Ecuadorian domestic aviation

Ecuadorian domestic aviation, pending topic

every dayía más aerolíinternational lines They land in Ecuador and the market grows, but the aviationón judgementéEcuadorian ethics remains a pending task.

Although during theñO 2018 the sun marketéstico creció compared to himñprevious one, podemos decir que aúthere is much to do, mucho por crecer y sería necesaria la llegada de más competencia an vuelos domésticos para estimular aún más la demanda y generar una potencial reductionón del costo de los pasajes.

*with stateíDGAC statics.

Stadiumísticas mercado doméstico of Ecuador


In the AñO 2018 they were transported: 3´097.295 passengers. If it is related to theñO 2017 in which 2 were mobilized´926.474, growth is observed 5.84%.

At Quito airport the tráPassenger traffic shows a growth of 6.52%, both incoming and outgoing passengers.

At Guayaquil airport the tráPassenger traffic shows a growth of 5.30%, both incoming and outgoing passengers.

The 3 rutas con mayor demanda de pasajeros en el añO 2018 were: QUITO-GUAYAQUIL-QUITO with 1´512.209, QUITO-GUAYAQUIL-BALTRA-GUAYAQUIL-QUITO with 520.799 and QUITO-CUENCA-QUITO with 358.958, the participationón is from 48.82%, 16.81% and 11.58% respectively, while the other routes together represent the 22.79% of national passenger transport, where the greatestía de rutas presenta decrecimientos con respecto al añO 2017.

Como indicamos en el páprevious paragraph, despite the fact that there is general growth over the 5 points, the rest of the airports in Ecuador have lost passengers during the 2018, lo que se debe aún al proceso de restructuración of Tame EP que sigue en el camino de la estabilización operational.

En cuanto a la participación of mercado de las aerolíneas doméEcuadorian aesthetics and as we already reviewed, LATAM ECUADOR has the 38.72% followed by TAME EP. with the 37.32% and AVIANCA ECUADOR with the 23.97%. remaining.


In the AñO 2018 They were made 29.769 movements; with respect toñO 2017 what to registeró 27.684 movements, experiences a growth of 7.53%. Las rutas con mayor participación de vuelos en el mercado y en su orden fueron: QUITO-GUAYAQUIL-QUITO with 11.091 movements that represent 37.25%; QUITO-CUENCA-QUITO with 3.650 movements that represent 12.26%, and QUITO-GUAYAQUIL-BALTRA-GUAYAQUIL-QUITO with 3.253 movements that represent 10.92%.

It can be seen that there are routes that experience a drop in flights, mientras tanto en otras rutas existe un leve crecimiento de vuelos entrados así como de vuelos salidos.

Offer, demanda y ocupación

In the AñO 2018 the aerosolsíneas nacionales que realizaron servicio aéreo regular de pasajeros ofertaron: 3´807.810 seating; utilizándose 3´097.295; that in youérminos relativos representa el 81.34% of occupationón.

For the Quito airport the offer was 3´788.116 seating, utilizándose 2´755.746 that represent the 72.74% of occupationón y por el aeropuerto de Guayaquil se ofertó 2´486.114 seating, 1 were used´853.758 which is equivalent to 74.56% of occupationón.


as we saw, Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca, San Cristóbal and Baltra grew mainly, ¿but thaté notó con el resto del país?


En el aeropuerto de “Catamayo” they mobilized 115.949 passengers experiencing a decrease in -2.04% with respect toño anterior que registró 118.362 passengers; regarding cargo being transportedó 110,95 TM:, with regard to flights through this airport, 1.825 movements.


In the airport “Cotopaxi” they mobilized 437 passengers experiencing a decrease in -22.65% with respect toñor earlier that were registered 565 passengers; regarding cargo being transportedó 2,77 TM:, with regard to flights through this airport, 120 movements.


at this airport “Carlos Concha Torres” they mobilized 45.418 passengers experiencing a decrease in -11.35% with respect toñor earlier that were registered 51.233 passengers; regarding cargo being transportedó 39,01 TM:, with regard to flights through this airport, 743 movements.


Through the airport they mobilized 40.270 passengers experiencing a decrease in -17.98% with respect toñor earlier that were registered 49.099 passengers; regarding cargo being transportedó 43,98 TM:, with regard to flights through this airport, 1.243 movements.


In the airport “Eloy Alfaro” they mobilized 166.891 pasajeros variación anual negativa del -5.22% with respect toñor earlier that were registered 176.075 passengers; regarding cargo being transportedó 110,37 TM:, with regard to flights through this airport, 2.830 movements.


In the airport “New Store” they mobilized 55.589 passengers experiencing growth in 25.57% with respect toño anterior que registraron 44.270 passengers; regarding cargo being transportedó 61,25 TM:, with regard to flights through this airport, 1.386 movements.


In the airport “Francisco Orellana” they mobilized 120.510 passengers experiencing a decrease in -2.07% with respect toñor earlier that were registered 123.060 passengers; regarding cargo being transportedó 44,67 TM:, with regard to flights through this airport, 2.120 movements.


In the airport “Edmund Carvajal” they mobilized 7.723 passengers experiencing growth in 109.92% with respect toño anterior que registraron 3.679 passengers; regarding cargo being transportedó 731,28 TM:, with regard to flights through this airport, 4.009 movements.


In the airport “Jumandy” they mobilized 57 passengers experiencing growth in 90%; with respect toñor earlier that were registered 30 passengers; regarding cargo being transportedó 0.15 TM., with regard to flights through this airport, 79 movements.


In the airport “Isabela” they mobilized 12.877 passengers experiencing growth in 2.74% with respect toñor earlier that were registered 12.533 passengers; regarding cargo being transportedó 3.,81 TM:, with regard to flights through this airport, 2.310 movements.


In the airport “gral. Ulpiano Páno” they mobilized 2.190 passengers experiencing a decrease in -57.08% with respect toñor earlier that were registered 5.103 passengers; regarding cargo being transportedó 0,50 TM:, with regard to flights through this airport, 278 movements.


In the airport “Shell Mera” they mobilized 11.781 passengers experiencing a decrease in -14.49% with respect toño anterior que registraron 13.777 passengers; regarding cargo being transportedó 246,08 TM:, with regard to flights through this airport, 4.309 movements.


In the airport “Taisha” they mobilized 7.317 passengers experiencing growth in 368.14% with respect toño anterior que registraron 1.563 passengers; regarding cargo being transportedó 1.158,93 TM:, with regard to flights through this airport, 5.651 movements.


The airport “El Rosal Tcnl. Coat” they mobilized 18 passengers experiencing a decrease in -21.74% with respect toño anterior que registraron 23 passengers; with regard to flights through this airport, 8 movements.


Growing is possible and as we see, the biggestía de aeropuertos de Ecuador han perdido pasajeros ante la baja de la oferta hacia estos, por lo que existe un potencial y un mercado no atendido por las aerolíneas que puede ser estimulado.

Nuevos competidores serían clave para cubrir los aeropuertos que han decrecido y estimular aún más los que están creciendo, while benefiting the user with more options, offer and lower costs.

Currently, lo internacional ha sido el éxito del mercado aerocomercial del Ecuador with a 2019 histórico, pero los vuelos domésticos han quedado atrás pese a que se han creado incentives for airports managed by the DGAC that together with subsidy to Jet A1 en estos aeropuertos son inicios positivos que buscan apoyar la aviación local en el país, pero hace falta aún máwith halfíticas estatales que impulsen el transporte aéreo como un right that should be accessible to all.

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2 comentarios en “La aviación doméstica ecuatoriana, pending topic”

  1. I guess the 18 passengers mobilized in Tulcán correspond to the private flights of a small plane. It is a pity how they have let that airport die while neighboring Ipiales has taken advantage of the fact that there is no longer a competitor on the Ecuadorian side, It has even increased its routes and frequencies to other cities in Colombia… In Ecuador we still owe on domestic routes.

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