How to operate or fly a drone in Ecuador?

How to operate or fly a drone in Ecuador?

a new topic, closely related to aviationón continues to take center stage in the día a díto the paíyes and in the opinionón pública. Hereí we will try to respond in the best wayás fácil the question, ¿cóhow to operate or fly a drone in Ecuador?

UAVs – Vehíasses AéUnmanned prisoners by their acronym in español o UAV – Unmanned Aerial Vehicle en inglés, They are a global trend and every dayíto its use and applicationón both for personal and commercial use is increasing and in Ecuador its use has begun to generate controversy.émica.

the drones, They are remotely piloted equipment and can be operated by anyone without prior training or anyúfor preparationóno license, like for example if it happens with aeroest balloonsáticos, ultralight and others.

Initially, these teams had a military origin for reconnaissance or attack missions, but their variety of forms and applications have made them an attractive tool to generate income for manufacturing companies as well asén for natural persons looking to offer their photography servicesía and vídeo aéreo.

Its uses are infinite and being affordable in the m versionsás básimpler and less sophisticated since $100 dóhomes or less, even drones úlast generationón with cámaras full HD, autonomous branchía y más about the $3.000 dólares is that its use must be regulated for the safety and privacy of people, as wellén for the security of airport operations in the countryís.

There have already been several cases in which drones flown by civilians near airports have generated máIt's a scare, for example in Argentina, an impact droneó I saw oneón commercial, luckily without carrying major problems than a blow, but because of the sizeñor that these teams have, couldían cause serious and dangerous damageñIf these impact, for example, the cabin, fuel tank or engine of any aircraftón.

Regulationón of drones in Ecuador

With date 17 September 2015, Ecuador took its first step towards regulationón de la operationón of drones in the countryís. In the Resolutionón 251-2015 is detailed:

Artíass First.- Approve the establishment of complementary provisions that regulate the Operationón of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) or known as ORONES or Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), the same ones detailed belowón:

Art. 1   Operations on the fencesíace of an aeróDromo

  • He himselfíbe la surgeryón of the RPAS/UAS in spaces aécontrolled inmates.
  • La operationón of the RPAS/UAS will be maintainedá throughout the durationóflight number, to one
  • Distance equal to or greater than 9 kilómeters (5  NM)  from  the vicinity of any  aeródromo o
  • Base aémilitary evil.

Art. 2  Height máflight xima

La operationón of RPAS/UAS not to exceedá a ningún moment a flight height of 400 pies (122 meters) on the terrain (AGL).

Art. 3  Horas de operationón

RPAS/UAS will beán operated only during the hours between sunrise and sunset; and in meteorological conditionsóvisual flight logic (VMC), cloud free, fog, precipitación or any other conditionón that obstructs or may obstruct permanent visual contact with the RPAS/UAS.

Art. 4  Responsibility for the operationón

(a) The person who operates the RPAS/UAS controls will beá responsible for the operationón general of the same throughout the flight, jointly and severally with the operator or owner of the aircraft.

Art. 5  PhysiointegrityóRPA operator logic

 No person operateá the controls of an RPAS/UAS if:

  • is fatigued, or if you consider that you may suffer the effects of fatigue during the operation.ón;
  • He is under the influence of alcoholic beverages.óface, or of any drug that could impair your ability to operate the controls safely.

Art. 6   Automation functionsón

 If the RPAS/UAS have the ability to perform automatic flightático, this functionócan'tá be used only if it allows the controls operator to intervene at any time to take immediate control of the aircraft.

Art. 7   Limitations

The person who operates the controls of an RPAS/UAS is responsible for ensuring that it is operated in accordance with the operational limitations established by the manufacturer..

Art. 8   insurance

The owner or operator of the RPAS/UAS isán in the obligationón to answer for the daysñcaused to third parties, as a result of your flying activities, for which you must hire the pólist of legal civil liability insurance for third parties in the amounts mímoods established in the table belowón:

Of 02 a 25 Kg. table mámaximum of dismissal (MTOW) USD 3.000,00
By más de 25 Kg. table mámaximum of dismissal (MTOW) USD 5.000,00

Art. 9   Compliance with local laws and regulations

 Compliance with these provisions, does not exempt the RPAS/UAS operator from complying with applicable local laws and regulations.

¿Cóhow to operate or fly a drone in Ecuador?

The first thing you should keep in mind is that you must comply with the Regulation.ón 251-2015 and respect all artíglasses, mainly those of operationón close to airports, the height máxima flight over terrain, hours of operationón and have third party liability insurance according toún the weight mátop of the team.

All points are importantíwe are, but those above, they are the ones that drone pilots consulted have indicated as fundamental.

Before any regulationón current, you should always fly safely, both for you and for other people and respect the privacy of third parties, something fundamental.

Currently, In Ecuador there is no need to have a license or take related classes such as sí happens in others paíyou are like the United States, and for now, there is no classificationón in the law on criminal responsibilities for operating these aircraft in an irresponsible manner and outside of regulation.ón, but sure, this will changeá pronto.

Equally, misuse of theseún no isá punished or typified in Ecuadorian Law, but the authorities know that it is alreadyán working on it, as well as the inappropriate use of lasers against aircraft.


Andres Sánchez – Altavista Ecuador: 

Mainly you have to divide the teams by their character.ístatic. In the main I consider 3 categoryías, the first drones that do not reach greater heights we are talking about that do not exceed the 10 O 20 meters high that are toys really, These do not imply greater risk nor do they require greater knowledge from the pilot.. Then there isán the equipment that its reach already exceeds 120 meters high, which are already a potential risk if operated without following the parásafety meters.

And by úlast eastán fumigation equipmentón for agricultural control that requires certified pilots.

Once with this clear, the corresponding entity mustíto open a course for pilots depending on their categoryía. As is normally a vehicle licenseíass that has its categorizationón.

In the first instance you caníto manage online courses and with this the greatestíMost drone owners will haveíaccess to this course. SpaghettiéI don't think it's very important

¿Do you want to comment in this space?? EnvíI love your point of view [email protected].

Applicationón and use of drones

  • events.
  • Búsearch of people.
  • Forest Fire Control.
  • Investigacines arqueolólogic.
  • Fines geolólogic.
  • Differentón.
  • Distributionón ofñto free internet.
  • Cartografía.
  • Transportation and delivery of merchandiseías.
  • Agriculture.
  • Cine.
  • Zoologistía
  • Others.

Airbus press photo We start a review of the most important news, drones have been gradually gaining space, mainly in its various commercial applications, being protagonists in víadvertising deos for companies or for disseminationón turnística of the país.

¿You can fly drones in Galápaid?

It should be noted, that the use and flight of drones in Galápagos isá prohibited by Gal National Park Lawápaid – PNG para evitar dañto the delicate ecosystem of the islands, since the animals, mainly birds, couldíbe scared or hit by these aircraft. Its use in the Islands isá úOnly permitted for strictly research use.ón and monitoring or with strict special permission for commercial use.

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54 comments on “How to operate or fly a drone in Ecuador?”

  1. I have a mavic mini drone and a phantom 4 and we go to the galapagos islands to do a report for a magazine,,, I have the A1 and A3 permits and the professional….. Do you know the address where I can request permission to fly in Galapagos?????????

  2. Dear Nicholas, is there a list of places where ultralight drones can be flown without permission?

    We have a DJI Mavic mini, the lightest on the market.

    Thank you for your answer.

    Kind regards.

    1. Why, I want to know, If I buy a DJI mavic air 2 Do I have to have a license or do I buy a DJI mavic mini.
      It is also allowed to bring a drone from the United States in a box, sealed, as for personal use?

      1. It is allowed to bring a drone from the United States to Ecuador in a box, sealed, as for personal use?
        There are restrictions to bring drone batteries by plane to Ecuador?

  3. Good Morning, I'm going to buy a DJI spark to record personal videos as a hobby, I will be able to fly the drone in the arquebla carolina and in the metropolitan? Thanks in advance.

  4. Theresa Spinoza

    We quote the insurance of a UAV for a GAD, Among the requirements is the following «EXPRESS GUARANTEES: OPERATORS: Any operator duly certified for the flight involved, subject to the individual having successfully completed the Initial training course or having a minimum of 20 hours of UAV experience. Full compliance with all the regulations detailed in the Civil Aviation Law according to the resolution 251/2015 on the use of UAVs.
    We have been calling the DGAC phones, for information but they do not answer like the emails. For the issuance of the policy they only ask me for the data of the operator. But in case of an accident I am sure that if we are going to request the certification of the DGAC. Please help

  5. Nicholas thanks for the contribution. Do you know if you can fly in Quito near the bicentennial?? I understand that there is a takeoff point for firefighting helicopters but I don't know if it falls within the regulation. Greetings

  6. I need to make a flight with the drone near Macas airport (Morona-Santiago ) it is for a topographical survey , is there any way to ask permission for a couple of hours . i need ur help

    1. I'm in the same situation, I must do cartography near the Macas airport, For the moment I have programmed the unlocking of the GEO zones of the drone, I don't know if this is enough. If you have more information or progress on the subject, I would appreciate it if you could share it on the blog., after the holiday I will do some tests, If I have any positive result I will post it here.

      1. Juan Carlos Dominguez

        The DGAC issues authorizations for the operation of RPAS. A document must be submitted to the Airport Administration with basic information on the proposed operation. Once the information has been reviewed, it is coordinated with Air Traffic Management for the issuance of the respective NOTAM..

  7. Wagner Guerrero

    Nicholas thanks for your contribution. The information you provide is current? Because the legislation of Spain is much more advanced and it had in mind that. But here it varies a bit. And you already know some place in Ecuador that issues a license to fly drones. And the cost of that course..

  8. Hello there. Do you know of any insurer that fully covers me?, the drone and any damage to third parties? It is for a DJI inspire 2. Thanks.

  9. Sorry, I want to buy a mavic air since I like photography, I understand that being Ecuadorian I must pay a fee if the drone costs more than 500usd?? And another question, every time I go on vacation and return to the country I will have to pay that fee?

    1. Yes, when you bring the new drone and it costs more than $500, you will have to pay taxes. It will only be the first time you bring it, the next times it will be used and you must show that you have already paid the taxes by keeping all the proof of purchase and payment of taxes.

  10. Sr. Nicolas Larenas.
    Nice to greet you.
    I have a lemon plantation in Esmeraldas.
    I need following information:
    -sell drones to fumigate , if not ,has contact.
    -does maintenance
    -purchase advisor , driving , maintenance , spare parts,
    I thank you in advance.
    My Wasapp is +593 989 251 593

      1. Good Morning. I am a foreigner and I would like to know if I can fly the DRONE along the boardwalk 2000 and the rocks ( Santa Ana Hill), Guayaquil . A person told me that I need a permit from the municipality. Please let me know what should I do. Thanks.

  11. Borja Carreira Rouco

    Hello there. I am Spanish, I am going to travel for leisure from January to April through South America. I am a user (unprofessional) from a mavic air. Is there any problem to enter the country with the drone? Do I have to pay any fees or go through any registration??
    I repeat that I do not use it as a professional, I do not give it commercial use.
    And I've already seen that in Galapagos you can't fly.

      1. Juan Carlos Dominguez

        Let me clarify that point.. The DGAC issues an authorization for the operation of RPAS, prior coordination with Air Navigation. Authorization is free of charge.. If the GADs have a procedure for charging, these are not within the scope of the Aeronautical Authority.

  12. Fatal what I just read according to them they want to set rules for flying a drone I don't think it's normal to say a toy drone with a professional drone and an ultra-professional drone say that everything has its limits and insurance 3000 dollars that people are crazy, not even in large developed countries do they ban this topic and Ami in Ecuador only happens as the inspectors and those in the offices would like to earn a little extra in the black by passing certificates but if there is no money to pay for the course and you are already applying for insurance 3000 dollars and 5000 dollars, please, people are getting sick every time, notice that you are in Ecuador, do not copy it, that the US or the EU have you lack experience to be able to prohibit, you have no idea what a drone is, as long as you say prohibited, and if you look at a drone x there, you know, you have to pay some extra money so that they don't steal the drone….

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