Would you fly in a Boeing 737 MAX?

Any díIn the very near future this aircraftón returná to cross the skies of the world, ¿volarías en un Boeing 737 MAX?

No se sabe aún con certeza cuáI'm coming backá to fly the MAX, se ha dicho que podría ser septiembre, December or the 2020, changeá de nombre o cualquiera sea su futuro, tarde o temprano volverán a volar transportando miles de pasajeros por el mundo.

Miles de vuelos afectados y miles de millones de dólares in pérdidas para todos los involucrados, pero la principal duda es la confianza o no que el público en general y usuarios tendrán al momento que se genere el regreso de esta aeronave al aire.

¿Volaríace in a Boeing 737 MAX?

Con el objetivo de conocer qué sienten ustedes, readers of this blog, he creado este espacio para ver qué opinan y si una vez que el MAX vuela a despegar, volarán en el o no.

Les invito a responder y compartir esta página con sus amigos y contactos para así tener un más amplio campo estadístico de estudio sobre lo que los usuarios sienten sobre el conflictivo Boeing 737 MAX and his system MCAS , what Januaryó dos fatales accidentes de este nuevo en el mercado modelo.


¿Volaríace in a Boeing 737 MAX?

Depends on the recertification processón
Other (comment)

Afterés de conocer todo lo que ha pasado, ¿volarías en un MAX?

I hear…

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16 comentarios en “¿Volarías en un Boeing 737 MAX?”

  1. Claudio Ortiz Vera

    In September 2018 I flew from Cordoba, Argentina to Buenos Aires Airport, It was a great flight and I would definitely take it again when the problems are solved.

  2. Hi Nicolas
    Design flaws have been presented in several models including AIRBUS (Boeing's main competitor), unfortunately for this model 2 they were fatal, beyond this fault (since he appeared on other flights without fatal consequences), the accidents most likely corresponded to a lack of CRM in the cabin and situational awareness, and if they were not the main cause, they were aggravating.
    Aviation goes through a process from being Reactive to being Proactive, many accidents have generated significant safety improvements, these two unfortunate accidents should not be the exception, so once this problem is resolved, we will have a much safer plane in the air and of course I would fly on it.
    It is the difficult side of aviation to learn from the mistakes of others, but at the same time the cool side of aviation, Despite the exponential development of the industry, every day we all learn something new, something to improve, something to change; the constant development of this industry makes it the safest method of transportation, the problem beyond security can be a bit mediatic, on the news a car accident doesn't impress, a plane crash is front page news.
    Rest assured that these two events of this aircraft model will not only improve safety at BOEING, but throughout the industry.

    Hopefully one day Proactiva means zero accidents, is what we all want.

  3. I was Instructor of 737-200 during 10 years and 2 plus years 737NG Instructor. For 10 previous years he had been an instructor of the 727-200. Soy de los que dicen «If ain´t a Boeing, I ain´t going» y en mi país debí dar la cara públicamente para explicar qué pasó con el MAX. I was also part of the government team that made the decision to ban the flight of the MAX while things are not fixed. I hope to God that it can be fixed and that the plane will fly safely again., but it is very important that Boeing and the U.S.A., as a country that grants airworthiness by design and manufacture demonstrate the absolute safety of the aircraft, for the good of the U.S.A., Boeing and the aviation industry around the world.

  4. Fernando Carreon

    sure i would, Well, the time has come, it will be because it was exhaustively re-certified, by Boeing and appropriate authorities.

  5. Gabriel Morel

    Boeing has let me down. Its engineers and managers put up for sale an aircraft that was not in airworthy condition. Their pilots were not aware of the MCAS system. Also today you cannot trust the FAA that authorized an airplane with these deficiencies. As much as they say that they solved the problem, I would not fly in a 737 max.


    Undoubtedly ….if i would fly. If they receive authorization to fly again from the FAA and the aeronautical authorities of the United States, it is because they have been well.

  7. I am passionate about flying. Does 33 years that I am a pilot. If I would fly again in the MAX. I trust the engineers in the fixes they are surely making. We can all make mistakes, although we can also correct what we surely did not do correctly. I trust the extensive testing they are doing.

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