Fort Lauderdale from Guayaquil with Tame

To Fort Lauderdale from Guayaquil with Tame

we start a new flight report, in this opportunity Fort Lauderdale from Guayaquil with Tame, starting our flight in Quito.

Afterés de 5 añIf you haven't flown on an international route with Tame EP, rollí to choose this aerosolínea to spend a week in Florida.

Taking advantage of an excellent promotional price of $450 round trip including taxes (without him Eco Delta were $50 any less) toward Fort Lauderdale starting in Quito, We venture again with the aerolíflag of Ecuador.

Despite all the complaintsto and claims of delays that exist towards Tame, the price was very attractive, especially, for luggage in the hold, for what it's worthíthe pity «risk».

Spoiler Alert: Tame's service surprisedó and it was on time 3 from 4 flights.

ticket purchase

must indicate, that Tame has never been characterized by having the best information systemsáticos, especially, What is GDS or reservation system?. Since the aerosolíNea beganó to work with SITA, This process has improved a lot..

Despite this improvement and the designñor has been purged, still has some flaws andúIt is not perceived as a past system, when compared to other Aerolílines of the world of courseá.

The general purchasing process is similar to that of any airlineínea:

  1. selectódestination no., date and núpassenger grouper.
  2. selectón de tarifa, in this case promotional.
  3. Confirmóselection numberóflight number.
  4. Complete details of the passenger(s).
  5. Payment.

Tame does not allow you to book flights online, only in office, so payment must be made at that time, having 10 minutes to complete the purchase, opposite case, get lostá the chosen rate.

In this system, You can pay with Diners Club, Discover, Visa y Mastercard, although these two úThe latter use a system abroad, so you caníto be an additional charge of 5% by ISD,

Additional services

Tame, being an aerosolínea traditional, It does not offer major extra services and includes all the benefits that a passenger expects in all its fare families., unlike the low-cost or of those whoúThey are not considered traditional.

We can highlight the following additional:

  • Third or fourth suitcase in the hold.
  • VIP passengers (get preferential boarding and first 3 rows of seats), requires card.
  • Special needs.


Tame has a big difference against all Aerolílines that operate in Ecuador, allows 2 suitcases of 23 kilos as a franchise in all its rates whether promo or full for all its international routes to Cali, Bogotaá, Lima, Fort Lauderdale y New York.

This characterística looks for the aerolíneeds to differentiate it from the competition, get new passengers and retain current ones, especially, on routes to the United States, that are favorite of Ecuadorians for purchases, It is an excellent plus.

Additional to the 2 suitcases of 23 kilos that have no additional value, the passenger can carry a bag, backpack or purse and a carry-on suitcase of up to 8 kilos, so as for luggage, Tame has great flexibility.


Regrettably, after 5 añflying them to the United States, Tame aún does not offer the optionón to perform web check-in, this possibly due to review issuesónumber of documents necessary for the trip of Ecuadorians, although other aerosolílines between both países sí they allow it.

Tame Quito airport counter check
in Quito, the row was ráask.

As there is no web check-in, the presentationón at the airport counter is mandatory and cannot be done at the self-service kiosks either., so it is necessary to be 3 a 2 hours before flight departure. In my case, the flight from Quito resultedó very beneficial, since in Mariscal Sucre there was noípeople lined up and luggage was checked directly to Fort Lauderdale.

Airport and Boarding

The good thing about starting in Quito was not having to wait in lines and that the suitcases went directly to the final destination. On the other hand, in Guayaquil, where at least the 95% of passengers haveían su origen, the line was long, although it advanced relativelyáI ask taking into account the demand and only 2 people checking passengers.

Tame Guayaquil airport counter check
A long check-in line in Guayaquil.

The processes at the Guayaquil airport are ráorders and without setbacks in immigrationón, spaghettién supported by the departure time of our flight at 02:30 am, since the next international departure is at 04:20 I have to Copa Airlines.

The connectionón from Quito da 2 enough hours to do all the workámites and go directly to boarding the flight. It should be noted, that the departure time from Quito to Guayaquil was advanced by 1 hour, which was previously notified by call and email.

The departure and arrival time to Florida was metó within the itinerary time without delays.


Tame flies to Fort Lauderdale with 4 weekly flights, having started with 3 flights and now maintaining the frequencies together with the competition that Spirit Airlines imposed on this route.

Tame aerolinea Fort Lauderdale Terminal 4
Tame's flight on screens at Fort Lauderdale airport.

Tame's schedule is quite convenient in your arrival time, since it allows you to earn a whole dayíto the user in Florida and on the return allows connecting to destinationséAerosol Staticsínea.

Guayaquil – Fort Lauderdale

flights Departure Arrival Vie Do Lu Ma Me Ju Flight Type
EQ 566 03:15 07:30
Direct flight

Fort Lauderdale – Guayaquil

flights Departure Arrival Vie
Flight Type
EQ 565 09:00 13:15
Direct flight

The flight both out and back, Eastá programmed to have a durationón of 4 hours with 15 minutes and is operated exclusively with Airbus A320 aircraft, which has a greater load capacity.

On board

Both from Quito to Guayaquil, as later towards Fort, we flew on the Airbus A320 with matríHC-CID and núMSN serial grouper 934.

With 20 añyou since your first flight, it's avión is the más tame veteran, has a configurationón to 156 passengers in 2 lessons (12 in business and 144 in Económica) and powered by 2 engines 2x V2500.

In the flight of más de 4 hours no pillows or blankets were offered for the fríO.

For both sections, existó an occupationón close to 90%, which shows an important demand for Tame on this route, but calledó the attentionón that the great majoríMost of the passengers were Ecuadorians., which shows that the aerosolínea has not managed toún fully penetrate the North American market with its services to improve its occupationón.

Tame food service international routes
Food service from Guayaquil to Fort Lauderdale.

Tame's service on international routes is very good and has nothing to envy of the competition on this or other routes. Both going and returning existedó hot meal, thing that some aerosolíneas it isán leaving behindáyes and 2 non-alcoholic beverage servicesóface.

Tame food service international routes
Fruits, drink, pan y más.

On the way, There were two options of egg omelet with vegetables and bacon or sánduche the jamón and cheese, both accompaniesñfruit cubes, pan, butter and drink of choiceón. Opté for the omelet, very good flavor and a generous quantity.

Tame food service international routes
On the way back the food was American style.

On the way back tooéthey did not exist 2 options, the first was omelet again, but with sausage and bacon and pancakes with strawberry sauce and condensed milk. To not repeat, pedí los pancakes, which were good, good portionón and an acceptable flavor, also accompaniesñados with fruit, bread and drinks.

Back to Guayaquil, the occupationón was approximately 80% and the majority presence of Ecuadorians on the flight remained, éthis one took offó with 30 minutes delay per tráI'm theéprisoner at the airport, but we landed on time anyway.

It should be noted, that the return flight to Quito from Guayaquil was modified, since it was canceledó flight EQ310 thatíto go out at 14:40 pm for flight EQ194 departing at 15:55, so i knowí existó a delay of más de 1 time to final destination, everything was notified by email.

In flight

Hereí another negative point is coming for Tame, does not have anyún type of in-flight entertainment or IFE active on any of their aircraft, although some Embraer 190 and the Airbus 330 They have the systems.

Lo úonly available, It's Tame's new magazine called feels. Not all aerosolsíschools have entertainment, but Tame if he stays behindás when comparing them with traditional ones like Avianca or LATAM.

magazine on board Tame feels
The recently launched magazine feels.

Its content is very interesting and maintains a líline very similar to the previous one Abordo, but with new designsños and fresh concepts. Good to pass 30 minutes of the flight.

Since there is no máI know what to do, It is better to sleep given the time of the flight or read the safety booklets for a while, never isá by más remember these details.

The interior of the birdón de Tame
Interior del Airbus A320.

Grandfather's interiorón denotes its añyou flying around the world, but not bad as users have indicated on social networks, thoseí, Take duty sooná upgrade your planes with new interiors, USB ports and even Internet, Sure, everything in its time and secún the economy recoversíto the airlineínea.

Another point that does not help Tame, Is that theúIt is mandatory to turn off all electrical equipmentóunique during takeoff and landing, not even, It is allowed to use them in avi modeón. This mustá change soon to adapt to the global trend of using devices during all phases of flight.


Tame on international routes is another, their service is superior to the doméaesthetic and not only because it offers a good plate of food, but alsoén that the crew members have más interactionsón with passengers and show a smile when necessary.

On Sunday flightséstatic, Tame is más fríO, not even a complementary glass of water, leaving aside Galápayments that have a differentiated service.

Tame taking off FLL
Taking off back to Guayaquil, the windows of the avión very dirty and scratched, not friendly to taking photos.

In the actual world, onboard entertainment is a differentiator, that the aerosolícompanies seek to stand out and those that do not have it, They are looking for ways to implement it in the future., either offering USB or WiFi connectors. tame dutyá work on this, más aún on flights over 4 hours.

The puntuality of Tame has improved a lot and this goes hand in hand with the processes of maintenance that prevents unscheduled maintenance from occurring, which has been Tame's main flaw in the úlast toñand has generated thousands of complaints and caused its image to deteriorate, but things have improved, definitely, even though users do not recognize it, since only the bad is said and not the good.

the airínea of ​​Ecuadorians has toúThere is much to improve to attract passengers who have left and new ones., but it isán doing and it shows, the user notices it and can maintain an operationón competing against a great company that is Spirit Airlines, confirms it.

If they fly with Tame or with another, always canáthere are no inconveniences, delays or cancellations, the difference isá in cóhow each company handles these crises, thus, they can fly in Tame calmly, but remember, that any día, couldán there are normal problems in the industry.

Additional data

  • Ecuadorians must travel with a visa to the United States.
  • Don't forget to review the artíasses that can entering the USA in hand luggage.
  • Fort Lauderdale isá 1 hour ahead of Ecuador, take this into account for departure and arrival times, since they are in local time.
  • I recommend using Fort Lauderdale Airport, the migration processesón and customs are extremely ráI ask, no m requiredás de 30 minutes and one is alreadyá ready to start your vacation.
  • Since there is no onboard entertainment with Tame, you can carry a device móvile with hairípreviously downloaded files, audíphones and a batteryíadditional as a complement.

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12 comments on “To Fort Lauderdale from Guayaquil with Tame”

  1. Hello, what is the price of a third suitcase and where can I pay? I am traveling to Guayaquil Ecuador from Fort Louderdale Florida airport.

  2. Hello there, Is the Delta eco paid per ticket issued in Ecuador only??. For example, if I buy a Bogotá-Quito-Bogotá ticket issued in Colombia, is it paid?.

  3. Your description is excellent, Nicolas. I'm about to take a trip to Orlando with my family. 4 members and the Tame option is extremely expensive compared to Spirit but reading your page I will try to look for an offer and as an Ecuadorian consume what we have.

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