Today we will visit the Seymur de Baltra Airport in Galápaid, which is the main gateway to the Enchanted Islands.
In this installment we will talk about the charactersístatic, history, operators and all the details of the first ecol airportómagic of the world, as a second installment about the airports of the Gal Islandsápayments after San Cristobal Airportóbal.
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Baltra Seymur Airport in Galápaid
The airport de Baltra (THERE IT IS: GPS, ICAO: SEGS) is the main and máGal's big airportápaid. East á equipped with a landing strip and takeoffs 2.400 meters long by 36 meters of pavement width with numberingón and addressón 14/32 at an altitude of 207 feet above sea level.

reconstructionícompletely, It was officially opened in March 2013 with an inverseón higher than $26 millions of dólares and is administered by the Concesión ECOGAL S.A part of Corporación América. The terminal has a dimensionón of 6.000 square meters and the ceiling reaches 10.000 square meter.

Various additional improvements were made as it was hits, parking lots, commercial areas and others.

Within the measures to minimize the environmental impact, the airport becameó in the first terminal of Latinoamérich in achieving accreditationón of carbón neutral and alsoéLEED certified by the American Building Councilón Sustainable.

To achieve these certifications and be the first eco-friendly airportómagic of the world, the administrationón from the airport tomó several measures to guarantee the lowest environmental impact. Among these it was achievedó reuse the 80% of construction materialsón of the old terminal aérea, diseñor sustainable, energírenewable energy thanks to the use of energyíto eólica and solar, useólighting nón y ventilationón natural which avoids the use of air conditioning and artificial lights, Efficient use of water and its treatment, refractory roof to reduce heat, reforestationón of flora endéisland mica,

The terminal has «louvers» o mec blindsánothing by caráAttics that, through temperature and CO2 sensors, regulate the entry of air to cool the terminal and that, together with large windows, generate a friendly environment in a sensitive place on the planet..

The airport uses its own desalination system.ón of sea water for useón in all services báairport sicos.

Stadiumísticas Baltra Airport
Baltra Airport receives approximately 170 monthly flights from Quito and Guayaquil, which is equivalent to about 6 daily flights and varyán themselvesún demand and season, talking úscheduled commercial flights only.

During the 2017, 241.800 Tourists came to the Gal Islandsápaid, of which 187.287 or the 77% passed through the Baltra Airport, being of these 69% foreigners and the 31% nationals.
During the 2017, the tránumber of tourists in Galápaid grewó remarkably in comparisonón with the añor earlier when it decreasedó. During the 2017 overall growth was 11%, foreigners increased by 12% and Ecuadorians in a 9%.

On inter-island flights, the route between Isabela and Baltra mobilizes más de 9 thousand passengers and it is the second demand in the archipelagoélago.
Analyzing the commercial market, The route between Guayaquil and Baltra is the second that más tráfico movesó during the 2017 in Ecuador, con más 472.226 passengers even on the Quito route – Cuenca with a difference of más de 100 thousand passengers.
The companies that hereí operate are:
Aerolídenies, flights and itinerary
Al dífrom today, son 3 aerolíregular commercial lines operating to and from Baltra with direct flights from both Quito What Guayaquil.
The flights and itineraries of each airlineíYou can find them hereí:

Informationón turnístick of San Cristóbal
The Island of Baltra of an islandéArctic and does not have a populationón established permanent, since the úThe only inhabitants belong to the base Force AéEcuadorian area what ahí settles.

Its flora and fauna is not very wide, but various plant species are found, cactus, lizards and the land iguana, which was recently reintroduced to the island once its populationóI practically disappearedó by the old base of the United States that ahí operó during world war II.

Its locationóIt has become the main airport that serves the population.ón mánearby is Puerto Ayora on Santa Cruz Island with a populationón of 11.974 al 2010, which makes it the city with the largest number of inhabitants of all the islands, that alsoén is the main núcleo económonkey and turístic of the archipiélago.
what are the processes to travel within the Baltra airport
This is the protocol to enter Galapagos:
Are there Company for car rental inside the airport?
Sure, you can find several options.