From the próximo mes de julio de 2019, Iberia volará all días entre Ecuador y España, the airíne española incrementa su oferta en un 9,4%.
With this new frequency, the airínea arriveá about 245.000 annual seats offered between Quito and Madrid operated on Airbus A340-600 aircraft, the más grande de su flota actualmente.
Iberia modificó su operationón en Ecuador tras eliminar la triangulación with Guayaquil, pero sigue apostando por el paíyes and, en la própeak summer season, offerá vuelos diarios entre ambas capitales.
Currently, the airíne española ofrece seis frecuencias semanales entre ambas ciudades pero, from the próxth month of july, increase your offer 9,4% from Quito to Madrid, una ruta en la que ofrecerá almost 245.000 annual seats.
Los vuelos de Iberia desde julio operarán en los siguientes horarios de lunes a domingo:
IB6454 | Quito 17:55 | Madrid 11:15 of díto next | Monday, Tuesday, miércoles, Thursday, Friday*, sábadass, sundays |
IB6453 | Madrid 11:50 | Quito 16:15 | Monday, Tuesday, miércoles, Thursday, Friday*, sábadass, sundays |
Esta nueva frecuencia operará the Días viernes durante el verano europeo del 2019, but couldía extenderse según the demand.
Esta nueva frecuencia demuestra el interés of the airínea por el mercado ecuatoriano, as wellén muestra el importante crecimiento que la aviation industry Eastá presentando en los úlast toños.
the airínea ofrece con su socio de la Alianza Oneworld, LATAM Ecuador, connections to Cuenca, Guayaquil and Galápagos todos los díace of the week, a más de ciento de conexiones desde Madrid hacia todo el mundo.
Iberia opera los vuelos entre Quito y Madrid con su avión más grande, the Airbus A340-600, with capacity for 359 passengers and where he offers his new Tourist Premium class, designed for customers who usually fly in Economy class, but what isán willing to pay a little más to travel with meás comfort and additional services on board and on land.
Recently, Iberia cumplió are anniversary 50 of operations ininterrumpidas en el país y es el operador que mayor tiempo lleva conectando a Ecuador con Europa.
A mediados de noviembre recién past, Iberia startó the trámeets before the Directorateón General of Aviationón Civil del Ecuador el trámite para incrementar la séptima frecuencia semanal a su permiso de operación, el mismo que fue autorizado a finales de diciembre según is detailed:
Dear Nicholas,
For what reason has IBERIA stopped operating on Mondays and Tuesdays since February? 2020? It had been doing it from Monday to Sunday using the Airbus A340-600 and since it started operating in Guayaquil with the Airbus A330-200 it seems that things have changed., added to the arrival of the Plus Ultra Airbus A340-600.
Market reasons will be? Because the purchase of Air Europa has not yet been approved by the EU.
Carlos Fernandez
Hi Carlos, I would think it's low season, let's see what happens later, there is a lot of supply in the market and you have to adjust if necessary.
It is good news for Ecuador because the offer of seats from Europe continues to increase (Madrid) to Quito and from Quito via Madrid to Europe.
IBERIA overcame its delicate financial situation and today has resumed other suspended destinations. Regarding Ecuador, it was always an attractive market, The offer has always been growing and to think that the Airbus A340-600 is the replacement of the first generation of the famous jumbo jet, that is to say the Boeing 747-100/200.
the next decade, we will see the Airbus A350-900 or who knows if IBERIA will operate with the variant 1000.
I am happy to see that we continue to have more traffic in Tababela, that means more dollars coming into the country 🙂
and more work.