aviation unlawful interference

Unlawful interference in aviation

¿Whaté is the interferenceíappointment in aviationón? In this issue we review the events that are considered as facts that put at risk the safety of operationón aérea. a21.com.mx Foto's photo.

the aviationón día a día faces several situations that put security at risk and one of them is what is known as illegal interference.íanother.

Interferencia ilíappointment in aviationón

Given some events that have happened in these daysíace in the Guayaquil airport, it is good to review tétechnique, pero fáeyelash of hearing thaté it is called thatí.

Let's review whaté is considered acts of illegal interferenceíappointment based on what is proposed by the Organizationón of Aviationón Civil International – ICAO:

  • Actos, the attempts, intended to compromise aviation securityón civil including, without this list being exhaustive, the next:
    • seizureíaircraft quote,
    • destrucción of an aircraft in service,
    • taking hostages on board aircraft or in the airódromos,
    • intrusionón by force on board an aircraft, at an airport or on the premises of a facilityón berriesáutica,
    • introduce usón on board an aircraft or at a weapons or ordnance airport (or substances) dangerous for criminal purposes,
    • use of an aircraft in service with the propósite of causing death, serious bodily injury or damageñserious damage to property or the environment,
    • communicationón de informationófalse n that compromises the safety of an aircraft in flight, or on land, or passenger safety, crewón, ground staff and púwar at an airport or on the grounds of an installationóaviation noón civil.

What the law says

We are going to review the sanctions established by the Law for events of this category.ía, which canían vary monún each país, but being signatory states, the base is the same:

CóI say OrgáEcuador's only Comprehensive Penal Code

  • Artíass 366 – Terrorism.- The person who individually or forming armed associations, provokes or maintains the population in a state of terrorón or a sector of it, through acts that endanger the
    life, integrityíphysical or the freedom of people or endanger buildings, media of communicationón, transport, valiéusing means capable of wreaking havoc, to beá punished with a custodial sentence of ten to thirteen toños, especially if:

    • 3. The person who commits acts of violence that by their nature, cause or may cause injury or
      constitute a danger to the safety of these or their occupants, in ground transportation, on board an aircraft, nave, on a marine fixed platform, in ports, airports, installations of áreas
      layerélogic, services báessential physical elements or environment.

Aviation Lawón Civil

  • Artíass 80. Natural or juridical personsíindications contemplated in this chapteríleakage, to beán punished with fines of 1.500 a 5.000 dóparts of the United States of Americaérica, for the contraventions specified belowón:
    • threaten the safety of passengers and aircraft, hampering or obstructing runways, streets of rhodes, parking platforms, heliports and others áreas de operationón.


Additionally, Regulations Aéreas o RDAC 139 establishes a potential sanctionón al aeródromo in the following cases:

  • 139.170 Suspensionón y/o Cancelación of an Air CertificateóDromo
    • (a) Subject to the requirements of this Chapter having been metítulo B, Dryón 139.140 –
      Granting of an Air CertificateóDromo, the AAC mayá suspend and/or cancel a  air certificateódromo when, has not been notified that there is:

      • (1) Change in ownership or managementón de aeróDromo;
      • (2) Change in the use of operationón of the airóDromo;
      • (3) Change in límites of the airóDromo;
      • (4) Any change that alters the original conditions of the certificationón and put at risk operational security.
    • (b) La suspensionón just beá lifted when the operational safety of the airódromo sea
      guaranteed by the operator and accepted by the CAA.

The idea of ​​this publicationón was to put into context what is established by international and local law regarding acts that put the security of people at risk.érea, as is the case of interferenceíquote and its possible immediate implications according toún the regulations.

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11 comments on “Illicit interference in aviation”

  1. Now there are aviation experts, when AVSEC procedures are not clear, it is better not to comment
    I should mention that there are laws, circular resolutions of the DGAC that are in force and based on which should be sanctioned
    And do not confuse one thing is ICAO and another is IATA

  2. Now everyone is an aviation expert, international agreements and decrees.. ? The airport will continue to function and period. dramatic!

    1. Another stupid opinion, by God there are agreements that exist between countries that are members of ICAO and IATA, if he fails to comply, there is a sanction for anyone. The airport may continue to operate and this will not happen to majors as long as the ejectures receive their sansion. Otherwise, they just withdraw the certification and that means that no airlines just arrive.. I'M NOT AN EXPERT but what happens if something like this happens?

  3. Here there is not only responsibility of the IRRESPONSIBLE MAYOR, the DAC also have their part, ONE, and the police who did not prevent them from entering the runway to hinder it, Therefore the "prosecutor's office" should first put the IRRESPONSIBLE MAYOR in preventive detention, and begin investigations just as you did with, turkey,Hernandez, etc this is called TERRORISM.

    1. More than a dozen vehicles were involved in this matter., those vehicles must have been concentrated somewhere near the runway, if on the other side of the runway is the SIMÓN BOLÍVAR AIR BASE of the Fae with its air infantry detachment, Why didn't they intervene at the time when that number of UNAUTHORIZED vehicles were crowding in the vicinity of the track?.
      On the other hand SOMEONE had to notify the moment in which the plane was going to land to mobilize at the exact moment, So I presume that they must have had at least one accomplice in the control tower, who is the one who controls the landing and takeoff of all the flights that arrive or leave the airport..

  4. Why don't they analyze the cause why the crew had to stay almost 3 days in Guayaquil. If it was a humanitarian flight, it had to land, pick up passengers and leave. It will not be something similar to the escape of the fugitive Alvarado on a Maduro humanitarian flight that took him out of Venezuela. They cut off the escape of the syndicated correistas. The airport was closed and now it turns out that it was enabled for humanitarian flights. Stop treating us Ecuadorians like fools. The mayor did her job defending the inhabitants of Guayaquil

    1. Why do they change crew?, for safety they can't fly 24 hours in a row (summarizing the topic that is quite long), so a new team of pilots that was already in Guayaquil, they took over the flight, with protocols designed by the airlines to avoid any risk, in aviation nothing is improvised.

      No airport in Ecuador is closed, please read the presidential decree, planes can arrive empty to take people out, so simple.

  5. Mrs. Viteri will have to respond, whether it is with a virus or without a virus, she will have to appear for the infraction she committed…
    Hopefully there if Prosecutor Salazar does her thing ….
    And what is the statement of the DAC ??
    because they didn't act… ??
    What did the TAGSA operator do????
    where is the security…. of the aviation..??
    Where we are…??
    It will affect the certification to the Int Aerodrome. YESTERDAY..???

  6. The Guayaquil airport must be closed and its mayor Viteri prosecuted and arrested for terrorism and crimes against humanity, al
    prevent humanitarian flights by taking over the airport, putting at risk the
    air operation .

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