International routes that EC Plus Airline

International routes that EC Plus Airline wants to fly

We present the different first international routes that EC Plus Airline plan to fly from Ecuador to Fort Lauderdale, New York, Lima and Bogotaá.

*Accompanying photoña el post: painting reference that has been circulated by WhatsApp.

No hace mucho recordarán que informamos en exclusiva en este medio la creación e intención de una nueva aerolínea houseéstica in Ecuador, ahora EC Plus Airline solicitó ante Consejo Nacional de Aviación Civil del Ecuador a través of your legal representative, se le autorice también, fly international, request that has already been approved, bajo los siguientes parámeters:

ec plus airlines international flights

on request, the airíline in trainingón requests to be granted the operating permitón for performanceón of the transport service toéreo, público, international, regular passenger, combined cargo and mail to operate on the following routes and frequencies:

  • Manta and/or Quito and/or Guayaquil – Fort Lauderdale – New York and vice versa with 7 weekly frequencies.
  • Quito – Lima – quit with 7 weekly frequencies.
  • Quito – Bogotaá – quit with 7 weekly frequencies.

These routes operateán con derechos de tráfico de tercera y cuartas libertades del aire, para lo cual la empresa indica que incorporará a su flota los aviones Boeing B767-300, which beán adquiridas bajo el sistema de compra desde su base de operaciones y mantenimiento que se encontrará at Eloy Alfaro International Airport from the city of Manta.

With the order approved, the airínea ahora deberá iniciar el proceso de certificación before the Managementón General of Aviationón Civilian of Ecuador – DGAC of 5 stages to be able to obtain the Operator Certificate that authorizes it to operate.


with this request, the airínea planea volar rutas tradicionales que han operado en Ecuador como son los vuelos planteados a Lima y Bogotá, pero propone una nueva y diferente ruta aérea.

The proposal to operate from Manta with a stopover in and/or Quito and/or Guayaquil and to later continue to Fort Lauderdale is a difference to other routes generally proposed in Ecuador, above all, the layover in Florida before continuing to New York. Cabe indicar que Fort Lauderdale solo operaría como parada técnica para que bajen pasajeros, más no podrán undergo, since there are no sixth air freedoms to market a flight between both cities within USA.

Spaghettién es interesante el modelo de aeronave solicitada para estos vuelos, the boeing 767-300, por lo que volveríamos a ver un avión de este modelo con matrícula HC-, aunque pensaría que para los vuelos a Lima y Bogotá be usedían las aeronaves Boeing 737-700 planteadas para la operación judgementéstic, ya que el B767 sería una aeronave muy grande para estos mercados ya servidos, más aún siendo una nueva aerolínea.

we will keep updating.

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14 comentarios en “Rutas internacionales que EC Plus Airline quiere volar

  1. Hi Nicolas, please if you need counter, Let me know which email to send the CV to , please . I am a travel agent graduated in tourism and I have the experience of having worked in an airline as a counter
    Thank you very much
    Kind regards

  2. Andres Del a tower

    Good morning, from here on out what are the next steps to continue with the ecquator airlanes project I imagine that in the following steps the hiring of personnel will come if you can explain these points to us please

  3. Hello, I am interested in working with this new airline. I have experience as a pax service in New York. I provide my services to Tame at JFK international airport, terminal 1. I want to know if you are needing people where I can contact you here in New York

  4. Nicolas, good afternoon, it is true that Iberia will implement stopover hopefully it will be true, also hopefully soon you can visit Europe without a visa so that you can stay until 6 days in Madrid, which is where you stop with them …….

      1. Hla Nicolas
        Good evening
        Excuse me, do you know if you are going to need technical personnel for aircraft maintenance?

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