statistics of foreign tourists in Ecuador 2018

Statistics of foreign tourists in Ecuador 2018

This post we will present the statesístatics of foreign tourists in Ecuador 2018, showing great growth.

Although there is growth and that is what ultimately matters, during all the 2018 growth has been exceeded 51% of entry of foreign tourists in comparisonón with him 2017, but the reality is that these data areán «mixed».

Mixed with income people coming from Venezuela and what isápassing through Ecuador towards the south of the continent or planning to stay in the countryís to work, so not necessarily, they are tourists as such who leave income like the rest of those we will call «sí tourists».

We must also take into accountén that many entries of e.g. USA the SpañThey are Ecuadorians who return to visit their families and have dual nationality, but also the statesísticas take them as tourists, although yesí They leave foreign currency on their visit to the countryís.

On the other hand, Ecuadorians came out a -3.2% less than himñO 2017, so that market must alsoén be stimulated with for example, la eliminationótax number EcoDelta.

Foreign tourists Ecuador 2018

First we will make a comparisonón with the statistical dataístics of theñO 2017 that allow usá put the growth in perspective 51% what happened in the 2018.

Stadiumístatic 2017

TOTAL 2017 1,608,473
Colombia 330671
Venezuela (RepúBolivarian war) 287972
United States of América 244600
Perú 139116
España 58727
Argentina 44662
Chile 44522
Germany 33439
China 30147
Canadaá 28342
México 27541
United Kingdom 25623
France 25394
Cuba 24920
Brazil 21914
Philippines 19077
Panamá 18108
Italy 17361
Paílow ses 16033
India 13501
Australia 11312
Switzerland 11115
Costa Rica 8949
Federationón from Russia 6956
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 6826
Bélogic 5998
Japón 5855
The Savior 5811
Korea (Repúwar of) 5606
Uruguay 5532

Until the 2017 Colombia was the main market for tourists arriving in Ecuador, but Venezuela was already very close, so alsoén ese añor the statesístatics can beíeven say that it isán «distorted».

Stadiumístatic 2018

TOTAL 2018 2,428,536
Venezuela (RepúBolivarian war) 956,067
United States of América 351,709
Colombia 323,345
Perú 146,938
España 103,008
Chile 45,778
Argentina 40,964
Germany 35,513
Canadaá 34,335
México 30,425
United Kingdom 28,238
France 27,597
China 26,231
Brazil 22,503
Cuba 20,135
Italy 19,944
Panamá 18,460
Paílow ses 18,075
Philippines 15,536
India 12,439
Switzerland 11,588
Australia 11,534
Costa Rica 8,639
Bélogic 6,988
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 6,530
Federationón from Russia 6,215
Uruguay 5,704
Japón 5,555
Korea (Repúwar of) 5,370
Ukraine 4,975

*Only the first ones are shown 30 países más important for entries to Ecuador of a total of 235.

It's very clear, the 2018 almost 1 millón of visitors were from Venezuela, so it cannot be said that the país has really grown in the núgroup of tourists who have entered the countryís for what was stated at the beginning of this post.


But if we focus on the markets that más interest the país and we compare between bothños, we can see growth in the largestíto the markets that «interesting más» a Ecuador:

2017 2018 Variationón
USA 244600 USA 351709 44%
Colombia 330671 Colombia 323345 -2%
España 58727 España 103008 75%
Argentina 44662 Argentina 40964 -8%
Chile 44522 Chile 45778 3%
Germany 33439 Germany 35513 6%
China 30147 China 26231 -13%
Canadaá 28342 Canadaá 34335 21%
México 27541 México 30425 10%
United Kingdom 25623 United Kingdom 28238 10%
France 25394 France 27597 9%
Brazil 21914 Brazil 22503 3%
Panamá 18108 Panamá 18460 2%
Paílow ses 16033 Paílow ses 18075 13%
Australia 11312 Australia 11534 2%
Switzerland 11115 Switzerland 11588 4%

Stadiumístics toéareas and seaíteam

Analyzing the statusíStatics of the Ministry of Tourism, foundé that the form más close to having a número más close to foreign tourists who visit Ecuador is analyzing income per vía aéarea and by ship.

Así we have this data más concrete:

TOTAL 2017 978,562
TOTAL 2018 1,120,810

During the 2018 Ecuador passedó the límild of the millónumber of tourists, what a represents 15% más in comparisonón with him 2017, what for me stillálysis, is the «official figure» of tourists who visited our countryís during the 2018, can vary by a couple of hundred thousand.


It can be said that we do not have aúmero real de cuáflow «sí tourists» have arrived in Ecuador, but whatever the case may be, we must continue working so that the paíThe keys to our market continue to grow.

The outlook is encouraging, but statistical data is requiredíexact aesthetics and filtered to the migratory reality of the countryís.

Ecuador isá aún very far from reaching the sunñado 1 x 1 of foreign tourists, but the arrival of new aerolíneas how Joon – Air France, GOAL, increase in flights and destinations JetBlue, Laser Airlines, Peruvian Airlines, más the intentions of Sky Airline, VivaAir and others, to allowán that the núgroupers continue to grow.

This growth can be accelerated as long as the promotionófrom Ecuador tooén not increase, incentives are generated and a culture tour serviceíquality aesthetic, that allows us to differentiate ourselves from our strong regional competition.

We are on the good way, but with muchísimo aún to do.

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15 comments on “Statistics of foreign tourists in Ecuador 2018”

  1. How to explain the closure of many small hostels in the city of Quito, especially in the La Mariscal area?
    La Ronda street is part of the Heritage, without tourists and the statistics of the big hotels have not been very encouraging…always refers me to Quito

  2. Carlos Fernandez

    Hi Nicolas, receive a big hug for new year 2019! …. Wishing you continue with your project and informing us satisfactorily with your publications.

    My question regarding the arrival of tourists, especially by air, when will the national and international traffic statistics for UIO be available, as well as the cargo in the period 2018? It's suddenly the end of February?

    Thank you very much and best regards.

  3. Hi Nicolas.
    Happy New Year 2019!

    Sorry for the off topic… What do you consider the best website/app to buy cheap plane tickets??

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