Bogota to Quito with Avianca Ecuador

From Bogota to Quito with Avianca Ecuador

I share with you this new flight report, flying from Bogotaá a Quito with Avianca Ecuador in one of their Airbus A319.

On the occasion of Aviation Day Colombia organized by IATA and thanks to the support of the aerolíline with which I flewé in this report, I was able to travel to Bogotá to be part of such an important event, from which you can read widely HEREÍ.

It is not the first time that I fly with Avianca Ecuador to Bogotá, so this flight report will beá different and the details of cówhat are the purchasing processes, check-in y máAvianca s can review them HEREÍ.

Bogot flight reportá Quito Avianca Ecuador
Information screensón, they never showed that the flight was delayed.
Bogot flight reportá Quito Avianca Ecuador
A bit of spotting to get past the operational delay.

Flight GLG8371 operated by Avianca Ecuador, contó with an occupationón close to 95% with very few free seats and all occupied in Business.

Bogot flight reportá Quito Avianca Ecuador
Interior cláphysical of an Airbus A319.
Bogot flight reportá Quito Avianca Ecuador
View from the window of another Avianca landing.

as it is known, Bogotá's El Dorado Airportá has a high tráfic which generates at certain times that flights have delays, in this case it was a delay of 50 minutes. Debíwe love taking off at 06:42 am.

Bogot flight reportá Quito Avianca Ecuador
Entering runway 13R to take off.

Bogotaá it was quite coldíor the 2 días what noté ahí, so in the air más of a turbulence was felt by the passengers and smallñthe moments of rain tooén.

Bogot flight reportá Quito Avianca Ecuador
In the air to perform the standard output VAPO1R.
Bogot flight reportá Quito Avianca Ecuador
Muy poco se pudo ver de Bogotá desde el aire, but it is impressive how big this city is.

The onboard service consistedó de un sandwich de chorizo y queso con bebida a elección of the user, in my case sparkling water.

Bogot flight reportá Quito Avianca Ecuador
It should be noted that it was hot.
Bogot flight reportá Quito Avianca Ecuador
The wholemeal bread and the ingredients generated a very rich flavor, good for breakfast at 7 from meñhe.

En el aire se recuperó la demora generada en tierra, por lo que la aproximación y aterrizaje en Quito se realizaron en itinerario.

Bogot flight reportá Quito Avianca Ecuador
Gran parte del vuelo permaneció cloudy.
Bogot flight reportá Quito Avianca Ecuador
Sobre el VOR de Condorcocha iniciando procedimiento de aproximación to Quito.
Bogot flight reportá Quito Avianca Ecuador
The green and great south of Quito – Drunk.
Bogot flight reportá Quito Avianca Ecuador
Turning to intercept ILS localizer, el Volcán Cotopaxi se dejó ver solamente un poco.
Bogot flight reportá Quito Avianca Ecuador
Already lined up with the track 36 y el típico humo, ¿alguien saben qué fabrican ahí?
Bogot flight reportá Quito Avianca Ecuador
landed, no applause this time.
Bogot flight reportá Quito Avianca Ecuador
The GoPro at work.

And hereí el vídeo:

Ya en tierra el sol de Quito en su máxima expressedón nos permitió ver los diferentes tráficos como el Boeing 737-500 of Aeroregional that so few times I have been able to see and photograph it.

Bogot flight reportá Quito Avianca Ecuador
The blue sky of Quito allows for beautiful photos.

the grandfatheróWhat took usó fue el Airbus A319 HC-CSA with número de seria MSN3518 y tiene 10.6 año desde su primer vuelo. It's avión isá powered by 2 CFMI CFM56-5B7/P engines and operates in Ecuador since 17 from December to 2016.

Bogot flight reportá Quito Avianca Ecuador

It's avión es el A319 que más recientemente se incorporó a la flota de 4 Totals for this model that Aerol hasínea al dífrom today.

In case you are wondering, all photos were taken with the Huawei P20 PRO.

¿I like themó this new reporting format for Aerolíareas I've flown before? I promise to continue improving it with meás photo detailsáficos and más.

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5 comentarios en “De Bogotá a Quito con Avianca Ecuador

  1. It's good that there was no applause. It is understandable that many compatriots get excited when they arrive in Ecuador after many years, but applauding does not seem so normal either., I have had to see many foreigners making fun of those somewhat childish attitudes in the landings.

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