The pilot schools or training centers para nuevos o actuales pilotos siguen su crecimiento en el país, but this time this new center has the objective of training aero personneláutico en el entorno al vuelo de helicópteros. within this framework, una nueva institución ha nacido, Its about Centro de Entrenamiento Aeronáutico ECUAVIATION S.A. (Accompanying imageña el post es referencial).
ECUAVIATION ha sido autorizada a realizar Actividades Conexas en la modalidad de Centro de Entrenamiento para personal Aeronáuseful:
En el permiso se especifica que esta autorización tenderá a durationón of 2 años y adicionalmente, se pudo conocer que su base de operaciones será el Helipuerto Ferrocarriles del Ecuador, ubicado en el cantón Durán, Guayas province – Heliports Ecuador, edificio de la estación del Ferrocarril planta alta.
With this informationón, se confirma que la actividad de la empresa será centrada a la formación de personal en torno a la operación of helixópteros, without specifying whether to beá for the trainingónumber of pilots, mecánicos o técynical.
El proyecto ECUAVIATION nace de la mano de la empresa Helicópteros del Ecuador S.A HELIPECSA, empresa que opera en Durán con la realización de vuelos recreativos y turísticos en helicóptero en Guayaquil y otros servicios relacionados como asesoramientos en compra, sale, matter to usón y desaduanización of helixópteros, permisos de operación, hangaraje y mantenimiento de helicópteros, aviation fuelón, etc. The company has 1 Bell 407 with capacity up to 6 passengers and a Robinson R-44 HC-CPK with capacity for 3 passengers. Estas empresas están lideradas por el Capturesán Paul Villagran Espín.
Finally, la empresa cuenta también con la autorización de Permiso de Operación, to carry out Related Activities, en la modalidad de Construcción y ensamblaje de aeronaves, estaciones de reparación, or aircraft maintenance, obviamente centrado en helicópteros.
Futuras novedades o máwith informationón sobre esta empresa se incorporarán a esta publicación cuando se las tenga disponibles.
Hello, good afternoon, Ecuador, if I am interested in information about an online course for lubricants and fuels for Robison R22 and R helicopters. 44
Hello, good evening. Yes, I would like to enroll in the training center.
Hello, good evening. Yes, I really like the idea of ecuaaviacion and helipecsa. I would like to enroll in a maintenance course in lubrication and fuels and be able to obtain my maintenance license at Robinson R. 44 I would like more information and contact to register
Many successes!!
Adolfo Gonzalez
A&P federal aviation license
Palm Beach Aircraft Service
Greetings and blessings to you, we wish you the best and much success in your occupations.. We are interested in obtaining information about aeronautical training centers, especially those that have to do with rotary wings.. We offer courses and training of aerial work with helicopters apart from operational work if necessary.. We are aeronautical technicians mentioned in search and rescue, specialists in SMS and aeronautical culture. If anyone is interested in learning about our proposals, please write to the email to send them our brochure and training related to the area.. We give total thanks to this page for giving us this opportunity. God bless you
Hello Alexis González, good morning, it is very important to know that today there are opportunities for the human being to fulfill the dreams of becoming a pilot or a mechanic, or obtaining a helicopter maintenance certification, or obtaining a maintenance license, for me it is very important. that announcement of cer part of rotary wing i would like to know how i can obtain a certification or obtain a maintenance license and worked in maintenance with other mechanics of helicopters R22 R44 in lubrication and fueling but privately not for any company