In this space we are going to render a sincere tribute dedicated to all those great Ecuadorian women in Aviación that día a díthey make an industry más cálida, friendly and detailed, as only they can. For the DíAt Women's International we are going to publish some testimonies of the challengesíand challenges that they have had in a business generally, led by men. (Includes international holdings).
In the úlast toñThanks to initiatives such as Women's Meeting Líderes in Aviacón – EMLA, women have gained greater prominence in the sector, reaching important administrative positions, Today we are going to tell their stories of cóhow they managed to enter the aviationón o of cóhave lived this experience within a highly exciting industry.
![]() I have today 68 años and I was the first woman with the title of Flight Operations Technician awarded afterés of a course at School Téaviation storyón civil. Worké in Saeta first in offices then at the airport counter. The company gave me the opportunity to take the course being the úonly woman with 25 boys in the classroom. Then we graduated and I got the first antiqueüage. many toñI was Airport Manager and flight dispatcher in Saeta. I retiredé and I don't hesitate to say that it was the best experience of my life.. I share my story on this dayídedicated to women fighters. | |
![]() I'm carla, quiteña, cabin crew and motherá fingers, specialist in Corporate Social Responsibility. since very littleñI had the opportunity to get on a planeón in companyñíto my parents, because he traveled for different reasons, either for his work or for tourism. Every time I stepped into an airport I feltístill “Déjà vu” and the atmosphere seems to meíto very well known and “so míO”. They passedños and when it finishedé the school hasíto choose a career and of course studyé tourism because for that élittle was what Iás was approaching my countryón: the aviationón. But first I searchedé have expertise in aviationón, you're aceí What did my internships do?ías en America Airlines. It is true what they say that when something is for you, it comes to you fáciliously, (for this you already haveíto my first daughter Valentina and vivílove with your dadá). The opportunity arose in SAEREO, a part time for a sales point in the old Mariscal Sucre terminal. No pensé twice and I acceptedé. For me SAEREO was a real school, I was finally where “potatoes burn” and I highlight that saying because many people told meíwhat does that do to meíthe happy. This was the beginning of my aviation career.ón, afterés I went to tráfico, until I arrivedé to be a supervisor. Me involucré in several áreas, now I knowíairport security, load, operations and ábad commercial, because my position reported to each of them, being a small companyña, familiar y sólida, SAEREO for me was my family. The dreamñor flying was latent and the opportunities to take the crew course were presented to me at every moment but I did not haveíto the support of the fatherá of my daughters, ademáI know I don't understandía cómo podíto like a job where I have to get up early, rotating schedules and that the remunerationón is not competitive. Wateré SAEREO, well he spoke to meíseparately and haveíto two orñthe little onesñso they demanded a lot from me, you're aceí that was presented to meó an office job (nothing to do with airplanes) and I acceptedé. I starté to carry out certification processesón before the DGAC but he did itífrom my house, empecé with my teacheríand now I set myself the goal of fulfilling my dreamñor to fly. Are youí how it arrived againó a call to me to take the training courseóTame EP TCP n and I got ití, I was a crew member. I had the opportunity to fly all the international destinations of Tame and obviously the entire Ecuador. Whaté pride was putting on that uniform and arriving (I quote only with an example) JFK representing the airlineíflag line. They passedñand introduced himselfó the opportunity to support in the Commercial, you're aceí how come downé to the ground but it was flying tooén. It was the perfect job but it cameó the díI had to choose and I decidedí for a career and I hung upé my wings. It was the decisionón más hard and difficultícil that I have taken in my life. Currently, for my trainingón académica and connoisseur of the medium aeroáuseful, I work in Communicationón and from the 2018 I am implementing the Corporate Responsibility Model in Tame. It is an enormous challenge but sustainability is not created overnight.ñhe. I have been through severaléareas that are part of an airlineínea, operational, commercial and communicationón. I believe that in life there are stages and to grow many times you have to leave your comfort zone. Sigo like thatñI walk and work hard to materialize my desires. Life presents you with opportunities but alsoéWe must not be prepared to take them. I don't like to improvise. Whoén knows and capable mañAna I fly again (I have never ruled out that possibility) But for now, with feet on the ground and eyes on the sky. | |
![]() I love Aviationón since I was niña. I am Médica and I have a specialty in Aeron Medicineáutica, I am currently manager of the Higher School of Aviationón Volare Ecuador where we prepare Cabin Crew applicants. I have learned to develop my potential in a world led by men, and I can say that women tooéwe can't go very far. | |
![]() In my case I have been lucky, the fact of being a woman has not brought meído fruitáasses or difficulties when it comes to being part of the world of aviationón. In fact, from the beginning I feltí a great reception from the Ecuadorian spotters and my followers on YouTube who, in both cases, They are men in their greatestía.Today in día, as cabin crew, despite not being a challengeíor in itselfí, it catches my attentionón the response I usually get when I demonstrate somethingún interés by aspects técnics or prácritics who are notán directly related to my work. Pilots are often surprised when I ask questions about approaches to different airports, the categoriesíILS ace of the same, the Límites of crosswinds of a certain type of aircraftón, among other. However, I must admit that this answer is always positive. Today in Día, as cabin crew, despite not being a challengeíor in itselfí, it catches my attentionón the response I usually get when I demonstrate somethingún interés by aspects técnics or prácritics who are notán directly related to my work. Pilots are often surprised when I ask questions about approaches to different airports, the categoriesíILS ace of the same, the Límites of crosswinds of a certain type of aircraftón, among other. However, I must admit that this answer is always positive. | |
![]() Even though we live in a équite progressive time in terms of women's rights, todavíIt is somewhat complicated to get started in an industry that for the most partía is led by men. Mainly the fact that, In my case I advise several Aerolícommercial lines in Ecuador and at the same time I represent them before the aviation authorityáutica, and before both parties I face to meet high expectations about my work. for being a woman, Eastás subject to constant scrutiny of your knowledge, especially in the t partéconical since the largestíMost men think that things are mechanicaláonly ones are not given to us women and therefore we will have some difficulty in understanding the regulations tétechnical/operational skills required in aviationón. This is why we are presented with the challengeíor adapt to the environment and create an image of trust that provides security in the work you do, we must be in continuous learning, al díin the development of the activityéarea and available 24/7, since the operationón in transport toéprisoner does not have fixed hours. The important thing is that it becomes a daily challenge that becomes passionate and becomes part of your life.. Feel part of the activityéArea is very stimulating and has given me, in these almost 10 añthose of experience, great satisfactions how to achieve the concessionónumber of operating permitsón para aerolíforeign lines that allow increasing the connectivity of the countryís, así how to be part of the negotiationón and executionónumber of contracts in the field of aviationón international. | |
![]() My name is Andreina Martínez, I am Venezuelan and I am an aero engineeráutico with a Specializationón in Planningón, Development and ManagementóNo. of Projects. my professional life, since its inception, it has been a challengeíO, which I have accepted with pride. Escogí a career dominated by men, the 90% of the students in the course were men. Nevertheless, That didn't stop me. I startedé my professional career in áinvestigation areaónumber of accidentséprisoners, áarea that continues to catch my attentionón. In that período, teníto the responsibility of going to the places of events, make the inspections of the case and determine the causal factors of the events. The biggest challenge was presented at the time of realization.ón of those activities with “such a young age and alsoás woman”. sometimes they asked me: “you tolerate seeing deaths in accidents? For men that is más fácil”. I challenged themíthey started to get together: being a woman and being young. Understandí that educationón playíto a determining role in my performanceñor in the world of aviationón, and that's why I decidedí deepen my trainingón. Tomé a 4th level study and I developedé at ábad mannersónumber of projects. Next, entré to work in an airlineíVenezuelan girl and I dedicated myselfé al áoperational safety area. I was developingágoing to the aforementioned áI prayed until I managedé the position of Management System Managerón of Operational Safety. The challenges continued and increased with respect to the responsibility of the position. Se presentó así the first challenge that refersíto assume a managerial role “short age” in front of other managers who haveíand dédrops of experience in aviationón, with the factor añaddition of the salary imbalance with respect to other managers in the airlineínea. in addition, I had the opportunity to be part of the select group of women authorized by the Aeron Authorityáutica to be an instructor in Management mattersón of Operational Safety. Now the challenge isíto provide training to airline personnelínea at such a young age… “¿believe meán what I say?, ¿representé For them, an authority figure both in the managerial role and in the role of instructor?” the doubts crecían… Nevertheless, this hasn't stopped me, I continue to developágoing on the aviationón now with meás empeñor and pride. I hope and fight so that women have más decision-making roles in aviationón and what más women enter this beautiful world in the future próximo. | |
![]() I admit that at first it didn't work out at allácil, in a way I feelía little lower, I was at a small flight academy.ña, all my friendsñeros and the instructors were men. While my classmatesñeros were already flying alone, i was trying to get the motor oil off my hands to do a few landings and takeoffs with my instructor. My landings weren't perfect, but I, my instructor and the avión landedáwe were intact. Finally, When they gave me the qualification to fly alone,ívery afraid because I didn't feelíable to do it, I had to cancel it the first and second time (the second was because of the wind) On the third try I still feltíwith fear, but you knowíwhat do you haveíto do it. It was 9am and the tráfico was already getting heavy, wereúmero 3 for takeoff and ahead míyou haveíto a Gulfstreem G650 (I'm a PA-28). Okay, patiently wait my turn, tower confirms the takeoff, I check that everything is ok, all in green, 55 knots and rotationón. Already in the air I realized that I can face myselfí same, I can get out of this comfort zone and I can do better than I thought.íto be able, afterés of mí solo, I can say that it has gone better than I expected both in my training and in my professional life. In my little experience with aviationóI can't say that it doesn't matter who flies the planeón, the important thing is how you do it; with dedicate to usón, effort, discipline and above all with the love of flying. I hope to continue growing this way, it's not fácyl and aúI'm still trying, I have to continue to stand out with myself and especially in this industry mostly led by men. | |
![]() The biggest challengeíor for me it has been that they really see you as a professional person who wants to learn and do their job and alsoén the fact that sometimes when you have family in my case they judge you for having chosen this kind of work. | |
![]() I believe that in Ecuador, the aero industryáutica is one of the más equitable with respect to género. Nevertheless, There are fewer women in management and leadership positions.ón. After a race of más de 25 añthose in aviationón, I can tell you that the biggest challengeíO, both at the beginning and today it has been to combine with ésuccess the work, studies and family life. Something that can only be achieved with the support of the family, organizational capacityón and constant effort. In closing I would like to say that I firmly believe that the ésuccess goes más allá of the género and is achieved by taking advantage of the opportunities, sacrificeásetting goals and working to achieve them with effort and perseverance. | |
![]() Perú it's a país very conservative, when I receivedén ingresé to study one of the branches of Aviationón, They are surprised that there are women in a roomóclass number. The looks that one feels when you work, harassment, comments out of place, wanting to diminish you for simply being a woman, It's the biggest challengeíor for a woman in the aero industryáutica. Nevertheless, it makes me very happyíto have más women betting on the aeronáutica, that finally we are all human beings and we must be seen equally at all times and stop being machismo, something that maybe in my país aún missing. | |
![]() My beloved AVIACIÓN, since I have use of rootsóYou are my great inspirationón. my passionón for aviationóIt hasn't been forever but everything came togetheró at 2000. Homeé being a Tr Agentáfico for Icaro at the old Quito Airport, It was difficult to study and work but everything was worth itíto sorrow while I walked to reach my dreamñO, be TC (It was my aspirationón), many friends told meían porqué be TC? It is not better to be a pilot? But being a pilot was never in my heartón. After some toñhighlight the CT course for Icaro. Later he workedé and Aerogal, at Lan Ecuador, LAC as TC. They were the best schools and experiences. I had the best instructors and friends, taught meñThey did countless things and receivedí millions of tips that I everás forgeté. The love for aviationóhe didn't take meó to continue perfecting myself áI worked and I could be a Cabin Manager, Crew Chief and one of my goals isñados to be an Instructor. I had the opportunity to qualify as an Instructor at School TéAviation technologyón Civil in Quito; then I was able to teach some courses such as in TAME: Image, introduce meón Personal, Etiquette and protocol. In LAC impartí the courses that the company requested of meó. My beloved aviationóI have nothing to blame you for, I had my ups and downs.. Always beé grateful to God, with the life, for all flights, for every takeoff and landing, for each crew, for each passenger; Thank you for making me live every moment as if it were the úlast. your eternal admirer. Sonita Romero. | |
![]() The biggest challengeíWhat I have had in my role as a traffic controlleránsito aétask was to gain the respect and trust of my colleaguesñeros and pilots when I'm on the frequency. In this complex environment, growing as a professional and being recognized for my work has been one of my greatest achievements.. Today in DíI am responsible for the Guayaquil Control Tower and I can assure you that managing this group of controllers is just as difficult.íIt's easy to control airplanes but I love challenges and I'm taking it on with pleasure and a lot of responsibility.. | |
![]() Katya LóMena fish, Engineer in foreign trade, 25 añas a Customs Agent in Ecuador, Reg process expertíSpecial menus, with 15 añyears of experience in specialized aviation servicesón. My biggest challengeó has been to consolidate in this time the name of our company as líders and experts in customs services for the main airlinesípa linesíwhether they are Ecuadorian or foreign, we made it involveáfully engaging in the process that goes from learning international regulations, the operationón as such, aircraft maintenance, meet the manufacturers, models and types of aircraft and work hand in hand with our clients ensuring that the Legislationón Ecuadorian Customs adapts to the needs and reality of the business line. Without a doubt the aviationón drives and motivates you to be pro-active and becomes a passionón what is inside | |
![]() The truth enters this world of aviationón by chance and I thank life for that and más being part of the Air France KLM group. Challenges that have been achieved in más de 20 añwork, professionalism and commitment. The biggest challengeíor is it believing in yourself. My trajectory and path has been gradually changing. Start in Operations (import- export), customer service and now sales. I think with my positive attitude good carácter – pillar in my life- I have been able to gain trust, friendship and respect from my colleagues in aviationón. The perseverance, integrity makes goals are met. The world of aviationón is varied, There has always been a feminine presence and I can say that in my case I have not had anyúI stumble because I am a woman, I think I better have received a lot of support. | |
![]() Being considered an interlocutor válido, not only for the fact of being a woman but also forás being a young woman. Alcancé Management in theñO 2004, with 30 añyou old, despite having at that time already with 12 añthose with experience in different áareas of operationón in Ecuador. This challengeíor showed upó, not at the time of entering the industry, but as you go up, In a business world where, although every time there are más presence of women, unfortunately toún son minoría in leadership skills. | |
![]() When at 19 añif you present meó the opportunity to work in the áKLM cargo area, sentí who touched the sky with his hands. No teníthe idea that planes carried cargo, worse cuáto beímy responsibilities and functions. all that was secondary, what's important to meí At that time I was working at an airlineínea and that I was going to be able to travel. the aviationón in Ecuador at the end of the años 80 was led by men, however the greatestíto KLM Ecuador cargo and airport staff éWe were women so I immediately becameí in part of the team «País of the Amazons» That's what our friends called us.ñdutch eros. Women have contributed as much as men with the growth of the industry. At best the úonly difference I can think of is the passionóWhat we put into our work. | |
![]() The biggest challengeíor as a woman: neither. The challengeíor enter severalñthe atreás to this industry then mostly led by men (something that has been changing during the úlast toños) it was the fear of my peers to change. change of perspective, focus, resolutions, change in the way of making decisions, solutions, talks, procedures, generally a change that isá directly linked to diversity of thought. At that time this fear of change was accentuatedún más, when the propitiator propitiated it was “some” añyou are smaller than your peers. But, like all fear; this one has fadedó. In a short time my peers were given the opportunity to work face to face. Subsequently, the professionalism and expertise in the aero industryáutica is manifestedó a través of teamwork that allowedó achieve highly efficient results. The time has changed. Every time IáWomen occupy management-level positions in the airline industryáutica. Añthe atreás, en mi práprofessional ethics the work was done almost exclusively with men. Exceptional cases were those in which women held managerial positions. That reality ofñthe atreáIt motivated me precisely to become an activist for change.. I have always considered that, if no isás agree with something, or you do not feel satisfied with the reality you live, you shouldn't complain. You must DO something to change it.. | |
![]() The aviation industryón every time he hires más women in different áareas and ranges. every dayíThe capabilities and attributes we have are valued; the tenacity and perseverance that characterizes us. I have been part of this world of work for 5 añand my biggest challengeíOr was it combining my work schedule with my children?. This industry is dináunique and exciting and as a professional it involves you 24/7, the 365 días del añO. Thanks for the support and understandingóunconditional member of my family this challengeíor has been and is surpassed día a día. I feel very proud to be part of one of the actors más important in the market. In my case, joining the Avianca family- Ecuador S.A. It has allowed me to have a comprehensive development where the balance between work and personal matters prevails thanks to incentives such as the Home office or flexible working hours.. This and other challengesíThey are part of the lives of all the women who work in aviation.ón, in the industry, but all of them in turn have allowed us to fulfill our dreamños and walk towards him úsingle objective withúWhat all human beings have: be happy. | |
![]() I consider that every woman who enters the aero worldáutico faces permanent challengesínot only professional but personal, in our different roles. My case has not been the exceptionón, Well, as a Lawyer specialized in Aeron Lawáuseful, spaghettiéI have experienced a greater male presence in the practice of this field of Law, in Ecuador. In private practice and representationón of aerolídenies, I have had an openness for my professional growth, although with some differences that favor men and persist in our society. We are aúFew of the lawyers who work for the exciting aviation industryáutica in Ecuador, but we will surely grow in participationón active, for the way has been opened and the aviationón offers a challenging development to our país. | |
![]() The biggest challengeíor as a woman when entering the aeron worldáutical has been to demonstrate that the woman has a voice of authority when issuing an instructionón, like ATC that I am, Many times the pilots have tried to ignore the instructions given by women due to the fact that we have a voice.éwas, and where they have been accustomed to hearing instructions from men, since 11 añthose who commité to work in this medium, those barriers between pilot and » la ATC». With few women in control, we have been able to demonstrate that our voice has such a hierarchy.ílike that of a man who every instructionón given what to weará on the right path, protecting your flight, dágiving them safety to their destination. | |
![]() So good at workés of history there have been activities marked in the líne of the género; the current world, and the promotion of women towards equivalent positions and equal rights, have allowed him to function in spaces neveráare contemplated; where from their different positions, has marked and left its mark not only of satisfactionón having achieved even goals, but carried out tasks that make it stand out and excel even from spheres where it extends its challenges and enhances its knowledge. Are youí that Aviationón; one of the activities that has been part of this positive change, account from different spaces with a diversity of work fieldsámonkeys that are developed from different áscopes, spheres, positions and professions. I'm a lawyer, and I consider it a formidable experience, which the aviation industryón has been part of my environment and professional development for 29 años, which has become a challengeíO, because the same has been for meí, one of the más great strengths of the principles and supports on which my work life has been developed. I have had the opportunity to work since four ódifferent optics or phases in my professional life; así my best school, the regulatory authorityón and aero controláoffice of the país, subsequently the state entity issuing polípúwars within the framework of the rights of users and within the same to those of transport toéreo; later developedábecoming Legal Manager of one of the airlinesíneas más big país; and, currently within the entity that promotes and protects human rights and within them to the rights of users and consumers framed in instruments that guarantee rights, with éemphasis on protectionón of one of the attention groupsón priority that are users and consumers, así considered according to |
*The right to privacy has been respected by hiding positions or places of work according toún request from each of the participants.
¿Do you want to tell your story to the world?? MáI shared an email
I want to be TC or Pilot, I love airplanes but I have a little difficulty getting into a course because I want to play it safe, or because of my economic situation, What can you recommend??And what are the best places to study??
Hello Maria Jose, first I recommend you define well if you want to be TCP or Pilot, although one thing can lead to another. To be TCP you must wait for calls from the airlines, that they are the only ones that can give you a course that leads you to have a license. On the Pilot theme, where to study will depend a lot on your budget. Greetings