Meeting of Women Leaders in Aviation

III EMLA “Meeting of Women Leaders in Aviation”

Today I have the pleasure of sharing some great news.. The blog NLARENAS.COM to beá for firstño Media Partner of the III EMLA «Women's Meeting Lírights in the Aviationón» to be held in México the próximo añO. Nextón the first mushroomíofficial, soon there will beán más news.

III EMLA Women Lírights in the Aviationón Latinoamérich and the Caribbean

The International Aviation Womens Association (IWA) carryá out by (3is) thirdñor consecutively the III Women's Meeting Lírights in the Aviationópleasingón Latinoamérich and Caribbean (EMLA) the 28 February of 2018, in the City of México.

EMLA has positioned itself as one of the mostás important for the industry in Latin Americaérich and the Caribbean. Not in vain, EMLA has had the support and sponsorship, así like participationón of panelists and speakers from entities such as ICAO, THERE IT IS, Google, Copa Airlines, American Airlines, JetBlue Airways, in the air, Aeroméxico, TIRED, M City Airport Groupéxico, así as tourism authorities of Ecuador and aviationóColombian civilian, Ecuador and Costa Rica, among other nations.

EMLA was bornó with the goal visualize women occupying leadership positions in any áscope of the aero industryáutica otorgáprotagonism and importance. Thanks to IAWA this initiative is carried out annually reaching más women of different ages around the world. Carolina Ortiz Espinoza, promoter of the initiative, highlights the importance of disseminating the existence of characters who serve as inspirationón other women in an exponentially growing industry, with a current presence míspirit of women.


IAWA is an organizationón international non-profit, founded in 1988 and made up of 356 influential women of más de 30 países and 257 big enterprises, who occupy decision-making positionsón in the aerospace and aviation industriesón.

IAWA recognizes and promotes female excellence and leadership in the fields of aviation.ón and aerospace, a través a global network of initiatives for professional development and trainingón of
nculos y creación of business opportunities for its members. IAWA fire and jópeople who want to develop careers related to aviationón and the aerospace industry, a través of scholarship programs at world-renowned universities (Vaughn College in New York, Southern Methodist University en Dallas y Embry Ridle Aeronautical University en Florida, McGill University in Canadaá and TU Delft in Germany), así like mentor programsías you passíace in industry companies.

IAWA is affiliated with the más relevant global organizations in your field: THERE IT IS, HIGH, STATE, OACI, ACI, The Wings Club, Royal Aeronautical Society, among other.

Follow the event with the official Hashtag: #WomenInAviación.

For máwith informationón about IAWA click hereí.

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