Air Festival of the Ecuadorian Air Force Guayaquil 2018

Air Festival of the Ecuadorian Air Force Guayaquil 2018

It is 13 and 14 October will developá the Festival Aéprisoner of the Force AéEcuadorian area Guayaquil 2018 for their anniversary 98.

¡The centenary is approaching!

We are happy to inform you that thisñO, Festival A returnséprisoner of the FAE in all its splendor to the city of Guayaquil with the traditional fair that was held until 2013/2014 in the Sim Baseón Bolivar del José International Airporté Joaquin de Olmedo.

This is the víofficial announcement of the Festival:

Although it is not an event at the level of for example, FAITH in Chile, is he único and más important show and boardéarea that is carried out in our país and that has been done previously tooén in Quito.

Añthe previous ones, this event has been held úonly as a paradeéprisoner in the Malecón 2000, Where did the Esquadrilha da Fuma participate?ça, but this oneñor returns to its traditional concept, where there will beá airplanes areátics of the Armed forces, show aéreo, model airplane, art eventsíaesthetics and much moreás.

For this one 2018 Eastá participation confirmedón of the following aircraft:

  • Atlas Cheetah
  • Embraer Super Tucano
  • Diamond DA20,
  • Piper PA-34
  • Beechcraft King Air B300
  • DHC-6 Twin Otter
  • House 295M
  • Boeing 737-200 (to be confirmed)

further, hornbeamán aircraft belonging to Aviation Schoolsón, Armed Forces and private individuals at exhibitionón isáethics.

During both daysíto be realizedán parachute drop and formation flightsón of several of the aforementioned aircraft.

Festival Aéprisoner of Force AéEcuadorian area Guayaquil 2018


Sánot yet 13 and Sunday 14 October 2018


From the 9:00am until 17:00pm.


Base Aéevil Simón Bolivar of the City of Guayaquil, sector Ataraza. Street entrance Cosme Renella and Elia Luit.


Admission is free and the event is open to everyone.úblico

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6 Comments on “Air Festival of the Ecuadorian Air Force Guayaquil 2018”

  1. I was at the festival where Jaguar was exhibited, Mirage and Kfir. The Chilean Falcons also flew. I couldn't go now but I hope you prepare the best for it. 100 anniversary.

  2. Danny castro f.

    I think it is excellent that they once again expose the planes so that the new generations can get to know these transports more closely or whether it is about the military since it is important more than knowing to learn a little at least

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