Ecuador international routes

The international routes of Ecuador

We review in this new informative installment the different international routes of Ecuador that operate to and from the world by the different aerolígirls than hereí operate.

The únicos aeropuertos internacionales que actualmente reciben u operan vuelos hacia/desde el extranjero, are those of Quito and Guayaquil.

Año a añO, the market toéEcuadorian prisoner, so much in the sunéstic as in the international ones it has begun to grow and we are a fashionable destination, más aerolíneas ven con interés volar a Ecuador.

En una publicación prior, we review the international destinations that Ecuador lacks, We will see some of them materialize in the medium term and others, I'm sure we'll see them sooner or later.

are now 18 international destinations those that operate in Ecuador served by 18 aerolídenies.

Flights from Quito

in the international, the Quito airport It is the main terminal from where international flight operations take off and land in Ecuador..

With the arrival of new aerolídenies, la terminal se sigue posicionando como el destino más atractivo en Ecuador y el que más vuelos directos tiene, thanks tooén al ser ahora la ciudad más poblada del país.

Destinyweekly frequenciesAerolígirls who operate
Atlanta7Delta 7
Houston7United 7 (9 In high season)
Miami14American Airlines 14
Fort Lauderdale7JetBlue 7 (14 In high season)
xico14Aeroméxico 7, Interjet 7
San Salvador7Avianca El Salvador 7
Panamá28Cup 28
Bogotaá33Avianca Ecuador 29, Wingo 4
Cali3 víto EsmeraldasTame 3
Lima21Avianca Ecuador 7, LATAM Ecuador 14
Santiago4LATAM Chile 4
Buenos Aires7 víto LimaLATAM Ecuador 7
São Paulo3GOAL 3
Amsterdam7 víto GuayaquilKLM 7
Paris3Air France 3
Madrid18Iberia 7, Air Europa 5, More Ultra 3

Son 17 international destinations that are operated from Quito by 16 aerolídenies, sin contar el vuelo de Avianca vía Lima que se extiende hacia Bolivia.

Flights from Guayaquil

The Aeropuerto Interancional José Joaquín de Olmedo ocupa el segundo lugar también en destinos hacia el extranjero.

Este Aeropuerto perdió las rutas a Atlanta y Houston, but he has won flights to Caracas, Fort Lauderdale y la mayor operación de vuelos desde Ecuador hacia Florida, lo que ha permitido mejorar su crecimiento anual en mira de la construcción, for now, postponed from Daular.

Destinyweekly frequenciesAerolígirls who operate
New York7LATAM Ecuador 7
Miami14American Airlines 14
Fort Lauderdale25JetBlue 7, Spirit Airlines 7, Tame 4
Caracas3Conviasa 3
San Salvador7Avianca El Salvador 7
Panamá28Cup 28
Bogotaá31Avianca Ecuador 28, Wingo 3
Cali7Avianca Ecuador 7
Lima14Avianca Ecuador 7, LATAM Ecuador 7
Santiago8LATAM Ecuador 7, LATAM Chile 1
Amsterdam7KLM 7
Madrid7LATAM Ecuador 3, Air Europa 4

From Guayaquil they operate 13 aerolíneas a 12 international destinations, with projectionón a seguir creciendo gracias a la demanda en aumentosin contar el vuelo de Avianca vía Lima que se extiende hacia Bolivia.

In the prómonths to confirmían también the arrival of Peruvian Airlines and the return of Viva Air to both Quito and Guayaquil, Therefore, the commercial air market continues to grow and is on the right track., with much toún to be done to increase the núGrouper of foreign tourists in Ecuador.

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10 comentarios en “Las rutas internacionales de Ecuador

  1. Juan Carlos Dominguez

    Air France does not have an Itinerary as a regular international flight, must operate under codeshare with another airline.

      1. Juan Carlos Dominguez

        Operation permit (Agreement 28/2018) if you have, the AOCR is in process and they have not yet submitted the request to start regular operation.

      2. Juan Carlos Dominguez

        The Company does not have an authorized Itinerary. It has approved routes within its Operating Permit. Your process to obtain an AOCR is pending.

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