Tips to visit the Galapagos Islands

Tips to visit the Galapagos Islands

¿Thinking about traveling to this place mágic? We leave you several tips for visit the Gal Islandsápaid, where we will review important details that you must take into account for this adventure.

Post written by Sil Instagram: @smc_sock
With photos of Sil and Nicolás

Other post by Sil:

¿How to get to Galápaid?

The Gal Islandsápayments have two airports  main, one on the island of Baltra, another on the island of San Cristóbal, which have daily flights to the islands early in the morningñhe.  Aerol's offeríit is a sinán entre Tame, Latam and Avianca. These flights always have their departure point in the cities of Quito or Guayaquil in continental Ecuador with a duration ofón of approximately 2:30 hours and the úlast flight is until 1 pm.

¿I need insurance to visit Galápaid?

Ecuadorians or residents do not require health insurance to visit the islands, but próUltimately, every foreign tourist mustá present health insurance for the duration of your stayía.  Equally, It is always recommended to take out health insurance on each trip since you will be treated in a país abroad can be very expensive.

¿Whaté It's Galápaid?

The Gal Islandsápayments with one of the places más known by national and international tourists and without a doubt it is a place úunique when visiting.  It must be clarified that the archipélake are a set of más de 13 main islands and many islets and that not all islands are accessible to the público.

They have become world famous for being the home of species úunique as the giant tortoises that are named after the islands, which come to weigh más de 400 kilos.

Además, you can visit them all year roundñO, since the weather variesíonly in two stations, the más hot and húmid-December to June with warm rainsúto isolated.  And from July to December the weather is más seco, but at the same timeás cool with the water temperature beginning to drop and it is the route of migratory species such as whales, sharks or dolphins.

¿Cówhat are the visits in Galápaid?

It must be clarified that this tour on the islands is always accompaniedñados by guíNaturalists designated by the national park, and there are strict rules to keep everything in place by not touching anything on the islands including plants or animals.  You cannot bring food to any of the excursions and always be in the group. It's quite an active tour, with walks up to 2 hours on natural paths under the sun or the heat of the weather, for laterés having limited free time on a beach to do water activities.  You can bring containers of water as there is a prohibition.ón of the use of plásolo use stics (bottles, bags, etc.). It may sound a bit strict, más necessary measures have been taken to preserve this foríI'm natural in the best way, thus reducingí trash plástic and always trying not to introduce anything foráneo in this natural environment único.

Accommodation in Galápaid: ¿cruise or island hotel?

There are several places in the archipelagoélake that are only accessible by cruise ships since the navigation distancesóThey can take several hours.  Having said that, If the plan is to visit the islands máwest is the best optionón always beá go on a cruise. While it seems that the cruise may be one of the más expensive, compensateá a lot in saving time, meals and activities, since while one isá board busy with any activity (for example having dinner or lunch) the ship isá mobilizedágoing to the next point of visit.   Así same, will not haveáI know what to think about meals, or hire additional activities that are offered in many places on the islands such as beach snorkeling, open sea snorkeling, kayaking or hiking around the islands sinceán all included.

Budget for Galápayments from continental Ecuador

If you are already in Ecuador, and you have enough time to pay a visit to Galápaid, this guyíThe prices can help you organize your trip in a better way..  Take into account that this guide is focused on prices of the 2019 according to government rates at this timeñO.

CRUISE (usually includes fuel rate) From $1000 per person per 4 días /3 nights From $1750 per person per 4 días /3 nights
HOTEL (No tax included) From $50 per person per night. From $50 per person  evening.
BOLETO AÉREO (Mainland Ecuador towards Galápayments *round trip*) From $250 per person From $450 per person
IMMIGRATION CARD FOR ENTRY TO GALÁPAID $20 per person $20 per person
ENTRANCE TO THE GAL NATIONAL PARKÁPAID $6 per person $100 per person $50 per person inhabitants of the Andean Community or Mercosur.

Additional Recommendations

  • Wear hot weather clothes, light fabrics, shorts, sandals, hats, Water shoes.  Así same, there are intermittent light rains, for these it is recommended to wear a waterproof windbreaker.
  • There are no landing ports on any island.  When you arrive at the places of visit, you disembark in natural places, some on rocks or sand; Others disembark on the beach where the tourist gets off in the water and is there.í When water shoes are the best optionón.
  • Do not miss the opportunity to snorkel in the islands.  The marine variety of the archipélake they make it única, and animals don't run away when they see humans, más they are curious and that is when they can take unparalleled photos.
  • Carry enough protección solar, Many hours are spent outdoors and it is always advisable to reapply sunscreen afterés of each activity acuáethics.
  • Bring cash, although yesí there are ATMsáticos on the main islands, if they go on a cruise úonly chance to beá at ATMsáairport ticos.
  • If you want to helpún más to conservationón of the islands, respect the rules without knocking, move or take anything from visiting sites, we want this place to be preserved and admired by us and all future visitors.
  • If you have time and budget, visit as many islands as possible, since each of them houses different types of flora and fauna.

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4 comments on “Tips for visiting the Galapagos Islands”

  1. very good post.
    But it seems to me that the prices of both tickets and hotels are inflated.
    I just went, paying $170 the passage, and hotels (very good and decent) from $35 the night. And I know there are even cheaper

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