Avianca restarts international flights coronavirus covid-19

Avianca outlines the restart of its international flights

The group Avianca Holdings of theíNea the restart of its international flights to its main markets from Bogotá y San Salvador para mayo.

UPDATED 02-05-2020:

Tras haber suspendido totalmente sus vuelos internacionales de todo el grupo y también operaciones domésticas en sus diferentes filiales por la emergencia global del coronavirus, where governments have imposed strict restrictions on flights, poco a poco se va conociendo los planes de reactivación de las operaciones de Avianca.

In this context, the prestigious portal Airlineroutes que analiza los itinerarios y frecuencias de las aerolílines from all over the world, ha presentado un informe preliminar de cóhow to stayíand la operationón de la earolínea.

Avianca plans to restart international flights

For May, the airínea plantea 544 weekly flights to their destinations, of the 1793 raised at the beginning of 2020 for that month in your reservation system.

With estimated restart date for the 1 May 2020 y sujeto a que cada país levante sus respective flight restrictions, the airínea planea iniciar las siguientes frecuencias:

*dates are tentative.
**All flights are roundtrip.
***Other destinations beán activated later and will be updatedá la informationón.

Of the 18 May to 30 June 2020:

  • Managua – Miami 2 A320 weekly frequencies (Avianca El Salvador)
  • San Salvador – Guatemala City 1 daily flight A320 (Avianca El Salvador)
  • San Salvador – The Angels 2 daily flight A320 (Avianca El Salvador)
  • San Salvador – Managua 6 A320 weekly frequencies (Avianca El Salvador)
  • San Salvador – Miami 3 A320 weekly frequencies (Avianca El Salvador)
  • San Salvador – New York JFK 1 daily flight A320 (Avianca El Salvador)
  • San Salvador – San Francisco 4 A320 weekly frequencies (Avianca El Salvador)
  • San Salvador – San Jose (Costa Rica) 1 daily flight A320 (Avianca Costa Rica)
  • San Salvador – San Pedro Sula 3 A320 weekly frequencies (Avianca El Salvador)
  • San Salvador – Tegucigalpa 1 daily flight Avianca A319 (Avianca El Salvador)
  • San Salvador – Washington Dulles 1 daily flight A320 (Avianca El Salvador)

Of the 1 from June to 30 of June 2020

  • Bogota – Aruba 2 weekly A320 flights
  • Bogota – Buenos Aires Ezeiza 1 daily flight 787-8
  • Bogota – Cancun 1 daily flight A320
  • Bogota – Guayaquil 13 weekly A320 flights
  • Bogota – Lima 1 daily flight 787-8
  • Bogota – London Heathrow 3 weekly flights 787-8
  • Bogota – Madrid 1 daily flight 787-8
  • Bogota – Mexico City 1 daily flight 787-8
  • Bogota – Miami 1 daily flight 787-8
  • Bogota – New York JFK 1 daily flight 787-8
  • Bogota – Panama City 3 weekly A320 flights
  • Bogota – Punta Cana 4 weekly A320 flights
  • Bogota – Quito 1 daily flight A320
  • Bogota – San Jose (Costa Rica) 1 daily flight A320
  • Bogota – San Salvador 1 daily flight A320 (Avianca El Salvador)
  • Bogota – Santiago de Chile 1 daily flight 787-8
  • Bogota – Sao Paulo Guarulhos 1 daily flight 787-8
  • Bogota – Washington Dulles 4 weekly A320 flights
  • Guayaquil – Lima 1 daily flight A319 (Avianca Ecuador)
  • Lima – Buenos Aires 1 daily flight A320 (Avianca Peru)
  • Lima – Peace 1 daily flight A319 (Avianca Ecuador)
  • Lima – Mexico City 1 daily flight A319 (Avianca Peru)
  • Lima – Miami 2 daily flight A319/320 (Avianca Peru)
  • Lima – Quito 1 daily flight A320 (Avianca Peru)
  • Lima – Rio de Janeiro 3 weekly A319 flights (1 daily flight from 12JUN20; Avianca Peru)
  • Lima – San Jose (Costa Rica) 1 daily flight A320 (Avianca Costa Rica)
  • Lima – Santiago de Chile 1 daily flight A319 (Avianca Costa Rica)
  • Lima – Sao Paulo Guarulhos 1 daily flight A320 (Avianca Peru)

sun operationsésticas en Colombia se encuentran suspendidas hasta el 1 June 2020, while the operationón judgementéstica in Ecuador, Guatemala y Perú until the 1 June 2020, todas las fechas sujetas a cambios según indicaciones de los gobiernos.

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166 comentarios en “Avianca delínea el reinicio de sus vuelos internacionales

  1. My family had a trip for him 8 of May 2020. But due to this Covid -19 I am canceled.
    For now we are not going to travel. And we cannot travel for personal reasons
    We need Avianca to lend our money. It is very important for us.
    What do we have to do to receive our money?.

  2. When does Avianca start to fly????
    We have been stranded since March in Portland USA when we are finally going to return please send your reply

  3. Hello good day, In my case, I am a Cuban citizen with a study visa, which I have already finished., When can I travel back since my visa has expired?

  4. Hello, good morning, gentlemen from Avianca, I need you to help me, what's wrong with me, my partner and my two puppies? And we bought the round-trip tickets and we see that nobody gives us an answer. 10 to the Dominican Republic and we had to be in Chile on 5 April and we already have 5 months of being here in the Dominican Republic to see how you can help us thank you very much

  5. Liliana Patricia Trujillo Toro

    My return flight to Colombia has been canceled 4 times and I feel highly harmed , I understand that they resume operations on 1 September, which was the date of my trip and now they cancel it And it's already for the month of October , I think it's the last straw that they don't give priority to the people who have been here for so long in the US and who have been so patient. I already have my reservation for the 1 October and I hope that it will not be canceled and my request is that if there is a possibility of traveling before they put me on the list, These changes have caused me problems even with my visa since I am going to exceed the permit time.

  6. This should make evident the importance of each country having ownership over their transportation and supply systems., We see how in the face of a crisis each one aims to save himself regardless of whether others are harmed. Latin American batteries to see if we learn from history and the present.


    I have a flight for him 11/08/2020 Bogota/Munich…. It is kept on date and itinerary? If not, What options do they offer?. I live in Venezuela and to go to Europe, I chose a route through Bogotá where the flight would start. I also depend on whether there are flights to Colombia here. Please I await your response.

  8. Elsa Chirinos

    when avianca, fly from Bogota to Orlando,I had a flight ,for him 21 of April ,I am of the third age,I no longer have money to continue paying rent

  9. I have a pending flight to New York and because of the covi 19 I have not been able to travel. I have my family there and I am very worried. Because Avianca says that it is bankrupt. And who is going to answer for my trip?.

    1. Dulce Rodriguez

      Hi, good, I'm stranded in Honduras because of my vacations and I stayed here and now I want to go back to Barcelona as soon as possible. I don't know when they'll give me an answer, since I have three paid tickets. I hope they can give me an answer, since I have 3 months here that even my job I think I lost it due to this situation God Bless you

  10. Approximately when will you start traveling from Lima to Honduras?? I see that from Salvador to Honduras is already scheduled. Now it is missing from Lima to Salvador.

  11. Hello, I am stuck in Tegusigalpa. I need to return to Barcelona. My departure was in March and we are going in June and there are no answers or solutions to get us out. Please, we want answers. We also have family and work.

  12. Carolina Martinez

    Please, we need you to start traveling to Spain now., here you can enter international flights and we do not know why Avianca cancels the flights in May and June, we need answers

  13. He had a Madrid-Bogota flight on 3 June and they canceled it and they don't give me a flight until 1 of July…. International flights have closed for another month??? Or is it just an Avianca thing??

  14. You can fly to Madrid at the end of May or June ??? I live there and I am in Bogota without being able to travel otherwise… Could one apply to a humanitarian flight since I have a newborn there?

      1. The frequency that starts in June of a daily flight to Madrid from Bogota … is confirmed ?? the something tentative

  15. May is too early, the crisis and suspension of flights, especially to Latin American countries, it will take at least two more months, unfortunate because the aviation crisis will be unprecedented.
    Let's hope I'm wrong and we'll get out of this soon.

  16. Good morning, I would like to know if there will be flights from Aruba to Quito Ecuador for June here in Aruba there will be the airport for the 1 of June and where we can get tickets

  17. Hello, I would like to know about the flights to Cuba. I am Cuban and I would like to return to my country. I am stranded here.

  18. Good morning, we had to return to Bogota on 29 March from Madrid, we still have our return ticket, we have to use that ticket we already have, Where can we contact to reserve seats? ?

  19. Priority should be given to nationals and residents that we have to return to our homes now, they should not think about flying for a walk, much less priority vacations to nationals and residents of each country that we are trapped in, even in countries far from ours.

  20. yorley eglee villamizar

    I have an open flight from Miami, Medellin, and Medellin, Cucuta. I am urgently waiting for it three days before traveling, they do not let foreigners in and I swear I have to enter through Colombia to get to my country. I grab everything

  21. derlys sanchez

    Buenas tardes. I had my return on 22 March from San Cristóbal Island to Guayaquil and flights were suspended, How are they going to schedule the return of those who had their tickets?.

  22. edward caceres

    X health issues we had trips to Bogota Colombia on 15 March from San Pedro Sula, Honduras, I had a grandfather for him. 1 April what can I do in this case?

  23. Hello good evening! I have a one way trip bought 3 months ago for him 1 may from rome italy to cali colombia,can you give me more info,to the related ,Thank you

  24. I travel with avianca 05 of March, I was stranded in the USA and my return was for him 17 of March, I'm still waiting for them to tell me when they will activate flights to Tegucigalpa, I hope they take me into account for the first week of May, Thank you

  25. Fanny H Hidalgo

    Sorry for the inconvenience Nicolas my daughter is called Bella Duran d Sanguino and I are Fanny Haidee Hidalgo C adenas with a passport we are Venezuelan we left Bogota for Barcelona Spain on 22 -02-2020 we were returning to Bogota on 20 D March. But we could not board the plane because the president of Colombia prohibited foreigners from entering Colombia. My concern or question for when they do not schedule the flight to Bogota, thank you very much God take care of you.

  26. According to the OCU of Spain, AVIANCA have the obligation to reimburse the money in its entirety!

  27. You have to be realistic and keep in mind that until there is a vaccine that is commercially available or an effective treatment against the coronavirus, the last thing that will be reactivated is international flights, perhaps flights for the repatriation of citizens but in the medium term I don't see any other option for international flights, For now, one could think of a reactivation of national flights and not in the normal magnitude but with restrictions, since aviation is a vector for the virus; Wherever aviation and tourism are seen, they will be the big losers of this pandemic.

  28. Estela Arvelaiz

    Hello, how about your trip from Santiago de Chile to Cucuta on the day? 9 March and my return to Santiago de Chile was for the 19 March, so the return was canceled, leaving the return date open . I must buy round trip now because ? If I should go back to my home .

  29. How irresponsible it is not time to open flights or. Nationals, what use is quarantine, so if these irresponsible people plan to open again so that the virus spreads again, the president will have the last decision

  30. That is for the stupid to go to the airlines and book tickets. How are they going to fly if the pandemic the virus continues to increase and countries have their borders closed. Hotels closed markets closed this pandemic is global only in my country there are I feel of tourists stopped without being able to return to their countries and they are having a bad time because the situation worsens

  31. Good Morning, I have a flight by Avianca Orlabdo – Bogota, rescheduled for the 1 of May and yesterday they sent me an email where it is suspended, I don't understand, if Avianca starts its flights on 1 of May because he canceled it?

      1. Hi, good morning, Nicolas Larenas. My question is for when the flights to New York start leaving, because I live there, but for the moment I'm here in Arnenia Quindio, and I don't know when I can return home. Thank you very much for your help, blessings. ??

  32. Yesterday the company sent me an email canceling my flight to Madrid for the 4 of mayo,How is it possible that you give this news if the flights are being canceled from the airline.

  33. Good Morning… Nicholas, he had flight 24 March Madrid – Bogota.. Since I live in Colombia. But unfortunately the issue of the pandemic in Europe touched me and I stayed here.. can you inform me please. When is the date of the first flight Madrid Bogota. Thanks ?

    1. Hello there, Can you tell me when you plan to resume travel from Cuba to Managua?, I had a ticket for the 2 April and return from Managua on 19, but due to the Coronavirus situation they were canceled. Where can I call or write for information?. Thanks

  34. How unaware they are, knowing that this virus is just beginning in Colombia and they will surely bring contaminated people or carry the impudence and impudence of these people, everything is money but they do not care about the well-being and health of the country…

  35. Hello, I have been canceled 3 times my flight to Madrid
    I was traveling through Iberia
    I have requested a refund
    But I prefer to travel by Avianca from Guatemala to Madrid only ONE WAY because I live there

    1. Fanny H Hidalgo

      My daughter and I had a flight from Barcelona to Bogota on March 20 and we could not board the plane because the president closed the border with Venezuela. Please, could you guide me when we can travel to Bogota? take care

    2. My flight had it for him 20 of March ,It is cancelled. My route is Nicaragua El Salvador ,then Colombia and my destination Madrid. Can you tell me by date is it possible to travel that route .. Thank you

  36. Today they canceled mine, which was for him 11 May I don't know what I should do thank you very much it was Bogota Madrid they don't tell me anything just canceled

  37. Morelia Cardona

    My son needs to return from Buenos Aires to Bogota for his work on 1 May when he could buy a ticket he is a frequent lifemiles traveler

  38. I had my trip 29 March I'm trying to find someone who had told me for a trip 1 June please it's for Miami Fl we are two people it's gone thanks

    1. Arrive from Bogota to Guayaquil in March. My return flight to Bogotá was scheduled for the past 5 of April. It's the outbound flight. How is that case handled??

      1. Silvana Elizabeth Aguilera

        I have from San Jose, Costa Rica, flight to return to Buenos Aires, Argentina, with stopover in Peru, the 31 mayo, Who should I consult for a concrete answer?, now that communications with the airline have been opened?

  39. Santiago Mazariego Polanco

    I need to know what my situation is to be able to return from El Salvador to the United States
    Entry to El Salvador: 04/03/20
    Return to the United States: 26/03/20
    Hour: 3:01 PM flight AV580, dulles airport
    Return suspended due to closure of El Salvador airport

    Please, that I have to do, I am waiting for the opening of the airport and flights

    Thank you for your time
    Blessings ?

  40. Hello, good to know. My question is Safe to Travel to other Countries. I must Travel to Miami FL. I have my return with Avianca . he returned 31 of March. Thank you very much. Take care a lot.. God Bless you.

    1. My wife is in Honduras and her travel agency that Bogota cannot fly to Barcelona it seems to me that the agency is deceiving me

    1. Yeah right, they are back and forth. The basis is the current restrictions of the countries that are in force until the 30 april 2020, as it says, everything is tentative and subject to change.

      1. Hi, I'm Ecuadorian and I'm stuck here in Spain, how do I return to my country, can you help me please? ?? I don't know how to do anything but with a humanitarian flight or I don't know please help me I am alone and I have no family here in Spain please

    1. Ain't no one way? From Colombia to Madrid
      Specifying Bogota, and answer me if it is safe that the flights from 1 you can fly. Thanks

          1. I have been in Ecuador for two months now, one question and from Ecuador to Colombia or Panama or Mexico there will be flights because from those countries I can travel to El Salvador, which you recommend so I can travel to my country in the first two weeks of May?

    1. Please, I'm in the Netherlands. I bought a new ticket through Avianca to return to Colombia through London and they canceled it.. He was traveling on 3 of May.

      1. I would like to know that I have a return flight to Italy on 5 of May ! That day they open flights ? Where I have to go ? Who do I ask for information?? I ask you for help because I don't know what else to do I live in Italy and here in Colombia I am asking a family for help because if I weren't on the street
        It is urgent thank you very much !!!!

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