Qantas KLM withdraw Boeing early 747-400

Qantas and KLM withdraw their Boeing early 747

Within the complex panorama for the industry due to the COVID-19, the aerosolsídenies Qantas and KLM early withdrawal of their Boeing 747.

* Qantas and KLM press photos.

Given the global situation and crisis that is looming for the industryérea, two of the main airlinesílines of the world have made the decisionón, sad for aviation loversón, early retirement of their Boeing 747-400 of their fleets.

«The Queen of the Skies» how cariñis usually known Boeing 747 in all its variants faces a future similar to that of the Airbus A380, una jubilariansón anticipated due to its high operating costs compared to new aircraft on the market such as the Boeing 787 O Airbus A350.

in aviationón modern, operate four-engine aircraft 4 engines, generates high operating costsón, both for maintenance, spare parts and fuel consumption, that can reach 30% of operating valuesón of a flight.

Before this panorama, the aerosolsínea continue to migrate towards modern aircraft 2 engines that even now can transport the same númore passengers than a Boeing 747, but with considerably lower costs.

Qantas and KLM withdraw their Boeing 747

With projected dates until the beginning of 2021 to withdraw your úTimos Boeing 747, the situationócurrent situation of fewer and fewer flights in the world due to the closure of country bordersíses or due to distrust of passengers in flying, have forced these aerolídirections to anticipate the withdrawal of these clácrazy planes, to start reducing costs by thinking about the future and contractionón of the flights that will comeán during the 2020 and part of 2021.


With date to withdraw the Boeing 747 by the end of this 2020, the airíI don't realize itó the 28 march 2020 the úLast commercial flight of this aircraft as part of its fleet between Santiago de Chile and Síday.

qantas historia boeing 747

Your first avión what arrivedó to Qantas was the Boeing 747-238B matr modelíVH-EBA which startedó to operate in the airlineínea the 30 July 1971, from thereí have passed 49 añhistory of these aircraft in their fleet, having operated 60 B747 aircraft.

Until March the airlineínea manteníactive in your fleet 5 boeing aircraft 747-400 with an average of 17 añyou old, but not come backán to fly.


In the meantime, the dutch woman maintainsía in their plans as a retirement date for the Boeings 747-400 the 3 of January of 2021, but go aheadó this event at 29 march 2020 with a flight between Ciudad de México and amsterdam.

klm historia boeing 747

the first boeing 747-200 arrivedó to KLM in January 1971 with marriageíPH-BUA direct from fábrica and since then alsoéthey passed 49 añfour-engine operations 36 Boeing family aircraft 747 who were part of the Aerol familyínea.

By the end of March, KLM mantenía aún six Boeing 747-400 active and four parked, but operable with an average age of 21 años, now your destiny isá stay on land forever.

The withdrawal of the Boeing 747-400 of KLM passengers do not include the versionsón freighter that are operated by KLM Cargo – Martinair.

¿You flew a few times in a Boeing 747?

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21 comments on “Qantas and KLM retire their Boeing 747s early”

  1. If I flew in the boing 747 of Aerolineas Argentinas in 1988. extraordinary ship. you couldn't see from the front until the last passenger in the back

  2. The great icon of commercial aviation, it's a real shame to see them leave the stage…beautiful airship, undoubtedly as sad as the departure of the Concorde.

  3. Luis Carlos Aristizabal

    The most Iconic Airplane manufactured by Boeing, as far as ships with a widened cabin and 2 floors unmatched , but it must already happen ah forced withdrawal due to many inconveniences

  4. ride on 5 lax to sydney opportunities on Qantas 747 excellent airline and the service in economy class was super super super

  5. The aviation, It has to do with optimizing your services, higher safety and lower costs. I will continue to enjoy KLM flights.

  6. Jorge Fernandez

    imposing plane, here in Peru the combi arrived, con AIR FRANCE y KLM!, we will miss those powerful turbines, for more than 30 years watching them land and school at the INT’L Jorge Chávez AIRPORT, Lima – Peru

  7. Too bad for Qantas and their B747 . Also excellent service. For work I flew from LAX to Brisbane in 14h:30 minutes. Costs Affect Aviation.

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