
Touch of Curfew does not imply that airports are closed in Ecuador

The Ecuadorian Government has decreed a Curfew, but this measure does not imply that all airports of the Ecuadorian airport network.

After the entry into force of Decree No.. 888 Of date 08 October 2019 and during the State of Exceptionón that governs the countryís, some points of interestés national will haveáno restrictionsón of mobility in these áareas between 20:00 hours of the night and 05:00 hours of the dayíto next.

It should be remembered that the Curfew means that there is no free movement.ón in affected areas or cities, so you should not leave until this measure is lifted.

Quito airport

Updated 12/10/2019:

Since the día 12 October 2019 I extended myselfó Curfew for the entire dayíin the Metropolitan District of Quito.

Quiport S.A has announced that the operationséareas remain despite militarizationón of the Metropolitan District of Quito and permanent Curfew. It also recommends that passengers not go to the airport and wait for new information.ón of the aerosolsínea.

Rest of Ecuador Airports

Within this context, It is important to indicate that these ásensitive and highly important areaségica has been contemplated among others, the airports of the countryís, but with the main focus on infrastructure or administrationóstate n.

It is important to remember that in Ecuador there are 3 types of airport operations, these being state-owned, municipal and concessionón, así Curfew within Ecuador at airports implyá that during the indicated hours, operations will not be interruptedán, but yesí be reinforcedán security and protection measures, Given the importance of this type of facility.

Concessioned private airports

Operateán at their normal established hours:

  • Guayaquil airport – opera 24 hours.
  • Quito airport – opera 24 hours.
  • Baltra Airport – until sunset.

municipal airports

Operateán at their normal established hours:

  • Cuenca Airport – from 6 am until 21:30.

state airports

Operateán at their normal established hours:

  • Coca airport – until sunset.
  • Esmeraldas airport – until sunset.
  • Manta Airport – opera 24 hours.
  • Loja airport – until sunset.
  • San Cristobal Airportóbal – until sunset.
  • Lago Agrio Airport – until sunset.
  • Latacunga Airport – opera 24 hours.
  • Santa Rosa Airport – from 6 am until 21:00
  • Shell Mere Airport – until sunset.
  • Macas Airport – until sunset.
  • Salinas Airport – until sunset.
  • others

Access to airports

If applicable, passengers dutyán review the víaccess points enabled and that are not influenced by the Curfew to be able to access the airports or present the appropriate documents that certify that you mustán take the respective flights, given that in Quito and Guayaquil when having an operationón 24 hours the airílines also operateén, in the hours of restrictionón of circulationón.

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2 Comments on “curfew does not imply that airports are closed in Ecuador”

  1. Hi, how are you? I'm Venezuelan. I gave my passport in Quito. I only have the ID. It's to know if I can buy a ticket with my ID and travel to Quito with the ID.

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