Taxes and fees

Understanding airfare fees and taxes

We are going to analyze in this installment the different rates e taxes that are charged to ticketséprisoners that transport users payéreo in Latinamérica.

Given some comments that have circulated on social networks or that you readers have sent me, It's time to clarify what to callé «liability for a fee or tax», this meaning thaté governmental or private entity is responsible for this charge or value.

Given this confusionón what have I seen, in this post that I hope will be short, clarifyé this topic, but we must start with the báphysical:

¿Whaté it's a tax?

It's kind of a tribute, that are generated exclusively by what is known as «state tax authority» with the objective that it generates income in its favor to finance its expenses públicos.

¿Whaté is a rate?

The rate or tax is defined as the value that an individual owesá cancel for useón or use of a space or to receive a service.

fees and taxes air tickets

With these two concepts ráPlease clarify and with the past posts where we have analyzed whyé the tickets are expensive, thaté can be done to lower costs O whyé a full flight is not profitable, we have to start reviewingáThese are the values ​​that users pay for fees and taxes..

in the gráAbove we can see an example flight between Quito and Lima, where the total taxes and fees will always beá the same in all the aerolídenies, at least the aerosolídoesn't cover anythingún additional value for web use of the supplement.

Every time you buy a ticket, the airínea should show you the breakdown of each of the values ​​that are additional to the rate it charges, in the case above, We are going to identify each value to whiché corresponding entity:

  • Government transport tax: in this case it is VAT, therefore it is a TAX of the government.
  • international tourism charge: It corresponds to EcoDelta that charges Ecuador, así what is a TAX of the government.
  • airport tax: although it says tax, this corresponds to the BOWL of boarding of the Airport in Ecuador.
  • Tax on auxiliary airport facilities: corresponds to a TAX of the government.
  • security charge: corresponds to another TAX, but in this case Municipal.
  • tourism tax: charge to tourism as TAX of the Government of Peruú.
  • Airport Tax: you too, despite saying that it is tax, really is the BOWL airport boarding gate in peruú.

If we analyze this case study, We can see that not all the charges that users pay correspond úairport use fees only, but in its greatestía correspond to taxes generated by State authorities, being likeí five TAXES with a total of $103.72 dólares and two RATES with a value of $87.08 dóhomes.

In this way we can know clearly, for the prónext time we make complaints about the cost of tickets on social networks, that not all the extra values ​​to the costs of a ticket, correspond to what airports charge us for fees for use of facilities or airlines.íneas for their services, but alsoén that in many cases, in its greatestía correspond to taxes generated by governments.

It's the theme, from the 2015 IATA has been promoting that Latin American governmentsérich and the Caribbean reform their policiesítax ethics, since these suppose crippling costs for the industry, that are contrary to international agreements that guarantee that all citizens benefit from global aviation connectivityón.

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