What is a HUB or connection center?

What is a HUB or connection center?

¿Whaté es un Hub o centro de conexiones? Uno de los términos en aviación más usados en el mundo, but that few understand its real meaning and importance. we explain it.

Many aerosolsíneas diariamente comercializan o realizan campañas publicitarias entorno a sus «Hubs» o centros de conexiones como se podría traducir literalmente esa palabra.

¿Whaté es un Hub o centro de conexiones?

A hub, término que viene del inglés, refers to a hub or center of activity, similar a lo que pasa en informática con los Hub de puertos Ethernet o USB, where in a single device, se concentra la conexión de todos los cables y desde ahí, la informationón se transmite hacia otro destino.

Aplicándolo a aviación, un Hub es un aeropuerto donde muchos destinos llegan y después sus pasajeros o información como en el ejemplo de arriba, leaves for another destination.

Un Hub se especializa por brindar horarios de vuelo convenientes y diseñados para ofrecer a los usuarios conexiones ráheld, junto con un servicio sin interrupciones o lo más bajo posible, between one destination and another.

Characterísticas de un Hub

  • Locationón geográfica que se destaque y condiciones climáticas favorables.
  • Airport that operates the 24 hours of the dayía.
  • Connections rápidas de entre 1 hour until 6 horas de espera máxima.
  • Airport infrastructure designed to facilitate connections.
  • Cambio de avión sin necesidad de realizar migración and customs.
  • Una o más aerolíneas que ofrezcan una operación continua y directa hacia muchos destinos internacionales.

It should be clarified that, a Hub is mainly considered for international flights, pero los vuelos domésticos también son parte del Hub, aunque requerirán de migración and customs, limitando uno de los objetivos que son conexiones ráask and fáCila.

Hub Examples

As we could see recently in the post about the mega hubs of the world, these are found mainly in the northern hemisphere of the planet, where the following airports stand out, such as 5 más important:

  • London Heathrow Airport
  • Airport Chicago O’Hare
  • The airport of Frankfurt – FROM
  • amsterdam airport
  • toronto airport

En lo que es a nivel Latinoaméricano, Hubs are known Copa Airlines with his «AM HUBérich«, que es uno de los de mayor crecimiento de la región, the collapsed Lima airport where LATAM Perú y Avianca Perú lo utilizan como centro de conexiones, Sao Paulo Gurulhos with LATAM Airlines Brazil, Bogotaá with Avianca and city of México, the más grande de todos como Hub de Aeroméxico.

Hub in Ecuador

Siempre ha sido un sueño para Ecuador tener un centro de conexiones, que aprovechando nuestra posición geográfica en el centro del mundo y continente americano, allow travelers from north and south, fly to the whole world.

Este sueño de los años no se ha concretado aún, but yesí, in the éLittle of Ecuadorian from Aviación tuvimos una especie de HUB no declarado con todos los destinos que esta aerolínea operaba principalemente, from Guayaquil hacia casi toda América.

The más reciente intento de crear un HUB en Ecuador se dio de la mano de Tame EP, when it startedó flights to new york, Fort Lauderdale, Bogotaá, Cali, Caracas, Lima, Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo from the Quito International Airport dentro de su marco de expansión international, but it was slowed down by poor performance of several of the routes.

Es de esperarse que muchos aeropuertos de la región, including ours, seek to be a HUB, but a lot dependsá Of capacity, rutas creada y mercado para lograr el ésuccess.

¿Volaste alguna vez desde o hacia algún HUB? ¿Whaté te llamó the attentionón?

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8 comentarios en “¿Qué es un HUB o centro de conexiones?”


    What legal regulations are based on so that a cargo hub can be created? It is known that the airport is restricted until 2041 by Quiport any criteria or comments according to the legal regulations in Ecuador on the CHARGING HUB

      1. Gabriela Acosta

        Of course it is only in the report but there is some legal regulation for it to be classified as a hub or what is needed to classify the airport as a hub

  2. Very good explanation from Hub. The development of this type of infrastructure goes hand in hand, as mentioned, of the geographical situation of the country.. For example, the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris is also a hub.. Nevertheless, economic policy decisions of the countries can also contribute by providing important support to their execution, via concession of your design, construction and service management. This type of infrastructure requires optimal synchronization of operations, It usually happens that large ships arrive and then transfer to smaller ships with closer destinations..
    Hay dos términos importantes llega «Desde» y va «Hacia».

  3. Ferdinand Salvatierra

    The little importance in the business of aeronautics is noted, I think Guayaquil has an excellent climate for there to be a HUB, I see neighboring countries in which their cities have HUB's, starting from Panama City, Bogota, giving a leap (thinking of Ecuador) to Lima. We must develop this HUB where it attracts tourists worldwide, make a strategic alliance with an airline. Mariscal Sucre's problem is its climate, in Tababela there is a lot of fog, On the other hand, Guayaquil, the climate is ideal for this phenomenal idea..

  4. Living in London I have been able to make connections at Heathrow to various international destinations via British Airways, other airlines with alliances and codeshares.

    In addition to the characteristics that you mention, Nicolás, I see, taking the example of London Heathrow, it is the high traffic. (first in Europe), its efficient infrastructure with trains, metro, taxis y buses. Also close to the city. London Heathrow does not operate 24 hours like other big HUBs. They usually close after 00:00 and reopen both tracks from 4:30 O 5:00am since in those hours they do maintenance and sometimes, as can happen in other places, they cancel, flights are delayed due to bad weather until weather conditions improve, as has already happened to me more than twice.

    In Latin America we need to improve infrastructures, implement train service 24/7 and I know it is very expensive but it will have to be done at some point, earlier than later.

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