If you have a trip in these díso where no one speaksáI know that of coronavirus, doing it in a window will give youá potentially, lower chances of contagion.
After the declaration of an international emergency by the Organizationón World Health – WHO regarding the growing crisis that the coronavirus isá generating, Preventive health measures continue to gain strength and have even led to aerolíplans to cancel their flights to China.
Inside this frame wash hands, use alcohol gel, avoid contact with sick people among others are some of the measures that allowán al púgeneral warfighter and travelers, avoid potential contagion of this virus and any other respiratory disease such as influenza.
In this context, the always interesting read National Geographic publicó an interesting report of a study that talks about the possibilities of contagion of diseases in an avión themselvesún dówhere do you feel.
Ventana, fewer possibilities
La Organizationón World Health Organization defines the potential for contagion (of various diseases) to people who sit up to two rows close to the source of infectionón.
It is important of courseá, remember that on a flight of at least 2 hours, people won't stayá sitting at all times in her seat, causing the possibilities of contagion to increase to several people in the aircraft.ón when you get up to stretch your legs or go to the bathroomñO.

in the gráIn the upper graph we can see how the lower possibility of coming into contact with someone who is sick occurs in people sitting in windows., for the main reason that this seat has greater ventilation.ón than the rest of the seats on the aircraft and is located más isolated.
Spaghettién, the cabin crew are found in más possibility of coming into contact with a sick person due to their constant movement throughout the aircraftón.

Finally, despite the possibilities of contact with an infected person, This does not mean that direct contagion is generated., but yesí for people seated up to two rows from the infection centerón, where a cabin crew member has a chance of 5 al 20% and the rest of the aircraft less than 1% of contagion.
This post aims to offer travelers informationón additional to any contagious disease and know howí available protection optionsón that can be taken.
It is important to follow the recommendations made by health authorities to guarantee the health of all transport actors.éreo.