International air markets

Most important international air markets from Latin America

¿CuáThey are the marketséinternational prisonersáimportant s that are flown from Latinoamérica? Withójealousy in this new installment on the blog.

Continuing with our deep anátr lysisáI'm theéprisoner of all of Latin Americaérica, where we have reviewed the routes toéreas más congested, the markets toéaccused más important, the main aerolídenies and much moreáIt's time now to review whatáThese are the main international markets that operate from Latin America.érica, approachándonos by continent.

In this installment we will analyze interesting data generated and provided by HIGH – Latin American & Caribbean Air Transport Association to know the main markets that are flown from the different countriesíses of the regionón


The aerosolsíNeas de Latinoamérica and the Caribbean transported 2.6 million passengers to and from the regionón in may, which represents an increase in 6.8% with respect to 2018. The tráfico (RPK) I grew upó 7.1% and the capacity (ASK) I grew upó 5.3%, with which the occupancy factorón reachedó the 83.6% (HIGH source).

passengers 2019 2018 Growth
Norteamérica 10038856 9876318 1.60%
Europe 2118212 1765995 19.90%
Asia-Pacífico 303379 290229 4.50%
Áfear 39672 38805 2.20%
Middle East 25593 n/a n/a

Norteamérica, It is the main market to and from which transportation toéreo in Latinamérich moves, transporting during the 2019 a total 10.038.856 million passengers, implying a 1.60% growth comparedón with the añO 2018, and at the same time, occupying the 80.6% of the entire flow of passengers transported in the regionón towards the world.

In second place is Europe with 2.118.212 million passengers transported 2019 and also presentsén the greatest growth comparedón with him 2018 reaching a 19.90% más de pasajeros gracias al incremento de las conexiones y también, free herón del requerimiento de visa para algunos países of the regionón y llevándose el 16.8% From the market.

Un mercado relativamente nuevo para la región es Asia-Pacífico que ocupa el tercer puesto con 303.379 annual passengers transported, what a represents 4.50% growth comparedón with him 2018, whatándose theí with the 2.2% From the market.

Littleño mercado es el de Áfear, but despite this it has remained sustained over time with 39.672 annual passengers, but with a growth of 2.20% versus the 2018 occupying the 0.3% del mercado en Latinoamérica.

Finally, Close the Middle East box with 25.593 passengers carried during the 2019 y que muy rápidamente se acerca para alcanzar los núgroupers Áfear, que dado sus conexiones con la región sayén se inician o son nuevos, tienen un gran potencial de alcanzar interesantes números en un futuro muy cercano.

To the kingsón en general sigue creciendo y sus proyecciones son muy interesantes, lo que se demuestra en el creciente interés of the más grandes grupos aéreos de incrementar sus vuelos desde y hacia la región, what to allowá a los países involucrados mejorar sus números turísticos e índices económonkeys.

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