In order to strengthen the work of the IABA – Accident Investigation Board, I approveó reform of the Aviation Lawón Civilian of Ecuador.
With 78 votes in favor and in second debate, The National Assembly of Ecuador approvedó the reforms made to the Aviation Lawón Civil whose objective is to prevent accidents or incidentséprisoners in national territory.
This proposal was made by the Commissionón of Economic Developmentómonkey, that was generatedó after the time it tookó to the JIA to draft and conclude the investigations of the embraer accident 190 of Tame in Cuenca (1 añor and 3 months preliminary report). This reform seeks to strengthen the Accident Investigation Board – JIA, so that it is independently a specialized and autonomous unitórule for the fulfillment of its investigative functions when the case requires it.
Reform to the Aviation Lawón Civil
The standard delimits the áscope of powers of the JIA and proposes mechanisms to avoid the existence of conflicts of interest between the members of the Board and companies linked to the aero sectors.áuticos. Además, intends to provide the IABA with infrastructure, sufficient staff and resources.
SpaghettiéThe aim is to improve the safety conditions of users and the research processes.ón when accidents occuréprisoners. The initiative providesé change the artíass 13. The current standard establishes that the Accident Investigation Board will investigateá the facts, the cause or probable cause of an accident or incident. In the reform, a subsection is increased so that in each accident and within 6 months the Board includes activities and times to guarantee the investigationón.
Aviation Lawón Civil actual
Art. 13.- The JIA Accident Investigation Board, investigateá and establishá the facts, circumstances, cause or probable cause of an aircraft accident or incident over which you have authority
to investigate. In research, identifyá obvious safety deficiencies and carry outá recommendations conducive to eliminating or reducing any deficiencies in that security.
Art. 14.- The Accident Investigation Board, beá composed of a president who actsá permanently and two members who will joinán when éThis is convened to know the
result of investigations of an aircraft accident.
Art. 15.- The President of the Repúpublic issueá the regulations inherent to the structureón, functioning, activities, powers and responsibilities of the IABA.
Art. 16.- The Accident Investigation Board, in the investigationón countá with the collaborationóinformation from the Directorateón General of Aviationón Civil.
Art. 17.- The conclusions referring to the causes of the accident will be takenáwithout interference or interventionón of the air authoritiesáUticas.
Art. 18.- The General Director of Aviación Civil issueá regulations regarding notificationón and reporting of accidents and incidents involving aircraft.
Art. 19.- Except as provided in the úlast artíthis Cap's assíleakage, la JIA tendrá:
a) The power to investigate accidents in Ecuador involving civil aircraft; and,
b) The authority to participate in the investigationón of accidents involving aircraft registered in Ecuador and occurring in the territory of a countryís foreigner, consistent with any
treated, agreement or other arrangement with the país in whose territory it occurredó the accident.
Art. 20.- The costs of the investigationón of aircraft accidents, to beán covered by the State throughés of the Ministry of Economyía and Finance and the operator, in equal parts.
They did not show upás changes to the Aviation Lawón Civil additional to Artíass 13, although we hope that an update will be analyzed in the future.ón integral of it to focus it on the aero realityáworld utica.
The project has been sent to the Executive to observe it or send it to the Official Registry for publication.ón.