cargo grows at Quito Airport

flower season: cargo grows at Quito Airport

The load grows in the Quito airport driven by the annual high season that runs from January to February with exportación main of flowers.

The end of January arrives and with it the flower season officially opens with exportation.óSending thousands of tons of roses to the world for Valentine's Dayín y Díof Women in Russia on the part of the aerolícargo nets that operate towards Ecuador.

The Quito Mariscal Sucre Airport It is the main entry and exit door for the cargo that moves in the país reaching between the 85% and 90% of the participationón of the market andño a añor continues to grow.

This growth has been driven by several factors, but mainly due to the growing exportón of the globally coveted Ecuadorian rose, spaghettién factors such as opening of new markets, agreement with the Unión European Union and increased commercial exchange with the United States has allowed the countryís follow positionágoing in the áscope of exportón.


The best way as always to demonstrate growth, is with exact data and statusístatics that demonstrate this evolutionón. We present the statistical dataístatic in tons transported, both entering and leaving Ecuador of the úlast 5 años from the main cargo terminal of Ecuador, Tababela:

AñO tons Variationón %
2014 181,042 11.40%
2015                  181,445 0.20%
2016                  180,792 -0.40%
2017                  203,992 12.80%
2018                  231,945 13.70%

Growth has been sustained, having úonly one caíyes he hasñO 2016 in comparisonón with him 2015 and this úlast one míencouragement growth compared to the 2014.

Instead, slabños 2017 and 2018 have been the bestñus hereórich for Quito Airport both since the opening of the new terminal and in the old Marisca Sucre.

As mentioned, Several factors have driven this growth, that alsoén has gone hand in hand with an increase in operations toéloading areas in this terminal:

AñO flights
2014 5,134
2015                5,341
2016                5,136
2017                5,672
2018                6,355

The increase in cargo operations movements is unprecedented and the 2018 a 12% más of flights arrived at Quito airport, which goes hand in hand with the increase in tons transported.

Aerolínew cargo

These más de 6 thousand flights have taken place under the operationón of the following aerosolíregular girls than hereí operate, más others under ch modalityárter that between January and February arrive in Quito contracted to transport the great demand:

  • Sky Lease Cargo
  • KLM Cargo
  • Atlas Air Cargo
  • LATAM Cargo and its subsidiaries
  • UPS Airlines
  • Cargolux
  • THE
  • MASAIR Cargo
  • Avianca Cargo
  • Qatar Charge
  • Emirates Sky Cargo
  • Cuban Cargo

With these 12 aerolíThe cargo is transported mainly to Miami and Amsterdam as main distribution centers.ón of the Ecuadorian burden towards the world.

The main operators by núfrequency groups are LATAM Cargo and Avianca Cargo, although alsoéno need to add the operationóAerol regular nípassenger lines, where alsoén thousands of tons are transported daily.

It is 2019 It is expected to equal or improve what was the 2018 in tons transported and núcargo flight grouper, given the factors that have driven growth mentioned above.

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18 comentarios en “Temporada de flores: cargo grows at Quito Airport”

  1. I see clearly that he lost his impartiality
    Your comments no longer have a journalistic criterion to comment on aviation events
    I had a lot of respect for him

    1. Not at all, we are just debating and to do it, Real data must be provided and not just speculate or launch claims of alleged impact on Guayaquil without evidence.. That's all, we need the country to know if this is the case, What has been the impact with tests?, not only with words.

  2. What irony only in Quito there are flowers
    The rest of the central and southern country of the mountains do not produce
    Those came out through Guayaquil, not now
    The only thing I agree with is that the more we export, the better for our country, but without discriminating against anyone.

    1. Do you have the data on how many flowers are produced in the south of the country? Too, a document that guarantees that now they do it only from Quito and that not a single flower takes off from Guayaquil, despite having 300 tons of daily air capacity for the transport of all types of commerce?

  3. I am Quiteño and I don't give a damn what cargo comes from wherever it is. The important thing is that Ecuador exports more and more. Having said this, yes Tababela is 30 minutes of roses, Who would choose Guayaquil to take them out?, To the exterior? It's blanket, which having an open water port. Has been postponed in favor of GYE….more expensive

  4. I hope they leave the airlines free to choose freely without pressure of any kind and operations can be carried out in Latacunga and probably Guayaquil.
    That there be total freedom for exporting airlines so that they can negotiate with airports, conditions, facilities and good rates as well as service without delays.

  5. Latacunga took what is cargo from Quito ppr they came to shout that in Quito, since it is the main airport, it has the right to accommodate what is cargo, but don't worry, the big firm from Qatar and the Arab Emirates and Korean cargo are going to operate from Latacunga to the world and The prince and owner of the Emirates airline are going to bring the equipment on their planes to set up the cold rooms here in Pisque so that the people of Quito suffer. They are going to operate but they are also in for a surprise.

  6. I respect your judgment
    I don't agree with this topic
    The story has been going on for more than thirty years and I do know it.
    In any case, in theory companies have freedom, in practice they do not
    It is the same DAC that originates these privileges that will one day end
    For now we just have to continue seeing the aerial world of our country with great sadness.

  7. Forgive me but it seems that Ecuador does not know its geography, but its flower production centers.
    Those from the Quito area are justified in leaving Quito
    But the rest of the country also produces flowers and Guayaquil has always been a loading center for those produced in the central-southern part of the mountains that today force us to go to Quito.
    Latscubga was enabled to be a cargo departure port due to its location, runway climate and, above all, because of the facilities it provided.
    Seeing that there was no cargo in Quito, they practically closed the Latacunga exit, which their authorities are now trying to confront the DAC to start over with a minimal aerocsribe operation with a small 737 But they must leave the airlines and exporters free to choose what is best for their interests.

    1. You said it, Airlines are free to fly wherever they want and that is how it is today and always. Quito has always been Ecuador's main cargo terminal, It seems to me that you are overestimating what Latacunga was transporting., where Cargolux only flew with 3 weekly flights, what would they be 300 tons per week, while from Quito they now fly with 5 weekly flights or 500 tons, the cargo is and always has been in Quito, without taking away the fact that Latacunga has its potential, but it must develop it on its own, even more so when it is administered by the same DGAC and you insinuate that it is the one that limits or slows it down to make way for Quito, which has always had a minimum 8 scheduled cargo airlines, not just one.

      Latacunga has a lot to improve in cold room infrastructure, palletization, etc. Part of the reasons for Cargolux's departure, ya que las actuales limitaban la cantidad que podían «sacar» en cada vuelo, while in Quito there are no limitations and plenty of infrastructure to improve.

      Latacunga has everything to be a plan B and they started again very well with Aercaribe, for something one starts.

  8. Cargo grows in Quito ??
    of course
    If they put obstacles so that Latacunga and Guayaquil operate as they did before, part of the cargo traffic of outbound flowers in exports to favor the Quito airport, which was short of cargo.
    Rather, they dare to publish the movements years ago of the traffic in Latacunga and Guayaquil, which is now zero due to the centralist management of the civil aviation authorities.
    Latacunga was authorized and operated for years to record cargo movement. Flores was an airline base, as an example of Cargolux, but now not everything is in Quito, not because of the decision of the exporters, but because of “civil aviation facilities so that it can be done in Quito.”
    That is the reason for the increase.

    1. If the bulk of the load is flowers and they are located 30 O 60 minutes from Quito, What does Latacunga and Guayaquil have to do with this?? Each airport must look after its interests and focus on the cargo they have nearby and exploit it.

      Latacunga has hundreds of flower growers nearby, there is business, but they must exploit it, The fact that Cargolux has stopped flying there is due to something much deeper that is far from the topic of this blog..

      Quito has never competed with Guayaquil in cargo, It makes no sense in terms of the products that each exports..

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