ECUAVIATION Aeronautical Training Center

The pilot schools or training centers For new or current pilots they continue their growth in the PAís, but this time this new center has the objective of training aero personneláutico in the surrounding environment of Helicópteros. within this framework, A new institutionón has been born, Its about Aeron Training CenteráUtico Ecuaviaviation S.A. (Accompanying imageñThe post is a referential).

Ecuaviacion has been authorized to carry out related activities in the training center mode for Aeron personneláuseful:


In the permit it is specified that this authorizationón tenderá a durationón of 2 añOs and additionally, It was known that your base of operations will beá THE HELE FERROCARILES DEL ECUADOR, Located in the Cantón hardán, Guayas province – Heliports Ecuador, station buildingóN of the railroad  upper floor.

With this informationón, It is confirmed that the company's activity isá centered to the formationón of personnel around the operationón of helixópteros, without specifying whether to beá for the trainingónumber of pilots, mecáunique or técynical.

The Ecuaviacion project was born from the hand of the Helic companyóPTEROS DEL ECUADOR S.A Helipe, company that operates in Durán con la realizationón of recreational flights and TuríStics in HelicóPtero in Guayaquil and other related services as advisory in purchase, sale, matter to usón and disadguanizationón of helixópteros, permisos de surgeryón, Helic Hangarage and Maintenanceópteros, aviation fuelón, etc. The company has 1 Bell 407 with capacity up to 6 passengers and a Robinson R-44 HC-CPK with capacity for 3 passengers. These companies están led by the Capturesán Paul Villagran Espín.

Finally, The company also countsén con la authorizationóN of Operation Permissionón, to carry out Related Activities, In the construction modalityóN and aircraft assembly, Repair stationsón, or aircraft maintenance, Obviously centered on Helicópteros.

Future nineades O Máwith informationón on this company will be incorporatedán to this publicationón when they are available.

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6 Comments on “Aeronautical Training Center Ecuaviacion”

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