JetBlue already sells its second daily flight to Quito

JetBlue already sells its second daily flight to Quito

JetBlue already sells its second daily flight to Quito, el cual operará por temporada alta de verano en USA between June and September.

This second flight that we announced manera exclusiva aquí, Startá operaciones este 14 from June to 3 September 2019, what to implyá that the aerosolínea operateá 14 weekly flights between Fort Lauderdale and Quito.

Estos dos vuelos diarios que volarán de lunes a domingo serán operated, at least secún se refleja en la web de la aerolínea, by Airbus A320 aircraft, although potentially JetBlue lo podríto alsoén hacer con aviones Airbus A321 y Embraer 190 themselvesún the demand.

This second flight, which is temporary and seasonal, se encuentra ya a la venta y está disponible para reservas y compras en la web de la aerolídeny yourselfún is detailed:

jetblue second daily flight quito fort lauderdale
Flight 551 is the second new temporal frequency.

La nueva frecuencia despegará de Fort Lauderdale a las 8:50pm y aterrizará in Quito at 12:12am del díto next with a durationón of 4 hours and 22 flight minutes.

jetblue second daily flight fort lauderdale quito
Flight 550 is the second new temporal frequency.

On the way back, la nueva frecuencia operará despegando de Quito a la 1:20am and landá de regreso en Fort Lauderdale a las 6:46am behind 4 hours and 26 flight minutes.

It should be noted that the núflight grouper 551 and 550 Eastán marcados como temporales y podrían change accordingún aprobación governmental, which has already been guaranteed both in United States as in Ecuador.

The prices for these flights are from $446.40 round trip including taxes.

JetBlue grows in Ecuador

Muy rápiously, siendo que la aerolínea apenas inició their flights to Quito the 25 February 2016 has managed to position itself and grow in the Ecuadorian market.

With their 7 weekly flights to Quito from the beginning, now the aerosolínea junto a su nueva operación in Guayaquil que inicia en marzo también with 1 daily flight and with these new frequencies in high season, will becomeá en esos meses en la segunda aerolínea northamericana en número de frecuencias y asientos ofrecidos entre ambos países.

Thanks to your business model that I call “semi low-cost”, the airínea ha logrado mantener un acelerado crecimiento y captar rápidamente el mercado hacia y desde el estado de la Florida, Favorite destination for Ecuadorians.

With 21 weekly frequencies between June and September, the airíne to offerá 900 daily seats, behindás de American Airlines con 28 weekly frequencies and 1402 daily seats.

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2 comentarios en “JetBlue ya vende su segundo vuelo diario a Quito

  1. Jimmy Conforme D.

    Buenas tardes:

    Can you tell me the exact date of start of operations from Guayaquil? ??

    You can get the tickets now ??



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