Airplane disinfection

This is the disinfection of an airplane

In this installment we review cómo is the disinfect processón of a grandfatherón and commercial flights y tub withánto is done.

Faced with the doubts that have sent me by this means or my social networks referring to disinfectón of the airplanes for fear of being able to get diseases such as the coronavirus what isá way, I explain cómo is the process in tégeneral terms.

How to rememberán, We review deliveries ATrás the partes más dirty of the avión, being true that an aircraft is not necessarily space máS cleanéRile to be locked up.

Cleaning and disinfectón

Before moving forward, it is important to identify the differences between cleaning and disinfecting.

Cleaning It refers to the use of for example water and soapón to clean a surface to eliminate dirt and some germs.

While desinfección is ación to use specific ingredientsíficos or specials that can kill bacteria, virus and germs (For the delicate operationón of an aircraft not all kinds of whatíMico or agent can be used).

Desinfección of a grandfatherón

Having identified the differences, We can indicate that an avión is cleaned periodófrankly, where for example on international flights carpets are cleaned, Seats and posterior pockets with vacuum cleaners and the BAñThey are disinfected, for your peace of mind, On each scale for obvious reasons.


The disinfectón of the airplanes is made based on regulationóInternational and local of each país, where generally a disinfectóGeneral of the aircraft must be carried out 30 a 45 díon mondayún each país.

In health emergency events, Cleaning is done daily and even, It can be done every time a flight ends based on the recommendations and good PRáCTICTICAS INDICATED BY THE ORGANIZATIONón World Health, Here is ICAO.

Whoén performs the disinfectón and cleaning

Normally, the aerosolsíNEAS hire cleaning companies, that are made between scale and scale in different depths.

The disinfectón mandatory deep mentionedé, It is carried out by companies specialized in this type of jobs and requires at least 4 a 5 hours of having the avión on land secún its sizeñO.

East á desinfección is controlled by the entity in charge of health or agriculture of the PAís of avi nationalityón, that does not guarantee eliminationón necessarily of transmission virusón aérea, but yesí provide an environment Más sure for the passenger.

Recommendedócleaning n

If you fly, I recommend carrying your own pañthe disinfectants the alcohol – gel, reiterating that they are additional measures and that they do not guarantee non -contagion or contractionón of diseases when sharing an environment with hundreds of passengers or for spaces that thousands of passengers use daily.

further, Some destinations like Galápaid They demand operators toéinmates to make a kind of fumigationón no tóxica for humans, that seeks to eliminate insects or torqueásites that could affect delicate ecosystems.

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2 Comments on "This is the disinfection of an airplane”

  1. 05/03/2023 at 9:55 Amregue ? Aerosols continues before landing to uninsect r?
    According to the RSI ?
    or it was still used since when?

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