EjéEcuadorian ritual, led at that time by Italian pilots and advisors thanks to the support and agreements of the élittle between both países, but due to lack of resources élittle, facilities and equipment were poor, so for the armed conflict of 1941 with Perú, the airplanes, purely for training and without weapons, they had no role in the conflict, so after this invasionón, the authorities took a real interestés in aviationón military.

FAE Curtiss Wrght CW-19A
Curtiss Wrght CW-19A, at least 6 had the FAE. They recognizedéprisoners in the war 1941. Source Historian Guido Cháturn.
FAE Republic P-47D
Republic P-47D primer avión FAE hunt, there were 26 from them. Source Historian Guido Cháturn.

During World War II and thanks to the support of the United States, which I builtó bases aéareas in Galápaid and Ecuador (Salinas) for the defense of the Panama Canalá, Force Aérea se consolidó, equipáusing modern equipment from that time  and to 1943 I recognized heró as an independent branch of the Armed Forces. On 1947 receive the first 12 F-47D Thunderbolt, formándose theí the first squadóno. of combat.

FAE Mirage Kfir Jaguar Fighter Aircraft
FAE Mirage Kfir and Jaguar Fighter Planes

Combatéprisoner in Cenepa

Each 10 February the anniversary of Victory A is celebratedéCenepa and D areaíto AviationóNo. of Combat, thanks to the demanding training and remarkable professionalism of the pilots of the FAE who managed to operate anywhere in Ecuador; and obtain a notorious supremacía aéArea during the armed conflict with Peruú for the Cenepa War, between 26 of January and the 28 February 1995.

Through useón speed, distance and deterrent power, Force AéEcuadorian area achievedó important milestones in its history by achieving the first demolitions in historyía from Sur Américh during air-air combats or «dogfight» between the más fighter planes.

Being the 12:45pm salen 4 Ecuadorian interceptors (2 Mirage F.1JAs y 2 IAI Kfir C.2s) of the squads 2112 “Mirage” and 2113 “K-for” after having detected 5 aircraft and have received the order to «Scramble» the 12:30p, of día 10 February 1995. An IAI Kfir C.2 shoots down a Peruvian A-37B, and two Peruvian Su-22s are shot down by the Mirage F.1,49​ while another Peruvian A-37B manages to escape from an IAI Kfir C.2 after a great maneuver flying close to the átrees.

A-Force MilestoneséEcuadorian area

Informationóin collaborationón with www.fuerzaaereaecuatoriana.mil.ec.

Birth of the A ForceéEcuadorian area

27 OCTOBER 1920
The government of Dr.. Ifé Luis Tamayo, makes the first decree on aero activityáutica and the first military aviation schoolón, giving wayí at the birth of Force AéEcuadorian area.


They arrive at the país the modern aircraft of North American origin AT-6, marking a new era of development in the aero fieldáuseful.


Ecuador enters the jet age with the acquisitionó# of the Gloster Meteor FR.9, weeks máIt's late to arriveíto the grandfatherón to propelón Canberra Mk 6.


Company operations beginñía aétransport area TAME – Transport AéEcuadorian Military Prisoners.


They arrive at the país 12 Cessna A-37 aircraft to Base Aéevil of Taura, to give way to innovationón and vanguard of a férrea defense aérea.

First squadón supersónico

The first squad is formedósuper combat nóUnique Jaguar, later arriveíThe Mirage F-1 and K-Fir C-2 fighter jets.


15 JUNE 1992
The Directorate is createdóNo. of Aeron Industryáutics of Force Aérea, DIAF

Cenepa conflict

10 FEBRUARY 1995
It effectúto the heroic deed and victory of the first combatéreo in Latinamérich during the Cenepa conflict.

And graduationónumber of female cadets

2 APRIL 2000
Enter the first promotionón of women to the Higher Military Aviation Schoolón Cosme Rennella B., as Specialist Officers.

And graduationón of women specialists

The first promotion makes its entryón of female soldiers in various specialties, to the Infant Schoolía Aérea

First zero gravity flight

6 MAY 2008
The A ForceéEcuadorian area compliedó the first zero gravity flight carried out in Ecuador and in América Latina aboard the avión Sabreliner named Force G1 “Cóndor”, converted with a gravímeter that was made with the human resources of the FAE and the knowledge of our Ecuadorian astronaut.

And graduationón Alumnas Tétechniques

The T Schoolécone of Force AéArea receives the first promotionón of Alumnas Tétechniques.

Súfor Tucano

The Super Tucano aircraft arrive at the Combat Wing No.. 23 in blanket, creating the new Squadón 2313, decommissioning the legendary MK-89.


JUNE 2011
They arrive at our fatherís the South African Cheetah aircraft to the Fighter Wing No.. 21 to effectively strengthen its operational capacity.

I female Brigadier Major

At FAE contó with the first female Brigadier Major in the Armed Forces. In this toñor the first military pilot cadets graduated (who entered in 2007): Lieutenants Jhoanna Santacruz (Brig. Mayor), María Ifé नर्वáno, along with three female officers técynical: María Flores (Personal), Sandra Chamorro (Maintenance) and Ana Carvajal (supplies). Además, the group of troop women, between them: the first female mechanicáonly in líS aircraft flight lineúfor Tucano, Soldier Diana Cuasapaz; the first womanúsica of a military band in the Armed Forces. from Ecuador, Soldier Silvana Sandoval (COAD), and a female aero firefighteráuseful, Alexandra Acosta (Ala 21).

Diamond DA-20C1

AÑO 2012
The A ForceéArea makes the acquisitionón of training planes básico with its respective log supportíaesthetic and trainingón, of the Diamond DA-20 C1 model, of the Canadian company Diamond Aircraft.

Casa C-295M

The A Forceéarea receivedó the first of three Casa C-295M aircraft. At Base AéEloy Alfaro area of ​​Manta was carried outó this military ceremony for the replacement of the Squadron's flight equipmentón No. 1112, between the CASA C-295M aircraft and the AVRO HS-748, It is úThe latter was decommissioned from operationséreas, making a remembrance of the main missions accomplished by the aircraftón Avro who servedó to Ecuador for más of four déregistered and includedó to identify yourself as aviópresidential n.

Earthquake 2016

Once the State of Exception was declaredón as a result of the earthquake 7.8 degrees raised on 16 April of 2016 in our país; Force AéEcuadorian area fulfilling the missionóactive constitutional nó the respective procedures to act in this type of emergency.

Hence, in the early hours of Sunday 17 of April, mouth and dispositionón its transport aircraft, así like the sendíor of the human contingent towards the provinces of Manabí and Esmeraldas to provide support in evacuations and rescue of injured and deceased, whose FAE military personnel alsoén madeó patrols 24 hours to provide security to the affected populations, in order to avoid possible invasions of private property. Completed missions that have allowed the transfer of military personnel, médicos, rescuers, paramédicos, citizenígeneral and cargo; What: vituallas, foods, medicines and equipmentémedical and removalón.

Are youí that aviation arisesóecuadorian n, written by force of heroísaint and valentía, forging a new breed of héroes called to defend their sovereigntyífrom the heavens and carry the name of Ecuador in style.

Fleet históRich Force AéEcuadorian ra

In the following list of historical aircraftórich of the FAE, Only the planes of the úlast 15 añthe approximately of history. The list mayíto be incomplete due to lack of informationón pública:

Training báphysical

  • Beechcraft T-34 Mentor
  • Piper PA-34
  • Cessna A-150

Combat and defense training

  • 28 Cessna A-37 Dragonfly – 3 were transferred to Force AéUruguayan area
  • BAC Strikemaster Mk 89/89A


  • 1 Boeing 727-100 FAE-630.
  • 1 Boeing 727-200 FAE-620.
  • 5 Avro HS 748
  • C-130 Hércules B/H
  • Sabreliner 60
  • Cessna 206H
  • 1 Sabreliner 40A FAE-043

Bailing out

  • Bell 212
  • Bell 412
  • HAL Dhruv
  • Aérospatiale Alouette III


  • 6 Mirage 50
  • 12 IAI Kfir.CE
  • 2 IAI Kfir T.C2 (training)
  • 18 Mirage F1
  • 15 SEPECAT Jaguar  2 Jaguar-B, 10 Jaguar-S intl., 3 Jaguar-GR.1

Presidential Transportation

  • 1 Avro HS 748

Force A NewséEcuadorian area

The FAE has currently established itself as a social assistance entity on a national scale. The A ForceéEcuadorian area was essential during the April Earthquake 2016, performing hundreds of humanitarian and personnel transport flights, activating all the planes of the Transport Wing No. 11 available. Equally, regularly, Force Aérea carries out cargo flights to Galápayments or evacuations mélocated in several remote locations in the countryís, always with the missionón to serve all Ecuadorians with programs like Alas para la Alegría, Wings for Health, Wings for Integrationón, Wings for Sports and Wings for Educationón.

FAE Cheeta C
FAE Cheetac fighter squadron flying over Quito

Although its functionón current is to provide social help, the FAE has not left behindáwith the massesón to be a Force always ready, modern and prepared to defend the interests of the countryís, so it always maintains current and activates its fleet of combat aircraft.

Missionón of Force AéEcuadorian area

Develop military poweréreo, ara to consecución of the institutional objectives that guarantee the defense, contribute to the security and development of the nationón.

Everyoneón of Force AéEcuadorian area

«Be a forceédeterrent area, respected and accepted by society; pioneer in national aerospace development.»

FAE Embraer Super Tucano
FAE Super Tucano Squad

Force A's current fleetéEcuadorian area

The FAE maintains a diverse fleet designed to fulfill various missions in Ecuadorian territory. Since the úlast toños, Force AéArea has made great efforts to gradually modernize its fleet, How was the change from the Avro to the Casa 295M and the incorporationón of the Beechcrafr King Air for light transport.

FAE fleet 2019

The list mayíto be incomplete due to lack of informationón pública:

Training báphysical

  • 10 Diamond DA-20C1

Combat and defense training

  • 16 Embraer EMB314Super Tucano FAE1012, FAE1011, FAE1010, FAE1014


  • 1 Boeing 737-200 FAE-630
  • 2 DHC-6 Twin Otter FAE-452 FAE-452
  • 1 Hercules L-100 FAE-893
  • 1 Beechcraft King Air B300/350 FAE-1141
  • 3 Casa 295M FAE-1030, FAE-1031, FAE-1032

Bailing out

  • 4 AgustaWestland AW119 Koala
  • 2 Bell TH57-A FAE-408, FAE-410
  • 1 MD Helicopters MD 500 FAE-


  • 11 Atlas Cheetah C/D

Presidential Transportation

  • 1 Embraer 135-BJ Legacy FAE-051
  • 1 Dassault Falcon 7X FAE-052

Surveillance and UAV

  • 1 Gulfstream II G-1159
  • 3 UAV-2 Hawk
  • 1 UAV-2 Gavilán

Future of the A-ForceéEcuadorian area

The main challenge for the FAE is to complete the modernizationón of all your flight equipment that isán próLet's go to fulfill his life úservice tool. Planes like the Sabreliner, Twin Otter, Hercules y Boeing 737 dutyán be replaced in the prówe go toños, since its operational life is close to límite, but the optionón of general maintenance for these airplanes, spaghettién is an optionón to extend your life úto, definitely, an optionón más correct to the general budget of the State.

The FAE incorporatedó yes 4 helixópteros AgustaWestland AW119 Koala for b missionsúsearch and rescue focused on the Ecuadorian Amazon and northern border with Colombia.

The main project for a Force Aérea always beá la renovationón of his combat fleet, point where the FAE and the Government mustán analyze alternatives that adapt, mostly on budget, to the reality of the countryís. The current Cheetah C have aún añoperability given its low use, so your replacement will beíin studios and second-hand airplanes, for example Russian or French planeséses, to beían attractive replacement. It was learned that several aircraft have been studied, butún whether to have a choiceón defined, where even in the 2009, The F-16s were an optionón.

Whatever the replacement of transport or combat aircraft, in times of peace, The FAE does not need to rush a renewalón, but if you do everything possible to maintain its operation for the social benefit of Ecuador.

Parade Aéanniversary prisoner 99 Force AéEcuadorian area

The details of what the parade was likeéprisoner before the centenary, You can see and read them hereí:

Force AéEcuadorian area one step away from the centenary

Parade Aéanniversary prisoner 98 Force AéEcuadorian area

Some photos of Parade Aéguilty of 2018 you can see them belowón:

Parade Aéanniversary prisoner 97 Force AéEcuadorian area

Así, the FAE is approaching its first centenary, what to be forípreparing a great celebrationón nationally, what to includeía, for instance, the participationósquad numberón demonstration F-16D United States Air Force Thunderbirds.

¡Congratulations to Force AéEcuadorian area!

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8 comments on “FAE – Ecuadorian Air Force”

  1. Mario Marcelo Maldonado Cruz.

    Congratulations for this Summary of the FAE. Unfortunately it is incomplete since I have known the FAE since the year 1944, I can contribute with my experiences since I have known the Commanders of the FAE since the beginning, from C0ronel Edmundo Carvajal, Colonel Bayardo Tobar and so on A positive Suggestion, In the hall of the Commanders of the FAE, there are portraits and dates, it is convenient to continue referring to those, Unfortunately they give in this history data, like that from Mr. General Izurieta History begins and it is not like that.


  3. nelson cardenas

    Let's wait for negotiations between the government of France and Ecuador, help us with credits from at least one fleet of 12 rafale f-4 aircraft, that uses the same platform of Ecuadorian Jaguar aircraft and for renewal of the KFIR and CHETTA fleet for the FAE in Ecuador for modern Air Defense as in Cenepa,or also the Swedish Gripen E are designed to destroy the fearsome Russian Sukhoi fighters used by neighbors, It would be interesting to request an annual percentage of the 15 % royalties from the exploitation of gold mines, plata, copper and others existing in Ecuador, for renewal of air fleets of the FAE, It would be a mandatory decision for Ecuador's defense.

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