Tame EP hangar tour

Tame EP hangar tour

The history de Tame Eastá full of ups and downs. Several fatal accidents and incidents have stained the history of this airline.ínea, but it has managed to take off again and get ahead of complicated financial situations, operations and discredit for these cases that have occurred in Ecuadorian and Colombian territory. Before this panorama, the airíno need to extendó to the invitationsón to see its facilities and hangar at the Mariscal Sucre International Airport of Quito in Tababela.

Tame EP Hangar Tour

Some rumors have circulated on social networks that have sought to put at stake the quality and level of maintenance that Tame carries out on its planes that it transports daily.ás de 3500 passengers on all its routes. Tame EP, like all aerosolsílines that operate in Ecuador, are governed by strict safety standards and compliance with manuals and parámeters that each manufacturer imposes on each model of aircraftón. Además, so that an aerosolínea can take off, must follow security protocols imposed by the local authority, which in the case of Ecuador is the DGAC – Dirección General of Aviationón Civil is the one that makes sure that the airílines comply with maintenanceíminimum required by manufacturer.

further, It must be taken into account that Tame has ISO and IOSA certifications – IATA Operational Safety Audit, that guarantees the correct compliance with the standardságlobal safety standards. It's worth say, that Tame and demás aerolídenies, they must comply with the maintenance of their aircraft to be able to operate in their international destinations, as is the United States, administered by the FAA – Federal Aviation Administration.

Tame Operational Control Center
Tame Operational Control Center – CCO. From hereí They control all airline flights in real timeínational and international lines.
Tame Operational Control Center
On this screen the weather is verified in real time for planning.ónumber of flights.
Tame Operational Control Center
The status of the different flights of the díare reviewed and adjusted.
Tame Operational Control Center
Route map of the día and Flight Radar real-time tracking display 24 that cannot be missing in a CCO.
Tame Operational Control Center
In the screens on the left below, Tame personnel plan and verify that takeoffs comply with the míspirits required to leave the mountain zoneñbear from Quito and other destinations.
Maintenance Hangar Tababela Tame EP Ecuador
In this stationón the correct functioning of electronic components is checkedóunique of airplanes.
Maintenance Hangar Tababela Tame EP Ecuador
stationósecurity and planningón.
Maintenance Hangar Tababela Tame EP Ecuador
Hereí There are all the manuals for the different aircraft in the Tame fleet.
Maintenance Hangar Tababela Tame EP Ecuador
A Tame Airbus A319 in inspectionón inside the Tame Hangar.
Maintenance Hangar Tababela Tame EP Ecuador
Traditional press present during the tour in the Tame Hangar.
Maintenance Hangar Tababela Tame EP Ecuador
Aircraft tires are regularly inspected to ensure safe operation.ón.
Maintenance Hangar Tababela Tame EP Ecuador
In this stationón checks and repairs are carried out on the landing gear components of all aircraft.
Maintenance Hangar Tababela Tame EP Ecuador
Routine repairs and checks on airplane tires are performed hereí.
Maintenance Hangar Tababela Tame EP Ecuador
Tame personnel carry out inspectionón to the stabilizer and tail of the Airbus A319.
Maintenance Hangar Tababela Tame EP Ecuador
The friendly crewón de Tame welcomes us on board.
Maintenance Hangar Tababela Tame EP Ecuador
Cockpit of the Airbus A319.
Maintenance Hangar Tababela Tame EP Ecuador
Details of the upper panel of the cockpit of the Airbus A319
Maintenance Hangar Tababela Tame EP Ecuador
Spaghettién work is being done on the interior image of the airplanes, arranging fabrics, plástics and others.
Maintenance Hangar Tababela Tame EP Ecuador
Revisionón regular and preventive testing of engines of the entire Tame fleet under manufacturer's manuals.
Maintenance Hangar Tababela Tame EP Ecuador
Engines and various spare parts are in the hangar ready to be installed in the planes that need it..
Maintenance Hangar Tababela Tame EP Ecuador
The Tame hangar has the capacity to house up to 4 planes, themselvesún the categoryíat the same time.
Maintenance Hangar Tababela Tame EP Ecuador
The friendly crewón de Tame said goodbye to usó afterés to explain to us various details about the functioning and operationón téaerol cynicalínea.

Per month Tame makes más de 2.000 hours of maintenance distributed in the 8 aircraft currently operational in the airfieldínea, always taking care of the well-being and safety of its staff and passengers under the standards of the airline manufacturers and authorities.áUticas.

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