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Ecuador airports ready to receive regular flights again

The different Ecuadorian airports se encuentran listos para volver a recibir vuelos regulares comerciales tanto doméstical as well as international.

Almost two months have passed since the Government of Ecuador decidedó suspend the arrival of Ecuadorian and foreign passengers on regular commercial flights and suspend internal flights, allowing únicamente la operaciónumber of passengers in vuelos de repatración, cargo operations, vuelos humanitarios y evacuaciones aerométips.

The Committeeé de Operaciones de Emergencia Nacional, como representante del gobierno aún no ha presentado una resolución final o fecha específica para el reinicio de operaciones regulares, but despite that, the airports of the countryís se encuentran puliendo sus protocolos.

Ecuador airports ready

Los diferentes aeropuertos que forman parte de la red aeroportuaria del país administrados por la DGAC, ONE, Quiport, Ecogal y CORPAC han presentado sus protocolos respectivos al COE Nacional con el objetivo de que estos sean aprobados y se permita la reanudación de los vuelos regulares.

The industry toérea y turismo pasan por su mayor crisis histórica and thenés de dos meses de paralización casi total de las actividades, es momento de volver a despegar para evitar mayores pérdidas económicas y de empleos.

Así, algunos de los protocolos que se implementarán en los aeropuertos del país son los siguientes:

  • Desinfección y limpieza permanente de las diferentes instalaciones dentro y por fuera de los aeropuertos.
  • Isolation zones for suspected cases.
  • Control de aglomeraciones en los diferentes espacios públicos.
  • Eliminación temporal de procesos que generan aglomeración.
  • Limited access to the terminal only for passengers with a boarding pass or reservation.
  • Temperature control for airport personnel and incoming and outgoing passengers.
  • Implementationón of «alfombras de desinfección».
  • Mandatory use of masks at all times inside the terminals.
  • A generationón de flujos específicos.
  • Señalética definida para mantener separación social.
  • It will be offeredá alcohol de desinfección de manos en todas las áreas de pasajeros.
  • En algunos casos se instalarán mamparas de separación en procesos que requieren interacción directa personal – passengers.
  • Reductionón de asientos disponibles en zonas de espera.
  • Para vuelos internacionales se mantendrá the presentationón of the Declarationón de Salud del Viajero.

Estos protocolos podrán variar de aeropuerto a aeropuerto.

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61 comentarios en “Aeropuertos de Ecuador listos para volver a recibir vuelos regulares

  1. Hello, my daughter has the Schengen visa and it expires now in June , I want to know if they renew it and when you can already buy a flight to Spain

  2. From Quito to Madrid, you tell me that since the day 1 July my mother-in-law who lives there could fly and come here to Madrid

  3. Hello, I would like to know if there is someone who knows if international planes will leave at the Quito airport for Spain. My mother-in-law stayed there due to the covid-19 pandemic.,_19 and could not fly I have a ticket bought for mid-July

  4. Hello there, will have a date of start of operations for international flights? Do you know when Intejet resumes operations?? Or do you know if any other airline is about to open operations that has a route to Miami or Dallas??? please i appreciate your help.

  5. And IBERIA when if I have for him 04/07/2020 the return from Guayaquil to Madrid-Pamplona has already been canceled twice; please could you help me with some news ?

  6. Hello I have 2 flight from Barcelona to Guayaquil on 27 June by Iberia they have already canceled it but they have not told me if they will refund the total amount of the cancellation and how long I have to wait since this cancellation was made by the airline, Thank you

  7. France Florence

    Good afternoon, I have a flight back to Quito from Colombia through Wingo. Do you know when this airline will operate again?, Thank you

  8. My name is Kléber and I would like to know when I will be able to travel from Guayaquil to Madrid-Spain. They have already canceled me. 2 kisses the flight back at the time I have the return for 04/07/2020 I wish they don't cancel it. Thanks and regards ?

  9. maria isabel riveros

    it is good that they open borders we are thousands of stagnant people and we want to reach our country of origin alone,make rigorous checks,but please do not harm us more thank you

  10. Andrea Estrada

    Well I am a resident of Ecuador, I am in the Netherlands waiting to return to my home in Salinas. My flights have been cancelled. 4 times, I need like many to return because I am an oncology patient And my medicine runs out if you know of a flight please thank you.

  11. As long as the safety and hygiene regulations are met, it is best that they open the Ecuadorian airport to be able to visit the family, it would be good if they stop asking for a visa and give free entry to other countries, immigrants are people who contribute a lot revenue for the country's economy

  12. Fashion cooper

    Opening the country's airports means importing the virus and I hope the government is aware before making this decision. The virus is not yet controlled , and all the measures taken are preventive to avoid spread and contagion. companies are worried about not earning or losing money , people concerned about their economies but I ask myself a question:"He will serve money if he is not healthy or if he loses his life"? I think we should worry about our health ,of our life right now, we will worry about our economy , of our work when we hang it will be controlled .

    1. The virus is already in the countries, so import it, It is done. The virus will only be controlled with a vaccine, that for it to be ready it will be 1 year and then calculate the time that all the 6 one billion inhabitants of the planet we can have it. We cannot stand still forever on all economic issues, not just aviation. Not everyone has a fixed salary, many live from day to day, they can't worry about the economy afterwards, they must do it TODAY.

  13. Anna Paola Tarulli

    Hello there, I am an Italian citizen and I am doing a professional visa to work in Ecuador. I am currently in Italy but I need to get back there as soon as possible. You know more or less when it will be possible to travel from Italy to Ecuador?

  14. Flights from Guayaquil to Madrid scheduled for June have been canceled again until July. They are offering charter flights at abusive prices. People are desperate without means. This is a disaster.

  15. Ecuadorian Amazon

    Sr Nicolás the situation of the Italian Alfiero Francesco and humanely serious…try to make it travel,there are humanitarian flights ,as soon as KLM has already communicated its possible return to Ecuador in the month of July, but emotional stability can cause irreparable damage.

  16. Hi, I'm from Chile and my return flight is canceled and I've already 3 I'm stuck here in Denmark for months and I don't have anyone's help and I need to know when the airports in Denmark will open to return me to where my family is here I don't have anyone, hopefully they will move me to help

  17. Nicholas Albert

    Hi there … Regarding the health form , there a part where it says that I must give an address in acuador where I will stay the 21 days after my arrival … What does this mean , that I have to be forced 21 days in Guayaquil ???

  18. Mariana Cedeno

    Hi, I'm Ecuadorian. My husband has been in Ecuador for three months and they don't give him any.
    Response in the airlines I understand because of the covid19 but we are here in Italy without knowing anything when you travel properly We do not know when the job leaves in Guayaquil thank you very much I just want to know when they reopen airports in Ecuador Guayaquil for Italy thank you they have still issued a ticket 5 times

  19. adriana pentafragas

    I hope they also allow European flights to Ecuador and from here to Europe since some passengers had flights canceled due to the pandemic and we were away from our children and family .

  20. Ricardo Gallegos

    @nicolas Larenas, Do you know anything about the Lima airport?? I already bought a ticket to Guayaquil from Miami with a stopover in Lima. But the scale in Lima is 14 hours


    Salve, I am an ITALIAN citizen . i arrived in ecuador on 24 February and I had to return to Italy at 3 of April , I came for family reasons from my wife, that she is ECUADORIAN. that suffered losses in the family we have health problems. I am a hypertensive heart patient and diabetic, my wife suffers from hypothyroidism bipolar various anxiety depressive. and we are without money and medicines, and we absolutely have to go home. we have urgent visits to make and unfortunately also other family problems. in Italy a pregnant daughter who caught the corona virus. we have already changed the flight already 6 volte, it seems to me that the time has come to pass your hand a little through your conscience. here in ecuador the airports are working, we have already paid for the ticket and would like to return with that. KLM which I consider a very serious company, but he has already taken the money, he just has to do his duty as we did by paying for the ticket 7 months before ok. I await a common sense response,sensibly human thank you God bless you .

    1. People on international flights will be quarantined in hotels for 15 days and that is not that one chooses the hotel or place where the quarantine will be, those from the airports will choose hotels that each night will cost 80 a 90 dollars a night without counting the eats of each one

  22. marvelis sanchez

    Good day, It's time to keep fighting this pandemic. Let's be eg. You have to think about activating the economy and this is proof of it, clear with all security measures and that they are respected. and offer good prices. Thanks

        1. MONICA DE GUMBS

          That would be great!!! How do you know that maybe KLM from July already please ? where you can access this information and tentative date?

        2. Hi good day! Do you know if you want to return to Ecuador through any KLM airline, for example?, I could do it without having to be a humanitarian flight?

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