These will beísome of the actions and protocols that we will see in the aviationón to return to flying safely after crisis of the coronavirus.
Without saber withánt time más takeá the global health emergency, at least three months experts say, an algaeún moment daily life returnsá and with it alsoéon the flights.
In this frame, the industry toéarea and related actors, which without a doubt beá one of the más affected economicallyómically on a global scale, prepares for an imminent return to activities, not to beán normal, but come backásooner or later.
Actions to takeá the aviationón to fly again
Anticipating the return to operations in those paíwhere it was suspendedó totally the flights and others where it was partial, the industry is working on some changes, protocols and actions to allowán regain the trust of the público, a más of possible promotional prices, to travelás calm and safe.
Hereí We review some of the measures that are already being takenán applying and others that have been done púwar measures as possible measures:
- All passengers and crewón dutyán use a nasal mask – oral, throughout the durationóflight number.
- Passengers dutyán disinfect your hands before boarding the planeón and during the flight.
- It will be implementedá social distancing inside airplanes,
- On aircraft with rows of 3 seating, the one in the middle will not sellá.
- In aircraft rows of 2 seats will sellá jumping a seat.
- Desinfección of aircraft before and afterés of a flight from all surfaces.
- Modify type of catering to avoid fresh foods, focusing meals on vacuum-sealed snacksíO.
- Will not deliverán pillows, blankets or towels and some VIP rooms remainán closed indefinitely.
- Remember that commercial aircraft have an air recycling system every 3 minutes passing by hepa air filters who retain the 99% of viruses.

- Taking temperature of all incoming and outgoing passengers.
- r testsáCOVID-19 tests for incoming passengers as a mandatory measure to enter the countryís.
- Desinfección of all surfaces where passengers have contact within airports.
- Implementationónumber of disinfection arcsónumber of passengers.
- Passengers dutyán wear a mask at all times inside the terminal.
- Passengers dutyán disinfect your hands before entering the terminals.
- Access to the terminals is restricted to ticketed passengers only.
These are some of the measures already in applicationón and others that areán being studied by the industry for implementationón.
¿These protocols will help youían a travelás calm once flights restart?
Consultation is it necessary to wear gloves or not?
For now, I understand that not.
It would be good if they also implemented it in Copa Airlines for Cuba
It would be faster if a health card was implemented so that passengers could present their diagnosis free of “viral load.”
It seems very good to me and if they can increase the security measures, even better since this increases reliability in passengers and workers, which is very important especially for these. I think if they had rapid tests at the airport it would be much better
Due to COVID-19, Biosecurity test of possible virus-infected persons should be established at Airports even if they are asymptomatic. The test would be «Viral Load » ,Ct and temp
The time of presentation at the airport has a lot to do with making a good control, although it was 3 hours before departure now it would have to be 4 O 5 hours, It's a long time but it's worth it if we want to be sure.
possibly that will happen, but everything will be temporary
The comment on the use of HEPA filters says THEY CONTAIN viruses, it should say THEY RETAIN
The measures that you express here, Nicolás, seem good to me., but I have a doubt if they no longer provide a pillow on an international long-haul flight, it means that we ourselves would have to carry said accessory.
Good evening Mr. Nicolas how are you look we are two Venezuelans stranded in Barcelona from RL 20 In March we were able to board the Avianca flight due to the restrictions decreed by President Duke for foreigners, as well as us, there are more than three hundred Venezuelans, please, what are the steps to follow so that they repatriate us to Venezuela from here, it will be that Avianca changes the ticket to another airline or do we have to wait for the international flights to Spain and Colombia to open, please, where can you inform us?.
Consulates could help them.
Hello there,
It is also of vital importance to pay great attention to the maintenance and inspections of the aircraft before putting them to fly again since it has seen very serious accidents due to carelessness. .
Correct says HEPA filters that contain the virus should say that they retain
thank you sir. Larenas, I will be aware via the web and your comments.
And since when can we buy a flight to Guayaquil?…
It will depend on when the flight restriction is lifted.
The measures during the flight seem fair and necessary. It will be difficult to travel with children without removing their masks, but at least one reactivation in work trips and other essentials is welcome.
For airports, rapid tests at the point of origin would seem more proactive to me, before going to the departure lounge (where social distancing must also be maintained). If the test is carried out only on arrival and a person comes out positive, how can you be sure that other passengers were not infected?? I think this is the key point for countries to open borders and minimize the risk of spread, testing at origin and arrival.
I don't know how feasible it is to perform so many tests, the % of reliability in the results and the waiting time that this means.
1. Entry of passengers only with ticket for disinfection arch, use of mandatory permanent mask.
2. Quick test and temperature taking
3. Check-in -> Migration -> departure lounge maintaining social distancing, constant disinfection of hands and surfaces.
Hello Jose, Thanks for your comment, makes sense, passengers should arrive already with the test carried out that says it is negative, Sure, trusting that the test was well carried out and is reliable.