Differences between an accident and an air incident

Differences between an accident and an air incident

We review the important differences between a accident and an incidentéreo, más how to differentiate them and understand their characterístatic.

post writer by: Capturesán Rodolfo Estrella
FAA Commercial Pilot
Twitter: @rodo_estrella

There are differences between the two téterms, for the case of aviationón the máIt is appropriate to obtain information directly from the glossary of téterms of the National Accident Investigation Board Aéprisoners – NTSB de USA.


The NTSB defines an Accident as any event associated with the operation.ón of an aircraft that occurs from the moment a person boards it with the intentionón of executing a flight until the moment in which it has disembarked.

For this, crew members or occupants sufferán death or fatal injuries, which are those where the person dies within a period of 30 díundress themés after the accident occurred and/or requires hospitalizationón for a period greater than 48 hours starting within the first 7 dísince the accident occurred, event involving broken bones (with exceptions), andños in the tendons, múdogs, severe nerves or bleeding, Eastán involved óinternal organs or there are second or third degree burns affecting a surface greater than the 5% of the body.

For the case of the aircraft, this dutyá having suffered a dayñor substantial which is defined as the dayñor o a failure that affects the integrity and structural strength of the same, high characteríperformance sticsñor and flight requiredán extensive repairóNo replacement of affected parts, not even fly again. Certain minor effects such asños in coatings, fairings, etc. are not considered substantial since they do not affect the characteristicsíaircraft statics.

Since there are new technologiesías aeronáUticas, has also been consideredén as an accident when they get involved unmanned aircraft, where it is defined that it is the event that happens during the period during which the unmanned aircraft is turned on with the propóflight site or missionón until the moment where it is deactivated and where serious injuries or death to any person occur and if the device that must be of a weight of or greater than 300 pounds suffer dañthe substantial.

Como given extra, take into account the decisions of insurers, which can determine how pétotal loss to aircraft, despite the fact that these could not fall within the definitions mentioned above.


On the other hand, Accident, It is all fact that is not defined as an accident, but associated with the operationón of aircraft and that may affect the safety of operations, There are cases of serious Incidents, which is when during the development of an incident there isó a high possibility of a serious accident occurring. Incidents generally do not include personal injury or death, but affect safety.

Examples of incidents can be invasionócrossing of a runway by an aircraft without having obtained authorizationón to do so or failures inherent to the aircraft that do not end as an accident, for example smoke in the cabin where the use is required.ón of ox masksígeno for crew members and occupants. And a serious incident that can trigger an accident is for example the péloss of 50% o más from informationón provided by the aircraft instruments fact that fácould easily cause an accident.

Así that there is no need to be confused and we can now, clearly identify the differences between one and the other.

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2 comments on “Differences between an accident and an air incident”

  1. Hello everyone from Santo Domingo RD. Radar air controller. Congratulations for these contributions to the knowledge of aeronautical work. A hug.

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