Ecuador suspends repatriation flights

Ecuador suspends repatriation flights

The Cómite de Operaciones de Emergencias Nacional informó que Ecuador suspende nuevamente los vuelos de repatriationón or humanitarian calls.

After having resumed, after a pause of 11 días, the 24 march 2020 los vuelos de repatriación enfocados para grupos vulnerables y sus acompañbefore, el Gobierno de Ecuador ha decidido suspenderlos nuevamente sin fecha exacta de reanudación.

UPDATEÓN 04/04/2020:

El COE Nacional ha decidido que se reanuden los vuelos de repatriación towards Ecuador, once there is space in the hotels designated for this purpose, without specifying dates:

Within the framework of the COVID emergency – 19, of the Executive Decree 1017 from 16 march 2020 and of the “Protocol for entry to PAís, durante la Vigencia del Estado de Excepción, de Niños, Inñas y Adolescentes que están Fuera del país sin sus Padres o Tutores Legales, Mujeres en Estado de Gestación, Personas con Discapacidad y de la Tercera Edad”, se faculta al Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Movilidad Humana y a la Dirección of Aviationón Civil coordinar el embarque de residentes ecuatorianos, en los vuelos humanitarios que viajen al país para el retiro de ciudadanos extranjeros, as long as there are enough accommodation sites to comply with the Mandatory Preventive Isolation period established.

Disponer a Tame EP Línea Aérea del Ecuador a que durante la emergencia sanitaria opere en las rutas y frecuencias que sean necesarias conforme lo disponga el Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Púwar, para abastecer el territorio nacional de insumos médicos emergentes, (laboratory tests for COVID-19, transporte de muestras y demás material médico requerido para contrarrestar la pandemia del coronavirus). La transportación de dichos insumos deberá ser sin pasajeros, and accepting the resolutions issued with the COE – National.

Ecuador suspende vuelos de repatriación

Con declaraciones del COE Nacional se informó que los vuelos quedarán suspendidos dado que la capacidad hotelera se habría visto sobrepasada ante la llegada de más de 12 vuelos con ecuatorianos que llegaron desde España, USA, México and others.

It is important to note that not all Hotels de Quito y Guayaquil formaron parte o se unieron al protocolo de repatriación, por lo que ese sería el motivo para que no exista más habitaciones disponibles para continuar con los llamados «humanitarian flights».

Últimos vuelos

Se conoce que estos seríon go últimos vuelos en operar:

  • Easter Airlines – Miami a Guayaquil – 1 of April 2020 – 08:30 hours.
  • LATAM Ecuador – Santiago – Guayaquil – Quito – 1 april 2020 –

The aerosolsíneas podrán seguir volando a Ecuador bajo condición of ferry flight para repatriar extranjeros a sus países, as wellén vuelos de carga y de las Fuerzas Armadas siguen autorizados.

Recordar que la suspensión de vuelos internacionales estaría vigente hasta el 5 april 2020, sujeto a cambios dependiendo de cómo evolucione la emergencia sanitaria.

Seguiremos actualizando sobre novedades entorno a esta noticia ante la necesidad de miles de ecuatorianos de volver al país.

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16 comentarios en “Ecuador suspende vuelos de repatriación

  1. My daughter traveled to Santa Barbara California for study with 2 more Ecuadorian youth they already want to return please to the authorities they should help us. For everyone's safety they should carry out the covit19 test at the airport since thanks to our mayor Dr. Yunda and 1 time would have the result. The negatives go home. We as parents make efforts to give our children a good education., but the resources are running out. young people have 18 years there are minors.

  2. Roxana Castillo

    Good evening, I also need to return to Ecuador I am here in Honduras, and I would like to have some information as soon as flights resume, I urgently need to return. I have my three children and my husband there..

  3. Hello, I have a child 11 years in Spain and I want the quarantine to return to Ecuador where he has to check the child travels with a stewardess

  4. I understand the situation we are going through, but I ask the authorities to try to help us return to our country Ecuador and see some place to comply with the days of quarantine and also understand several people who are far from our families and even more without economic resources and not where stay and exposed to contagion
    Please if you help us to get this message to the authorities or any contact number to call
    Since I'm in New York

  5. Good morning, please help me with contact information to be aware of the new repatriations from New York to Guayaquil. Thanks.

  6. Hotels should not be of public utility? the last, that our returnees, pay at hotels according to a rate established by the Govt.. Moderate prices that would also benefit hotels that today surely do not have tourism occupancy. Less than 10 dollars/day, no power

  7. What I don't understand is why isolation must be where the state says and at the price they want.

    It is heard that they are charging between passage, hotel and food for 14 days of isolation $1500 a $1800 USD per person.

    It gives the impression that more than wanting to help people, what they want is to take money from people, a negotiated so that a few profit from the misfortune of the rest.

    In my humble opinion, mandatory isolation should be for 48 hours, at that time you should do the COVID test and a medical check-up, and the case of a negative result and the doctor's ok that he does not have any symptoms of COVID, it should be possible to go home.

    In case of positive result, there if comply with the 14 days of isolation in the hotel.

    once in the house, in case of discomfort, contact your health insurance or go to the hospital.

    But the mandatory isolation as they have raised it is a real nonsense.

    Many families that are outside of Ecuador do not want or cannot return home because they do not have 1500$ per person for isolation or it is simply cheaper for them to stay where they are until things calm down and they can return.

    Sincerely, I think that the isolation is poorly planned with the current conditions, It seems that all they want is to take money from people instead of helping.



  8. So if I the 6 April I find a flight to Ecuador I can travel without any problem as long as it meets the 14 quarantine days

      1. I understand that the reason for stopping humanitarian flights is the lack of hotel rooms to comply with the mandatory isolation.

        That means that if the day opens 6 April for commercial flights, people could go directly home to comply with the isolation without having to pay for hotel and food?

        They should give some solution like house arrest for 14 days, no one is that stupid if they have symptoms stay home and infect their entire family.

        In case of discomfort, contact their health insurance or go straight to the hospital to protect their family at home.


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