New incentives for airports administered by the DGAC

New incentives for airports administered by the DGAC

The Government of Ecuador has created new incentives for airports managed by the DGAC with the aim of promoting the use of these terminals toéreas.

The airports of Esmeraldas, Manta, Salinas, Santa Rosa, Catamayo, Latacunga, Sour Lake, San Cristóbal, Coca, Macas, Shell Mera and others, Starting this week, they have new incentives aimed at airlines.ídenies.

In order to create new routes and increase frequencies to those already existing in these terminals managed by the Directorateón General of Aviationón Civilian of Ecuador – DGAC, a series of incentives have come into force to stimulate supply and demand.

The incentives that have been approved by the National Aviation Councilón Civil – CNAC low Resolutionón 013-2018 are the following:

Commercial Incentive Plan for airport users (Leases)

  • Reductionón up to a 40% in collection of cálease rates for tenants at airports managed by the DGAC.   
  • Maintain related services at airports such as:
    • coffee makerías / Stores
    • palletizers
    • Temporary warehouses

Incentive Plan for New Regular Operations


  • Ambitious incentive plan to attract new operators toéprisoners.
  • Promote greater supply and better services for users.
  • Stimulate the development of the commercial aviation sector in the network managed by the DGAC.


  • Discounts on operational rates:
    • Landing
    • Illuminationón
    • Protectionóon the fly
    • Parking lot
  • Discounts apply for a period of three toños and they go from the 30 al 70 % discount on operational fees.


  • New Dom Operationséstatic
    • MíYOU 3 routes.
    • Use an airport managed by the DGAC as an operations center.
  • New International Operations
    • The discount variesía according to the núfrequency group.
    • the airíline must operate to and from  an airport managed by the DGAC.
    • Low terminal usage fee from USD 19,50 a USD 14,00.
  • Increase of frequencies to the airports managed by the DGAC
    • The discount applies to the frequencies that are increased.
    • The DGAC will beá he is in charge of defining the applicationón of this discount.
  • General Provisions for new operations
    • La operationón must be for at least 3 añor generateán alternative exit costs.


  • Operationón International
    • Permiso de Operationón Regular
    • Current AOC
    • The route mustá have as destination an Airport Managed by the DGAC.
    • There is no mínumber of routes to operate
    • The discount varies depending on the number of weekly frequencies to operate; 1-3, 4-7, but from 7.
    • The discount does not apply to airport fees.
    • Operate míwhat 3 años, early departure will generate alternative costs.
  • Operationón Domestica
    • Permiso de Operationón Regular
    • Current AOC
    • The discount applies to all DGAC airports.
    • The operator mustá have its operations center in a DGAC airport. (HUB)
    • The operator mustá operate míYOU 3 domestic routes. (May include Quito or Guayaquil)
    • The discount does not apply to airport fares.Operate míwhat 3 años, early departure will generate alternative costs.

News of the DGAC Airports

It is known that the Latacunga and Manta airports have seen their demand reduced due to different factors and the other airports managed by the DGAC have not achieved «take off» due to lack of supply and competition.

With this as initial background, The Ecuadorian Government must cover the dédeficit generated by these airports due to the lack of users.

cost managed airports DGAC ECuador

From the 2013 al 2017, These airports have generated a negative result of más de $13 millions of dóhomes.

Factors such as the earthquake that affectedó to Manta and himself tame effect, which reduced its offer of seats to all DGAC airports, going from 1.6 million seats in 2013 just 711 thousand in the 2017, have had a negative impact on these núgroupers from the toñO 2016 To the date.

The airports of Latacunga, Manta, Coca and Saint Christóbal represent the 69% of revenue from the DGAC airport network.

General passenger supply decreasedó from 1.830.220 at 2013 a 1.632.129 at 2014 which corresponds to -10.82%, at 2015 decreasedó in a -5.25%, at 2016 in a -13.25%, and finally in the 2017 on -27.46%.

Likewise, passenger demand decreasedó from 1.151.125 at 2013 a 1.149.308 al 2014 corresponding to -0.16%, at 2015 decreasedó in a -7.51%, at 2016 -19.03%, and in the 2017 -15.86%.

supply demand airports Ecuador DGAC

The new incentives

As we reviewed above, the new incentives are intended to stimulate supply and demand, with reduced prices for Aerolícurrent lines that want to increase frequencies or new ones that want to start flying.

Thought of strengthening the DGAC airports and making them competitive against the concessionaire airports of Quito and Guayaquil, the authority applyá the following discounts for 3 años and based on the frequencies to operate:

New operations sunéstatic

airport incentives Ecuador DGAC

new operations

incentives new frequencies airports Ecuador DGAC

Frequencies increase

airport incentives Ecuador DGAC

Inversionón in airports and navigationón

In the úlast 10 años, The Government has made large investments to position the país as a reference in modernity and security in the regionón.

investment airports and air navigation ecuador

With an inverseón of más de $364 millions of dóhomes, It is time for the state network of DGAC Airports to begin its recoveryón and these incentives have a clear objective to achieve.


After having lost más de $1 millón of dólares in income comparedón of the 2017 al 2016, it is expected that the 2018 this number increases, especially, due to the null commercial activity of the Latacunga Airport.

With the analyzed data and with the new incentives, that also add upén al fuel subsidyón JET A1, It is expected that with growth (bass) of the 3%, al añO 2022 returns to the income level of theñO 2017.

Of course, este plan está thinking so that growth is greater than 3% annual, so the income can beían achieve sooner with the arrival of new aerolíneas how Viva Air, Aeroregional, Airplanes and other potential.

Now, We just have to wait to see the positive results of these new benefits that will be seenán translated into benefits for the user and reductionóNo. of expenses for the DGAC.

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8 comments on “New incentives for airports managed by the DGAC”

  1. The famous plan unveiled
    Nothing new
    Minimal reductions of the rights that correspond to the DAC is not an incentive as Edwin and Pablo say
    Play with the money of the people, that is, the state by subsidizing FUEL THAT IS NOT PROPERTY OF THE DAC if it is an abuse and disadvantage for Quito Guayaquil
    Create incentives of this nature to force operations in white elephants Salinas Santa Rosa had, among others, if it is unconstitutional to create privileges for which it was never able to operate the Quito and Guayaquil airports with the same income that quiport and tagsa operate today with the investment results and world awards
    That is shame
    Nobody says anything

  2. I agree with the criteria of all those who comment on this note
    The DAC must by vonrnzsr in reducing its expenses vote unnecessary personnel since they are items that are not justified infrastructures of each track and region extremely high in bureaucratic personnel
    Those airports like SALINAS should never have thought about expanding and spending funds that were needed elsewhere
    It is true that the DAC owns the land that actually belongs to the state, it leases it so that the operators can invest, build and maintain the air facilities and charge them extremely high rates that dignify unaffordable costs in these operations.
    Even when the DAC and CNAC authorities do not live the reality

  3. Pablo Cobos Street

    Dear Nicholas, it is very interesting the results that some of the airports that you indicate show, but I don't think there is a real interest in using second-tier airports to use them as a connection hub unless the market conditions exist to be able to do so. In other words, passenger traffic and service facilities to make it profitable and attractive for aviation companies., therefore the lack of passenger traffic at these airports.

    A clear example of the errors in this matter was the creation of the Salinas airports, having the Guayaquil airport less than two hours away and the Latacunga airport which is also close to the Quito airport, without the size of each of its markets justifying the enormous expenses in maintaining them, hence their losses for the State and for the DGAC.

  4. State incentives are really a joke, It is very unlikely that an airline would want to operate in a country with the highest airport costs in Latin America., even with the mentioned discounts. If we can be sure of one thing, it is that behind all these plans to attract foreign capital there will always be the dirty hand of politicians who will wait if they slice into 3 years.
    If the country really wanted to exploit its white elephants like the Tena and Santa Rosa airports, should offer the concession of the airport to an airline at least 10 years, that they take charge of the maintenance and operation of the airport, that they do not pay taxes for this period, the fuel incentive should be 4 years decreasing by 10% every year, but the only condition they should demand is the exclusive hiring of Ecuadorians; more employment, more development, better quality of life and finally more people paying their taxes.
    Aviation companies are not very interested in the number of passengers in the city where an airport is located, but the location and the cost to be able to use it for connections, as is the case of the airport in El Salvador. In Europe and the United States, low-cost airlines have proliferated precisely for this reason, the cost of operating second-order airports such as Fort Lauderdale in Florida or Newark in New York, and Ecuador should take advantage of what Colombia or Peru do not have, new airports with runways 2500 mts. such as those of Tena and Santa Rosa, to offer them to airlines as an operations center with all the help of the state and zero taxes for a time that allows them to be attractive for investment; the operation of 9 planes would generate about 1000 job.

  5. Captain Gustavo Guayanlema Kings

    very good information, Let's hope it materializes. I am an operator at an airport controlled by the DAC with a small company and it is not possible that a high percentage of the calculation of the cost of the flight hour is the rental of the facilities that the company itself builds., As people who are in aviation know, one of the functions of the DAC is to promote aviation, Other fields where work should be done would be to lower taxes to be able to enter more aircraft, it is not possible to pay the 40 % of the value of the cost of the aircraft in taxes, as well as the certification processes should be more flexible, although the ICAO standard and the subscribed countries must comply, but the essence of compliance with the certification is for international operation.

  6. Good information Nicolás and I hope the plan works so that there is more activity in these airports that are in low operational figures. in addition, the main impulse that Ecuador needs is a solid economic growth since without this aviation is affected very quickly.