In this post we review the situationón of flights and airports in the countryís during the National Strike in Ecuador that has led to the cancellationón of some operations by closure of vías.
After the National Strike started on Thursday 3 October 2019, se han presentado varios cierres de vías a lo largo del país, que han afectado también, la operatividad de los aeropuertos y de las aerolíyou know what ahí operate.
La situationón generada sin duda, genera una imagen negativa a nivel turístico para el país, más aún cuando se busca que este sea uno de los principales generadores económicos del Ecuador.
Given the agreement reached between the parties involved in the strike, los vuelos empezarán a normalizarse, por favor ponerse en contacto con su aerolínea para conocer la úlast updateón y estado del vuelo.
Updated at 06:00 hours of 14/10/2019:
Guayaquil airport
- The terminal operates normally.
Quito airport
- The terminal operates normally.
Other airports in Ecuador
- They operate regularly without interruptions.
To know the details of the Curfew at airports, ingresar aquí:
Aerolíinternational lines
Updated at 06:00 hours of 14/10/2019:
- KLM:
- flight of the 03/10/2019 Do not landó en Quito y se desvió to Guayaquil.
- flight of the 12/10/2019 Do not landó en Quito y se desvió to Guayaquil.
- flight of the 13/10/2019 se desviará to Guayaquil.
- Air France:
- flight of the 03/10/2019 retornó a Paris y está cancelado.
- flight of the 14/10/2019 rescheduled for the 15/10/2019.
- Avianca Ecuador:
- flights of the 03/10/2019 cancelados domésticos e internacionales hacia Manta, Guayaquil and Bogotá from Quito.
- From Guayaquil canceled flight 10/03/2019 in Cali.
- Flight AV8371 of the 04/10/2019 de Quito a Bogotá is canceled.
- Flight AV8377 and 8388 of the 12/10/2019 de Quito a Bogotá se encuentran cancelados.
- Flight AV8386 and 8387 of the 12/10/2019 from Guayaquil to Cali are canceled.
- Flight AV457 and 458 of the 12/10/2019 of El Salvador are canceled.
- Flight AV8371 and 8372 of the 13/10/2019 de Quito a Bogotá se encuentran cancelados.
- Flight AV8388 of the 13/10/2019 de Quito a Bogotá is canceled.
- American Airlines:
- Both frequencies to Quito del 03/10/2019 are canceled.
- Both frequencies to Quito del 12/10/2019 are canceled.
- Both frequencies to Quito del 13/10/2019 are canceled.
- Iberia:
- flight of the 03/10/2019 fue desviado a Bogotá.
- flight of the 04/10/2019 is canceled.
- flight of the 13/10/2019 is canceled.
- flight of the 14/10/2019 is canceled.
- flight of the 03/10/2019 since Sao Paulo has been canceled.
- flight of the 13/10/2019 from Sao Paulo to Quito has been canceled.
- United Airlines:
- Canceled flight of 03/10/2019 from Houston to and from Quito.
- Canceled flight of 12/10/2019 from Houston to and from Quito.
- Canceled flight of 13/10/2019 from Houston to and from Quito.
- Canceled flight of 14/10/2019 from Houston to and from Quito.
- JetBlue:
- Canceled flights of 03/10/2019 from Fort Lauderdale to and from Quito.
- Canceled flights of 12/10/2019 from Fort Lauderdale to and from Quito.
- Canceled flights of 13/10/2019 from Fort Lauderdale to and from Quito.
- Delta:
- flight of the 12/10/2019 from Atlanta has been canceled.
- flight of the 13/10/2019 from Atlanta has been canceled.
- Aeroméxico:
- flight of the 13/10/2019 from México ha sido cancelado.
- flight of the 14/10/2019 from México ha sido cancelado.
- flights of the 13/10/2019 between Quito and Lima are canceled.
- Flight LA548/549 of the 13/10/2019 between Quito and Santiago is canceled.
- Copa Airlines:
- Flight CM153/210 of the 13/10/2019 entre Quito y Panamá se encuentran cancelados.
- Flight CM828/829 of the 13/10/2019 entre Quito y Panamá se encuentran cancelados.
- Flight CM159/158 of the 13/10/2019 entre Quito y Panamá se encuentran cancelados.
- Wingo:
- Flight P57533 of the 13/10/2019 entre Quito y Bogotá is canceled.
- Air Europa:
- Flight UX039 of the 14/10/2019 between Madrid and Quito is canceled.
Aerolíneas doméstatic
- Tame EP:
- Certain flights of 12/10/2019 from Quito to/from Cuenca, Santa Rosa, Guayaquil and Lago Agrio are canceled. the airínea ha informado que el resto del 12/10/2019 solo operará el vuelo EQ325 Quito – Guayaquil and the EQ566 from Guayaquil to Fort Lauderdale.
- Sun flightséStics of the 13/10/2019 are suspended until further notice.
- It is reported that the flights of the 14/10/2019 se normalizarán paulatinamente.
- LATAM Ecuador:
- the airíNea announcedó que suspende todas sus operaciones desde el 12/10/2019 from Quito Airport until further notice, tanto vuelos doméstical as well as international. Desde Guayaquil mantiene la operación.
- The 14/10/2019 resumeáon sun flightsésticos e internacionales desde/hacia Quito de manera paulatina.
- Avianca Ecuador
- Certain flights of 12/10/2019 and 13/10/2019 from Quito to/from Guayaquil are canceled.
- The 14/10/2019 resumeáon sun flightsésticos e internacionales desde/hacia Quito de manera paulatina.
- Aeroregional
- the airínea anuncia que suspende todos sus vuelos domésticos desde/hacia Quito hasta nuevo aviso.
- The 14/10/2019 resumeáon sun flightsésticos desde/hacia Quito.
El resto de vuelos y aerolínea siguen operando normalmente hasta el momento.
cargo flights
- Existe una importante afectación en los vuelos cargueros debido al bloqueo de vías que impide que carga como flores y perecibles lleguen para ser despachados, generating cargo flights to Ecuador have been canceled.
State of the vías
Updated at 06:00 hours of 14/10/2019:
Protectionón to passengers
If your flight has been affected, cada aerolínea se contactará con cada uno de los pasajeros para dar a conocer las diferentes opciones disponibles de protección, pudiendo estas ser reprogramacióflight number, cambio de itinerario o devolución del valor del boleto.
Cabe recordar que este caso fortuito no es atribuible a la responsabilidad de las aerolídenies, so it does not apply compensate usón to the passenger bajo regulación vigente como alimentación, Hotels, etc. Aunque las aerolíneas tienen la libertad de actuar en buena fe según sus políethics.
I have a ticket for 9 November in latam will work normally?
We have to wait, impossible to know until November, when everything should be back to normal.
I have purchased plane tickets to go to Quito and then go to Manta for the month of March 2020, I am afraid that this crisis will continue until my date , I get my money back or something? (I am from mexico)
Hello Alfonso, by March everything should be calm.
There is a taxi service outside the airport?
At the moment, yes.
I have a flight to Spain for Saturday from Mariscal Sucre you can leave
You will know in the next few days.
i'm in emerald, without being able to get to Quito, I have two plane tickets for Wednesday 9 October of 2019, on Delta Air Lines, and Tampa Florida, I can't travel to Quito to take my flight, what I do ?
Contact the airline for assistance.