Traveling by land in Ecuador?

Traveling by land in Ecuador? This is what you need to know

¿Travel by land in Ecuador? It's a very good idea. If you come by sight Ecuador And you think about traveling our beautiful país by land is leaving a car or bus, this is what you should know.

Post written by Sil
Instagram: @smc_sock
With photos of Sil and Nicolás

Other post by Sil:

These are some of the best tips we can give you, So you can travel by road like a place throughés of the great Ecuadorian landscapes without surprises.

The elements básicos that we usually take on a road trip are:

  • Yes mówill: if you like to always be connected, SIM cards in Ecuador are super cheap, since the $5 With a plan BáInternet sico, or you can pay más to update your Internet options. This not only help youá To publish updates on your social networks, but alsoén help youá to navigate as GPS with any maps app that you have.
  • Papel sweaténico: bear witnessándo calls nature, But in general find a baño púBLICAL CAN BE A CHALLENGEíO. The best advice to find a baño púBLICAL BEINGá In restaurants, large stores or service stations (gas stations). Do not have very high expectations about the types of toilets to findás, You have to thank if you areán clean, although this has improved a bit.
  • That $ h: On the way there will beá different establishments to buy food, clothing, souvenirs or paying for visits and attractions, but the oldestíThey only accept effective, CR cards are not acceptedéhere / désmall. Recommendedón: always carry at least $40 dóhomes, In small denominationsñso if possible.
  • C clothesómoda: road trips are all about comfort, so you must travel with loose clothing, during all the hours when beingáS within the vehicleío Culo to visit different places. Take a backpack with a jacket that keeps youá hot and protect youá of rain, Sunglasses, a hat or cap, sunscreen, Insect and shoes repellent CóWalking ways.
  • Appetizers: some prefer to start our trips through the mañAna early, así What do we prepareándwiches that always go along with french fries and at least two bottles of fresh water or your favorite bottled drink. ¡Never be thirsty or hungry!
  • Tolala húMedas or hand disinfectant: afterés of eating the snacks or fruits that can be purchased at the largestía of roads in Ecuador, it may take a while before you can wash your hands. Therefore, You can clean your hands with Haballitas HúMedas or antibacterial disinfectant until then.
  • PL bagsástic: It is común stop on the way to buy something to eat in smallñAs stores or service stations. Now, The problem is to keep all that garbage while you areás in the car, For what is thereí Where the PL bagsáStico are útiles until you reach an appropriate garbage dump.
  • Música: hornbeamán long hours of handling and with good múTu tel sicaéphone, MP3 player or a USB HAán of adventure an experience máit's entertaining.

We in Ecuador We make many road trips during the AñO, It is common for people who live in the highlands or sierra, go to the sunny beaches of the coast, while people who live near the sunny beaches want to visit the great volcanoes and the cities of the sierra.

road trip car bus Ecuador
By land, Everything takes más time, But landscapes are únicos.

Therefore, when there is «long weekends» (más de 2 díthe consecutive festives) Everyone begins to plan their trip through the PAís, what can make the highways a bit caóethics at certain times and points. It is always recommended to leave the city when there is a regular weekend or in the middle of the week if it is notás working, opposite case, couldíAs to get to restaurants, hotels and crowded spaces.

Since Ecuador, geográFly speaking, it's a país smallñO, The distances in automóvile are not as long as in other países of the regionón. Hereí There is a table that calculates the approximate times from one city to another using the system of our roads.

From Quito Toward Weather
Ibarra 2 hours 18 minutes
Otavalo 1 hours 50 minutes
Hint 2 hours 30 mintos
Riobamba 3 hours 30 minutes
Cuenca 8 hours 25 minutes
Baños 3 hours 20 minutes
Mindo 1 hour 57 minutes
Papallacta 1 hours 20 minutes
Esmeraldas 3 hours 45 minutes
Montañita 9 hours 10 minutes
Guayaquil 7 hours 25 minutes
Manta 6 hours 45 minutes
Again 3 hours 40 minutes
Salinas 9 hours 20 minutes
Store 11 hours 30 minutes
From Guayaquil
Cuenca 3 hours 40 minutes
Machala 3 hours 42 minutes
Salinas 2 hours 5 minutes
Manta 3 hours 25 minutes
Esmeraldas 6 hours 20 minutes
Quito 7 hours 25 minutes
Santo Domingo 5 hours 5 minutes
Montañita 2 hours 30 minutes
Riobamba 4 hours 30 minutes
Beaches 1 hour 17 minutes
Store 7 hours 10 minutes

*Approximate times, couldían vary monún tráfico, route conditions and type of transport.

Afterés of planning to DóYou will like itíTo go on your road trip, It is always advisableéS Prepared for CLIMATE CONDITIONSáTicas you are going to reach.

Así that prepares the bags according to the place where you plan to go and what you plan to do, that is to say, If goes to bañthose of Agua Santa, The weather is tempered and a bit más fresco, so we recommend bringing a waterproof jacket and warm clothing. Spaghettién you can use hot springs, así Don't forget to pack your BA costumesñO.

We tend to travel in our own Autoówill, It must be éSte preferably, alto. Keep in mind that the roads in the mountains were built around the mounting curvesñAs and around the volcanoes, so there will beá moments when the Autoóvile must be strong enough to raise the slopes of return or to the mountains or to venture to a new destination where Vía is second order or land.

road trip car bus Ecuador time to carry
Definitely, this is not seen from the air.

If your trip will do itás and bus, recommendations are very similar. Just keep in mind that the bus terminals, for example in Quito, Eastán located at the ends of the city, so oweás arrive at them by taxi or urban buses.

Take into account the season in which you come to Ecuador, since I caníhave to buy in advanceón interprovincial bus tickets, But in the biggestía of the días, Upon arriving at the bus terminal, he couldás acquire them without problems that same moment to begin your discovery by the PAís.

¡Good trip and cuéTake your experience traveling through land in Ecuador!

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4 Comments on “Traveling by land in Ecuador? This is what you need to know”

  1. Good morning, how many tolls would there be from Armenia Q.Colombia, to quayaquil or the beaches in ecuador, What do I need to bring in documents?, I go with my son 14 years,

  2. Edward Naranjo

    I would like you to give me information regarding the number of tolls and their prices, value of the gallon of gasoline and these average expenses; the state of the roads and the issue of traffic regulations in which more faults can be incurred and finally the issue of safety. Thanks.

    1. The amount of tolls varies according to the route and the prices also, but on average they are $1 each. The gallon depends on what kind of gasoline you want to use. The state of the roads can be consulted at the Ministry of Public Works of Ecuador.

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