Cubana de Aviación accident in Quito

20 years after the Cubana de Aviación accident in Quito

It is 29 of August 2018 an anniversary is celebratedás of pitiful and fatíThe first accident of the Cubana de Aviación in Quito. Photo de Joachim Bongers.

After 20 añthose of this accident, the airínea maintains to this day, a presence in Ecuador with cargo flights.

with your affiliate Cuban Cargo, the airínea operates until 2 daily flights to Quito airport, although not always with own planes. Sayún the availability of the airline's fleetínea, These flights are usually operated by Boeing 727 aircraft.  from aerolíColombian line LAS.

The AñO 2017, the airínea startó the process of starting over regular passenger flights from Havana to Quito, but the company did not concludeó the process and flights did not start.

They were exactly 13:03 of that sábado and the avión from Cubana couldn't get off the track. What happenedó, nextón:

Cubana CUB-389 flight accident in Quito

I clearly remember that I was barely a childño de 11 añwhen it happenedó this unfortunate accident in the northern head of the Antiguo Mariscal Sucre of Quito. Exe díI am clear about the memory that I sawé from the window of the living room where I livedílove with my family, At that time it faced the Airport and hadíto an excellent view of the platform, runway and taxiway, I follow you to your ancestorsón of Cuban, but I'm so young I don't remember exactly many details and I don't knowíabout aerolílines and colors.

I invite you to see an incredibleíble vídeo de la élittle about the results of the investigationón:

Vivíwe love just 3 minutes from the airport (Can you imagine where my love for aviation comes from?ón) and just thatáme and my family decided to go out to eat at the traditional and Creole McDonalds around 12:45 from the middle día.

Subsequently, I remember that while it startedáwe were going to eat, the environment changedó, They called my dad urgentlyá, journalist at the time for the ANSA agency, so that él our contó what there wasíhappened and he had to run to his office to inform the world what was happening in Quito, where once máI'm a grandfatheróno saltía of the runway at the north end of the Airport.

What happenedó afterés and the unfortunate thing about that día, everyone knows them, but hereí the chronologyíabout what happened, thanks to Aviation-Safety for the informationódetailed n:

The flight 389 of Cubana was preparing for his return to Havana with a planned stop in Guayaquil. During the first start of the engine, it blockedó a váwash itáethics.

The problem was rectified «with hammer» themselvesún metó later, and two engines were started with energyíto assist on the ground. The third beginsó when the Tupolev headedó to the track.

Afterés to obtain authorizationótakeoff number, The accelerators advanced and the aircraftón rushesó on the track 35 (on the north). When the avión reachedó the speed of rotationón Vr, I didn't manageó rise.

Due to the high speed of the Tu-154 at that time, he did not have time to stop and at 13:03 are jokingó track, blowó the fencing and perimeter fence of the airport, and then destroyedó 2 houses and a repair shopóby carócities, to finally stop at a court of fútree that is located about 180 meters north of the head 17 From the airport.

for everything that happened, the grandfatherón explotó.

It is presumed that due to problems during start-up and time, almost 38 minutes of delay, the crewódon't forgetó select switches for váhydr. valveáulicas of the control system and did not complyó with checklists to select them, leading the impediment to rise.

As a result of the accident, they died. 80 people and 14 they were injured.

state: Final
Date: sánot yet 29 August 1998
Hour: 13:03
Tupolev 154M
Operator: Cuban from Aviacón
foodíbutt: CU-T1264
Numéro of série: 85A-720
AñConstructi'són: 1985
Total Hours of the Célula: 9256
engines: Soloviev D-30KU-154-II
Crewón: fatalities: 14 / occupants: 14
passengers: fatalities: 56 / occupants: 77
Total: fatalities: 70 / occupants: 91
Vítimas on Earth: fatalities: 10
Andñyou in the Aircraft: annulled
Impact: Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Locationón: Quito-Mariscal Sucre Airport (UIO) (   Ecuador)
Phase: Takeoff (TOF)
Nature: Scheduled International Flight
Departure airport: Quito-Mariscal Sucre Airport (UIO/FOLLOW), Ecuador
Arrival airport: Guayaquil-Simon Bolivar Airport (GYE/SEGU), Ecuador
Núflight grouper: CU389

Spaghettién, for several toñon the side of the runway at the Old Quito Airport, There were pieces such as the landing gear and tail of the plane.ón of Cuban, like a dark memory of what happened.

This accident has some peculiarities. First, the flight was with a stopover in Guayaquil before continuing to Havana, due to the height and performance issue of the avión, It was impossible in that élittle fly direct from Quito, so weight was not a factor in the accident.

accident Cubana Quito TU-154

Second, the accident was totally avoidable, the crewón on several occasions they were able to decide to return to the platform and ensure that the problem was resolved with the váfuel valves and hydraulic passageáthe street, at the end, were the cause of this accident.

Final report

There is a final report, as it should be, by the Accident Investigation Board – IABA of Ecuador, but éthis one has not done público.

Despite this, leaked over time, the causes of the accident and are those indicated in this publication.ón.

The Cubana accident in Quito represents the second más serious in Ecuador, the 27 fatal of this model of avión and the 19 worst accident in history.

The objective of this publicationón is to remember one of the black moments of aviationóecuadorian n, so that it doesn't happen again.

Always, atrás from an accident, There is learning for the entire industry and Ecuador has continued to improve its parásafety meters to guarantee operations atéareas in the país.

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29 comments on “20 years since the Cubana de Aviación accident in Quito”

  1. My mother was going to get on that plane that day I remember it as if it were yesterday just before boarding I was with my aunt and decided by God's decision not to get on that plane, and better return to Santo Domingo by bus since she was going to Guayaquil we were waiting for her in Guayaquil already with the pre-boarding in hand, decided not to board and leave there, Many years have passed and I still have her by my side alive..

      1. My friend with her two friends died and I found out on TV, his mother never recovered until her death ago 3 years they were barely 22 years

  2. I was behind that plane in sequence for takeoff. you could see a fairly profuse jet coming out of the engine 3 . The incident was reported to the surface. It seemed that they were draining fuel on the taxi way..

      1. I was heading towards Ibarra , I was going to do a cross flight. I met Jaime Artega, now he flies for AA. We both saw that there was a wide jet of unburned fuel coming out of the engine's combustion medium.. that jet was about 10cm wide. the tupolev was taking time at the waiting point for the 35. With Jaime we commented that this was not allowed to do (drain fuel) that's what we think…and we gave notice to Surface 121.9. They only answered received. All this happened, then it was obvious to all of us who were on the flight line that day, That plane was having technical problems, since it did not turn on correctly surely what we saw, It was the ignition phase of engine number three in the header 35. were cleared to take off, and I got into position and maintained. The Tupolev began its take-off run and a minute passed when it was seen at the head 17 thick black smoke billowing into the sky , Jaime left the plane running along the active runway towards the accident site, and I return to the ICARO hangar . the airport was closed .

  3. Patrick Ferrer

    It is very pleasant to read this after many years , My name is Patricio Ferrer. The plane exactly fell on our house. We lived with my mother and my 3 brothers and some relatives unfortunately my brother's Godfather passed away that day .. ahun I remember it like it was yesterday Thank God my mother and my children survived 3 brothers God gave us another opportunity what a pity that there are no more photos or information such as videos or things like that it would be very interesting to see what happened after many years I only had 6 years ..

    1. And, she had 23 years, was part of the crew of that fateful flight, I'm his cousin, I barely had 16 years, but I remember as if it were today, do you have any information about her, if you know something, please do not hesitate to contact me. Greetings Ernest

    2. I met her, study with me. Irina Ramon Aguirre. extremely pretty, cheerful, helpful, full of life and energy. First record at the end of our school. loved airplanes, his father was the only driver of the IL 76 in Cuba. he liked fighter planes. She told me that she wanted to be the first Cuban woman to be a combat pilot. His stewardess mother, came from the world of airplanes since he was born. It is still incredible today to accept his disappearance.

  4. My sister Soledad Chávez Rosero died that day in that accident, she was returning to Cuba to finish her medical studies., my little niece 9 months I also had to board that flight but thank God I do not travel at the request of my parents, it was one of the saddest days in my family and that marked our destinies, Thank God, my niece Alejandria grew up with us, she already has 21 years the approximate age when her mother died and now she has almost finished university whenever I see her it is like looking at my sister in a certain way it was an incentive to that pain that the truth is I do not wish it on anyone. I was the first to find out about the accident and with barely 15 years at that time I had to tell my parents it was very traumatizing the truth 🙁

  5. Hello there
    Almost 21 years later the pain of that fateful event is immense, but I have always wanted to know what the causes of the accident were, when I read related articles I feel somewhat liberated. My sister was a flight attendant (Yohamna Canut) and I always thought that the causes of the accident were due to damage to the aircraft and therefore the responsibility of the Cuban authorities and not of the crew. He understood that the aircraft had made several takeoff attempts.. Thanks for the article.

  6. Esther Muñoz de la Cerda

    after almost 21 years of suffering the Cubana d Aviación accident as a passenger, I have been able to overcome the bitter memory and have traveled to Cuba together with my husband, also a survivor of said accident

    1. Hello, always look for something like this, I am a survivor of that accident, it is something that marks you for your whole life, thanks for sharing this article, if you had photos, I would appreciate it

    2. Buenas tardes:
      At some point you received help from a crew member, after the explosion? I am a relative of one of them. Thank you and feel free to contact me if you know anything about it.

  7. A warm and fraternal greeting to all the relatives of those who died in this tragedy, I accompany you in your pain in the face of such a tremendous loss as well as other accidents in Ecuador and the world.

    I remember when I was still living in Quito this accident like that of an AECA DC-8 Freighter in 1984, very sad and painful. Fortunately, there were other incidents without victims to regret at the northern head of the old airport such as the Avianca B707, Brazilian B727, Fokkers de TAME e Icaro, un ERJ-190 TAME, a Copa B738 but perhaps the luckiest is the Iberia Airbus A340-600 due to its immense size that there were no victims to mourn…

    Today Tababela is much safer, at least away from populated areas and a runway that gives more room to maneuver in case of failed takeoffs or landings.

  8. Hello there, I am the daughter of Captain Leonardo Diaz who died in that accident, He had flown Havana - Quito and had to fly again piloting from Guayaquil - Havana but unfortunately he could not, it still hurts, thanks for remembering that day.

  9. Adrian Mejia J.

    Greetings. Interesting to read each of your posts., which, to aviation lovers it takes us mentally to places of the event. A query, has information about the accident 737 de Tame, happened in Cuenca? And from Saeta's planes, supposedly missing? Thanks

  10. oswaldo carlosama

    Nicolas, a pleasure to read your articles and to know that there are people who are interested in things like these, For me it is very pleasant to read because I, like you, was observing this accident sitting on the FAE soccer field with another colleague and just like you, I knew the place where the aircraft reached V1 and when I saw that this did not happen I told him I knew my friend and indeed the plane flew by, I only saw a tremendous cloud of dust and I did not go to the accident site because just three months ago, in April of the same year, I was part of an investigation team for the accident of the 727 of TAME in Bogota where they died 57 people and I had a thankless task in that accident, was still impacted. many greetings Nicholas

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