We will analyze what that he taught usña el cierre del Guayaquil airport where your runway lighting system was affected.
after being closed 11 hours in a row, since Monday 11 at 19 hours 20 until 06:28 Tuesday's 12, the second terminal toérea en importancia del Ecuador nos deja algunas lecciones de algo que por más contingencia, emergency, mantenimiento no programado o emergente jamás debe volver a repetirse.
Independiente del daño que afecto al sistema de luces, que hasta la publicación de este post no ha sido comunicado por la autoridades en exactitud qué was what happenedó, esta situationón ha afectado ampliamente a los pasajeros principalmente y en un segundo nivel, to the airídenies.
The closure of Guayaquil Airport
They were past 19 monday hours 11 February 2019 and the networks began to explode, the Airport was forced to close due to an emergency runway lighting system maintenance.
Una falla de esta magnitud no es nueva en el mundo aéreo y varios aeropuertos se han visto afectados por situaciones como ésta a lo largo de la historia.
Muchos usuarios se quejaron de porqué no lo hicieron antes, o porqué no se prevé this, but ¿Maybe you plan for your car's tire to go down?, te quedes sin batería o se te queme el foco de frenos de tu auto?
Incluso la industria más regulada del mundo puede tener fallas, no isá exenta de contingencias y siempre lo más importante será la seguridad de los usuarios del servicio.
what happened yesterday, it can happen to any airport, by big, prepared or prevented it from being, el problema es cómo se desarrolla posteriormente la contingencia.
Image and confidence
Lo que más preocupa en la emergencia por falla del sistema de luces, es la imagen internacional del aeropuerto y la confianza de los usuarios y aerolíneas en esta terminal.
Hay que recordar que desde el año pasado se anunció the llegada de nuevas y más aerolíneas a Guayaquil, terminal que está recuperando su crecimiento de pasajeros en pro de iniciar la aplazada constitución de Daular.
El aeropuerto requiere mantener una gestión e imagen positiva hacia la industria para que las que han llegado sigan y las que están por llegar lo hagan sin dudarlo, ya que situaciones como estas generan importantes pérdidas en los operadores.
Recordar que también se ha hablado del Guayaquil secondary radar system, although this is not the responsibility of the airport as such.
Se pudo ver una lenta reacción y comunicación externa por parte de las diferentes autoridades responsables e involucradas en la emergencia, what affectedó la comunicación of the aerosolsíneas hacia sus pasajeros.
In case of any emergency, la comunicación de eser efectiva y concreta, informando en todo momento lo que sucede y por cuánto tiempo. Se entiende que al ser emergente no se puede realizar una estimación real del tiempo que las operaciones estarían afectadas, pero se pudo ser más eficientes y claros en beneficio de todos los involucrados, per más compleja la situación que sea.
Alternate airports
El cierre de Guayaquil dejó un claro ejemplo de que en la costa ecuatoriana no existe un verdadero aeropuerto alterno para o al menos, what isé completamente equipado y listo para recibir X número de vuelos desviados.
3 international flights were diverted to Manta International Airport, pero este después del terremoto del 2016 vio afectado enormemente su infraestructura y no cuenta actualmente con las facilidades para migración and customs, what it generatedó que siento de pasajeros deban esperar por largas horas dentro de los aviones y cuando fueron desembarcados, no existía ningún personal para asistirles.
¿Becauseé no se desvían a Quito?
An operational airport 24 horas y con todas las facilidades del caso debería ser la alternativa máadequate s, but the aerosolsíneas no lo usan por 2 reasons, the first for clearly going through operational decisions and second because the crews or aircraft that fly to an airport at sea level do not always, Eastán certificadas para operación en un aeropuerto de altura, which means more complexity.
Latacunga could be another alternative, but it does not have all the necessary services.
¿Other nearby airports such as Santa Rosa, Saltpans or Emeralds?
Son grandes aeropuertos con pistas totalmente equipadas con luces de pista para operacióN Night, pero estos no tienen categoría internacional y no operan las 24 hours of the dayía, which does not make them suitable alternate airports for these situations.
The constructionón of the new Manta Airport debe considerar todas las facilidades de migración y aduanas para ser un verdadero alterno de Guayaquil.
Regulationón aérea
It was possible to see an apparent «hollow» o falla de interpretación en la cartilla del usuario de los rights and obligations in case of delays or cancellations, given that it does not mention responsibilities when the problems are attributable to the airport operator.
The artículos del mismo indican en todo momento cómo debe una aerolínea actuar y compensar a los usuarios ante los diferentes niveles de demoras, surplus, cancellations, Baggage, etc. But it does not indicate a procedure when the causes of delays or cancellations are the responsibility of an airport..
Although the artíass 52 talk about external cases, fortuitous or force majeure such as weather, where the aerosolsíneas quedan liberadas de responsabilidad y solamente deberán devolver el costo del pasaje, tampoco se define qué pasa cuando los casos fortuitos son de responsabilidad de un aeropuerto y no se menciona la responsabilidad del operador Aeroportuario ni cómo deberá compensar o asistir a sus usuarios.
What happened on 11 de febrero generó que algunas aerolíneas y en algunos vuelos bajo el artíass 53, compensate users with maintenance and hosting costs, pese a que claramente no existe una responsabilidad de las aerolíneas y lo sucedido no es atribuible a ellas bajo ningún concepto.
It is not the first time that the Guayaquil airport closed due to contingencies, has already undergone emergency maintenance on its track and pavement several times, that alsoén requireá una intervención mayor pronto.
Esperemos que esta situación sea solventada y arreglada definitivamente para que no suceda nuevamente en el mejor de los casos y si se repite, las autoridades tomen lo positivo de estas líneas que son escritas con la mejor intención para mejorar sus planes de acción y contingencia en caso de repetirse.
It is a very strong comment for Guayaquil
It is the first time that it happens and although it is true that the operator should have had a faster reaction, it is also true that Quito permanently closes operations due to bad weather and it is Guayaquil that receives all that diverted traffic
It is not possible to insinuate that the operators will think a lot about new routes, since this is not the case, if this concept is applied, they would have to worry more about Quito due to its climatic conditions and aerodrome height, as the author says, that they need to invest in special training for that type of aerodrome.
In any case, the image of Guayaquil cannot be in doubt with inappropriate comments
It is not the first time it happens, the previous one was ago 5 years, Besides, the Guayaquil airport maintains several closures followed by problems also on its runway, so it is not isolated operational problems, that they must continue to care for and improve to continue attracting airlines.
Went 41 LASER passengers who were coming from Caracas-Guayaquil and diverted to Manta due to the closure of the Guayaquil Airport, we landed in manta at 2100, We were a couple of hours on the plane, Then we go down to the baggage delivery room, no toilets for people, because the other room was filled with passengers from American and Avianca. About 02:00 in the morning they moved us to the other room when American had already sent its passengers to the Hotel. At 4:00 a.m. they made us go through immigration and customs and we were leaving the airport at 5:00 a.m..
Laser did not give a glass of water worse compensation, Of course, the Regulation releases them from guilt for fortuitous events that are not their responsibility., But as they express it well, The Law has a hole. It should somehow take care of the passengers and give them some ease
The airlines hide behind the regulation and the passenger who manages as they can. At least for image and responsibility they should take the initiative and do something on their own
I support your comment, but as you say, hay un «hueco» y las aerolíneas por políticas internas, they will not do anything beyond what is within their reach or responsibility within the regulation, they are not doing anything wrong in not helping passengers more if there is nothing that forces them.
There will be some that will help you, so it's not your responsibility, for the same, policies of each company.
An additional fact about the Manta airport, a couple of weeks ago a non-scheduled international flight landed after midnight, that is, it had the authorization of the DGAC, requirement that would be understood as sufficient to guarantee the 100% of airport operations. Well, it turns out that in addition to the deficient immigration and customs services, because there was no fuel available, since the supervisors, Petroecuador staff, were sleeping and the person in charge of the taco vehicle, required that the supply be authorized by one of the public servants who comfortably slept… Namely, the services of an international airport that according to the AIP operates 24 hours, depend on the criteria, office hours and even the will of the person in charge of customs, migration, combustible, etc. Great responsibility of the Airport Administration, who, however, has sufficient technical knowledge of aerial activity and its possible variables, has allowed this type of limitation to be a constant and that the airport's air operation is subject to these obstacles that are unacceptable from every point of view. The consequences were anticipated and yesterday they were painfully evident…. The AAC must take urgent measures to change this reality.
Thanks for your comment.