ITAérea, UNITARY (HIM-HER-IT) and CIFAL M.éwide ridaían your agreement so the past myércoles 16 of May took place at the ITA headquarterséReal Madrid the signing of expansionón of the collaboration agreementón between Business School ITAérea Aeronautical Business School (, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITARY) ( and CIFAL M.érida (México) (
To the meetingón they came D. Alejandro Mejía, Cooperation Program Managerón UNITAR Decentralized (HIM-HER-IT); D. Héctor Navarrete, president of CIFAL Mérida (México) y D. Ifé Ignacio Escudero, ITA General Directorérea.
Among other issues, This trilateral agreement will materializeá at the launch of a new management postgraduate courseón sustainable transportéconvicted in accordance with the 17 sustainable development goals of the Agenda 2030 from the UN. MáIt will be published laterá informationón related to this new postgraduate program.
As can be seen in the image, to the meetingón tambiéNumerous personalities from the sector and teachers from the ITA School attendedérea, who contributed their particular point of view to the issues discussed:
-D. Carlos Medrano, Honorary President of ITAérea and former president of AENA.
-D. Agapito Maricalva, Association Managerón of Líneas Aéreas (ALA).
-D. Enrique Fernández, General Director of Swissport Spainña and Portugal.
-D. Anthony Lucas, Director of the CIFAL Madrid Center.
-D. Adriá Canals, Director of the Committeeé Transportation Advisor at Arup.
-D. Carlos Berenguer, Aviation Directorón en AERTEC Solutions.
-D. Ifé Antonio Poyato, Head of the Exploitation Departmentón Airport in AERTEC Solutions.
-D. Juan Manuel Lora, President of the International Board of EUROAVIA.
-D. Pablo García, ITA DirectoréMadrid area.
Máwith informationón and: