Avianca China second flight landing cargo medicine Colombia Bogota

Avianca landed in China for the second time in its history

Avianca landedó on China for the second time in its history with the aim of transferring 28 tons of load general and inputsésay to Colombia.

In their 100 años, This is the second time the Aerolínea lands in China, after that for the Ol Gamesímpics of 1956 I saw oneón DC-4 made a stopover in the país asiáattic on the way to Síday.

The flight departedó from Bogotaá, and made stops in Los Ángeles and Tokyo before landing in Shanghái, where did it arriveó the 29 April and returná a Colombia el sánot yet 2 of May.  Se estima que esta operationón is carried out on a regular basis, flying three times a week, with departures from Bogotá Sundays, Tuesday and Thursday, and returns from Shanghái los días miércoles, friday and sunday.

About, Juan Esteban Kappaz, Director of Flight Operations Avianca Holdings, indicó: “Our wings remain open to carry out these special operations. The flight between Colombia and China not only marks a milestone in our history, but alsoéIt makes all of us who are part of the Avianca family feel very proud.”.

“It is the first time that the companyñía makes a cargo flight to China and we will continue operating this route to bring m supplies from China.éprotection tips and implementsón, among other products that will undoubtedly beáVery useful in Latin Americaérich in this difítarget the situationón. At Avianca we will continue doing everythingé within our reach to have resources técynical and human, to help keep the supply chain and economy activeíthe world.” I sayó Kurt Schosinsky General Director of Avianca Cargo.

And I addedón a esta operationón, To date we have made 60 special flights mobilizing más de 3.850 people and transferred más de 50.800 tons on cargo flights between different cities in Europe and Latinoamérica.

En la surgeryón of this flight, that takes placeó full of cargo and with empty chairsías, All biosafety and protection protocols were complied with.ón of personnel on board and on the ground. The compañíto establishó measures to minimize contact fíphysical, supplyó cleaning kits and protective elementsón al personal, deliveredó gel antibacterial, gloves and termódigital meters, alcohol and towels for cleaning accessories before and during the flight, additional to disinfection processesónumber of aircraft and offices.

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