Avianca Cargo increases

Avianca Cargo increases its presence in Ecuador

the airícolombian nea Avianca Cargo increases its presence in Ecuador increasing to 14 weekly flights on their flights to Quito and Guayaquil.

Being one of the main ones and the one that más frequencies of cargo operates in Ecuador, the Colombian freighter has initiated a new process before the Ecuadorian authority, on this occasion seeking to increase más núgroup of weekly frequencies.

In the request made before the National Aviation Councilón Civil – CNAC being this already approved by the aero authorityáutica, Tampa Cargo S.A.S whose trade name is Avianca Cargo, solicitó a través of your legal representative the following téterms:

avianca cargo quito guayaquil flights colombia bogota

the airíI do not requestó in January 2021 frequencies are increased in its operating permitón for performanceón of the transport service toéreo público, international, regular charge to spend up 10 weekly frequencies and increase 4 additional weekly frequencies, leaving the permit with up to 14 weekly frequencies and that stops with fifth freedoms of the air be added in the cities of Santiago de Chile, Asunción, Curitiba, São Paulo, Montevideo, New York and New Jersey.

This request is part of the increase in demand in the face of the pandemic and the beginning of the transfer of vaccines worldwide.

Operationón in Ecuador

Avianca Cargo operates in Ecuador both José International Airporté Joaquín de Olmedo y al Quito Mariscal Sucre International Airport with its fleet of six Airbus A330-243F aircraft, with which it mainly operates to Tababela, but also doingéI didn't connectón with Guayaquil.

Flights generally arrive from Medellín, Barranquilla and Miami, transporting theí mainly perishable cargo from Ecuador such as flowers, shrimp, fish and others.

Al dífrom today, Avianca Cargo is the main airlineícargo line that operates in Ecuador for núgroup of frequencies and tons transported, as wellén now, by núnumber of weekly frequencies approved and operated, where for example during peak flower season in the 2019, between January and February, transportó más a 5% más load that same period of the 2018.

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2 comentarios en “Avianca Cargo incrementa su presencia en Ecuador

  1. The company that is recognized as such is TAMPA CARGO.
    The commercial name says very little before the authority and especially in the statistics.
    The bad habit they have of using the commercial name and not the official name.
    Yes is
    You Mr. Larenas issue information do it correctly with due support, in this case the Operating Permit obtained in Ecuador.

    1. Mr Paul Hills, as well you can read, if they read or have reading comprehension, It is clearly mentioned that Tampa Cargo is the company and trade name Avianca Cargo, what is the problem? no one says: Tampa Cargo transported 5 thousand tons of cargo or perhaps Aeroméxico uses its legal name? No, it's always the commercial.