About ETAC - Civil Aviation Technical School

About ETAC – Civil Aviation Technical School

¿Do you plan to study some career related to aviationón not a pilot? Let's talk about ETAC – T-SchooléAviation technologyón Civilian of Ecuador.

The ETAC is an entity attached to the DGAC – Dirección General of Aviationón Civil of Ecuador under the subdirectorateóGeneral of Aviationón Civil, where courses are taughtécones in several áareas related to aircraft operationáutica like control of tránsito aéreo, TéFlight Operations Technician – TOV, bomber planeáuseful, meteorologistía, aviation securityón and operational and others.

History of the ETAC

T-SchooléAviation technologyón Civil was born in 1966 under decree 484 as ETAC in order to form tétechnicians in Tr specialtiesánsito Aéreo or Controllers of Tránsito (ATC) y téConics in Electrónica aérea.

This school tooén is a regional training centerón ICAO since 1995 for the trainingón and specializationónumber of personnel téAviation Security Technicianón – AVSEC.

From 1996 in conjunction with ICAO, the DGAC, the Spain Agencyñhello from Cooperación international – AECI and Espa airportsñoles and Navigationón Aérea – AENA to become part of the TRAINAIR program and later TRAINAIR Plus for the applicationón of methodologyíthe updated ones areástandard and effective used worldwide to teach courses related to the fields of aviation.ón.

The ETAC is the úonly certified and endorsed center for instructionón and trainingón of professionals in áreas técnicas aeronáuticas in Ecuador and since its creationón has been evolving and adding a greater academic offerémica to your portfolio to así be able to cope with the demanding and changing aero businessáutico thatño a año requires highly trained professionals in such specific topicsífics like those taught in this school and that are not trainingón private or studies in private university centers.

Courses and academic offerécourse taught by ETAC

In its relatively short history, ETAC has been the school from which hundreds of controllers toéreos y técones aeronáEcuadorian scientists have been trained in the different disciplines that the institutionón teaches and that over time has been incorporated into its instruction portfolioón professional técnica aeronáutica:

  • ÁBad Gesturesón of Tránsito Aéreo (ATM)
    • Formationón of A Controllerséprisoners
    • Approximationóno and ÁArea by Procedures
    • Approximationóno and ÁSurveillance Area
  • Áweather forecastería (MET)
    • Formationón of TéMeteor cynicsólogos
    • MeteoróAeron logosáuticos
  • ÁFlight Operations Area (OPS)
    • FormationóNo. of Aircraft Dispatchers
  • ÁBad Gesturesón Informationón Berriesáutica (AIM)
    • Formationón téAIM cynics
    • Básico NOTAM
  • ÁAviation Security Areaón (AVSEC)
    • Formationón Agents
    • Loading and Mail Toéreo
    • GuestóNo. of Security
    • Crisis management
    • Supervisors AVSEC
    • AVSEC instructors
    • AVSEC Senior Management
    • AVSEC exercises
    • AVSEC Quality Control
    • ÁFire Service Area (SCI)
  • FormationóAeron Firefighters No.áuticos
    • Básico de Atención Pre-hospital
    • Management and control of Mercancíace dangerous
  • Other Training Eventsón
    • TRAINAIR instructors
  • Management Systemsón of Operational Safety (SMS)
    • Risk-free Transportation of Goodsíace dangerous


The School within its búquest for improvement and growth in úlast toños implementó a Virtual Traffic Control Simulatoránsito Aéreo, one of the first in the regionón, where tr driversáI'm theéreo, both civil and military, can be trained for managementón of tráI'm theéprisoner both in approach positionsón as a control tower and put into práapply the knowledge acquired in the hoursáctics in a controlled and safe environment for your capabilitiesón.

It is añO 2018, ETAC has been authorized to modify its operating permitón of related activities such as Instruction CenteróAeron's náutica Civil – CIAC in the following téterms:

ETAC classes - T-SchooléAviation technologyón Civil

The novelty in this modificationón is the inclusionón of the instruction programóNo. of cabin crew, so potentially, this school caná spaghettién train professionals to later become airline cabin crewínea.

Calls for ETAC classes and courses

The calls for the different study offers, are generated accordingún the need of the país to count on for example, new tr driversáI'm theéreo. The other courses are published directly on the páweb site from institutionsón www.etac.edu.ec or are carried out based on the needs of the airports, aerolísecurity lines and companies.

ETAC Courses Civil Aviation Technical School Ecuador Quito
ETAC courses forñO 2018

Locationón of ETAC

The main center of the ETAC is located north of Quito and is where the vast majorityía of its courses are taught, although others sayún requirements and demands are made in other cities in the countryís.

Capturesán Andéfish Oe1-44 and Av. Galo Plaza Lasso
Quito – Ecuador
Teléphone: 593-2 409 984

Requirements to enter the ETAC

Requirements varyán themselvesún each course and the same will beán published together with each call.

The classes taught by the ETAC are a good alternative for those people who receiveén se gradúfrom school to begin his studies in the aero worldáutico or for those people who want to start or improve their knowledge acquired in the industry.

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104 comments on “About ETAC – Civil Aviation Technical School”

  1. These courses seem to be intended only for people who work in airports, not for civilians who aspire to work in airports. I would like to participate in various land jobs., especially in security matters, but… there are no possibilities. I can't find them, not to mention the cost issue.. Everything is selective secrecy and more like a closed competition. I find more courses abroad than in Ecuador and to make matters worse if they are offered, It's scary that the investment will be in vain when the only courses they endorse are those from Etac. I hope I am wrong and at the same time suggestions. Thanks.

    1. Hello Tatiana, well yes it is as you mention it, Accessing these courses is quite complex and as you say, most are for aeronautical personnel already working in airlines. More options are needed to become professional in aviation in our country.

  2. In reality, it is a shame that Ecuador does not have more options, such as Peru, in Lima there are some courses to be an aircraft dispatcher where the prices are really affordable. It would be a question of migrating to study elsewhere when it should not be that way. .


  3. Anita Velastegui

    Buenas tardes
    Could you help me with more information to be able to enter the cabin crew courses?, like dates, costs, etc
    Thank you so much

  4. Dear Sirs

    Wishing you the best success and congratulations on your achievements., I took the opportunity to find out when a call for security agents would open and the cost..

    thank you

    Messiah Davila

  5. Christian Tuesta Viena

    could you help me, by providing me with the ETAC phone number or email, I try to call from Peru without achieving my goal, I tried to communicate through Facebook without success..
    Your support if you have any contact email or could you inform me about the avsec course programming

  6. Buenas tardes, Mr. Larenas, I would like to take the airport agent course, Where can I take the course or help me with more information about costs.

  7. Good morning, I would like to know when the trainer instructor course starts or will it be taught if it will be done in November or not of the year? 2019 please inform

  8. Sr. Larenas, good evening, could you tell me where I can study as a technician in airport administration in Quito?, I mention that I have knowledge in aviation since I followed a course independently as a cabin crew member and air traffic but I do not have the level of English that is required of me to be a crew member., It is possible that with this course and the experience I have received in customer service and attention with the jobs I have had, I can apply for any job, whether in the air or on the ground at the airport., while I can complete my studies. I thank you in advance for your response.

  9. Hello, I would like to take the security agent course to work at the airport, where can I take the course or get information?.

  10. Good afternoon Mr Larenas, Could you inform me if there are places for the Initial Airport Security course?, for Security Agents. I must send the letter first requesting the quota ?

  11. Enrique Espinoza

    Good evening Mr. Nicolas…I need a guide ….I have 43 years ..currently providing service to the DAGC through a security company ……What course can I take here in Guayaquil to improve my aspirations?…Thank you

  12. good morning my dear Nicolas, I would like to know if registration is now open to follow the security course and what I need to register for the course. Thank you very much in advance for the information.

  13. Good morning dear, somewhere in Manta or Guayaquil to take an AVSEC Security course ? and I wanted to know if you publish on your blog offering jobs in the aeronautical field for the Manabi area


        Thank you very much dear Nicholas, another question, The courses have not yet been published by the DGAC? and if it is possible to take these courses by a foreign person with an ID card and visa already regularized in Ecuador?

  14. Good Morning. It would be good to know when the courses start.. It is discouraging not to see any information about these for more than a year..

  15. Luis Marcelo Cabezas

    Good afternoon, could you inform me? ,About the airport agent course, the date and how much the course costs me ,very kind and very grateful.

  16. Good afternoon, I would like information about the course for airport security agents. I would like to do the appellant since it has expired.

  17. Good morning, gentleman Larenas, I am a professional Venezuelan career firefighter based in Quito with a UNASUR visa.. I would return and aspire to take an aeronautical firefighter course. I see that you answer every question here, perhaps there is information about an upcoming course or a website where you can search and receive information about their different courses, how to apply and, above all, be aware of news and applications. . Thank you very much in advance, greetings, good day. . Luis Martinez
    [email protected]

  18. My dear, good afternoon, I would like information on the airport agent course and the cost of the course and the duration of the course.

  19. Good afternoon my friend. Excuse me, I need to know if there are credits… I am interested in my son studying… Please if you can help me with the information.. I wait for your response.

  20. Dear Mr. Larenas
    Good morning.
    Sorry for bothering, I ask you in the most attentive way to provide me with information about the next Aeronautical Firefighters Training course..
    Waiting for your response, I advance my most sincere thanks..

      1. I ask you in the most special way, when this course opens, to help me with information about it., additionally what are the requirements to be part of this course.
        thanks for your help

  21. Veronica Castro

    Buenas tardes, My daughter wants to be a flight attendant and I would like to have information about this course and the values ​​of said course, Thanks a lot!


    Good evening, please can you tell me about the courses offered by the ETAC and when it will open again, Mr. Nicolás Larenas, in advance, my thanks. . Maria Trujillo

  23. Good morning, I want to take a TOV course TO dispatch flights, yes, and what are the requirements, thank you

    Manuel Lema

  24. Matias Alberto Tufiño Paz y Miño

    Buenas tardes. I would like to be notified by email when courses are opened. I am going to follow a Cabin Crew Course since it is already April and there are no study options at ETAC. I hope the calls are made, They must put pressure as an institution on whoever should give the order.
    Thank you for your attention and answer

  25. Cristian Jami

    I would like to start in the world of aviation and I am looking for alternatives like ETAC who can take the course ? I am a bachelor

  26. Hello, good evening, I would like you to help me with information about the courses I have. 27 I had the opportunity to study air traffic but for reasons I could not continue and I would like to know if I can take a course to be able to pursue it as a career, thank you very much

  27. Good evening, can you help me with the information on air traffic controllers?…
    I have not been able to communicate with the ETAC

  28. Hello, how are you? I need to know about the air traffic controller or air approach courses, help with dates because the last time they opened in the 2016 and that's it 2018 Please clarify that doubt for me, thank you

  29. Christopher Pérez Balda

    Good Morning, Sr. Larenas, I liked your post about the Civil Aviation Technical School, regarding the new Cabin Crew training program, Do you know when this course opens that the ETAC will implement?, I'm going to study that career, Thank you.

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