The European manufacturer Airbus wants us to forget Boeing 737 MAX with the new Airbus A321XLR, which redefines the flight aircraft flight range único.
Even counting already with its launch client, the airímy nea by líBano for 4 planes, Airbus has dealt a new involuntary blow to its main competition, Boeing that as we know is in a delicate and complex situationón generated by the already más de 3 Months in the land of the PoléMicos airplanes Boeing 737 MAX for known problems in your system MCAS.
El Airbus A321XLR
Airbus has launched the A321XLR to complement its family A321neo máS sold, where, for example, we can see this model operating in Guayaquil con JetBlue. The A321xlr becomesí In the next evolutionary step that responds to market needs for a range toún major and create más value for aerolíneas when generating a 30% less of fuel per seat than the competitors of the generationón anterior. From 2023, This aircraft enterá in service, where XLR stands for – Xtra Long Range, what to offerá An unprecedented rang of up to 4.700 nm, a 15% más that the current versióN A321LR and with the same fuel efficiency.
With this additional range, the aerosolsíneas podrán operate a grandfatherón of a single hall at a lower cost on routes MáS long and less busy, Many of which can now be treated by wide m fuselage aircraftás large and less efficient. This allowá Operators open new world routes like India to Europe or China to Australia, además to extend the non -scales reach on transatl flightsáDirect collapses between continental Europe and the américh. for the passengers, The new A321xlr Airspace cabá the best travel experience, while offeringá seats in all classes with the same high comfort as in long -distance aircraft.
Some of the new routes that could beíto operate with this equipment are:
- Anchorage – Miami
- Miami – Buenos Aires
- Santiago – Houston
- Houston – Hawaii
- London – Delhi
- Such – Sydney
- Roma – New York
- and endless possibilities
The A321xlr has been designedñado to maximize common elements in general with the A321LR and the rest of the A320neo family, At the same time that changes MíWe need for the aircraft to reach the XTRA Long with a larger load paid.
Changes include: nuevo permanent rear center tank (RCT) To get más Fuel volume; A modified landing gear to support a greater weight mátakeoff time (MTOW) from 101 tons; and a configurationóN optimized trailing edge flap to preserve the same takeoff performance and engine thrust requirements as today's A321neo. In particular, The new optimized RCT contains más combustible, while taking up less space in the cargo hold, freeing up underfloor volume for additional cargo and luggage on long-haul routes.
The A320neo family is the avióhallway number único más sold from the world with más de 6,500 m requestsás de 100 customers since its launch in 2010. Incorporates new generation enginesóno and Sharklet wingtip devices, además of other improvements that, on the whole, They offer two D fuel savingsígitos. About his predecessor, the A320ceo family.